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The infernal names

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The Infernal Names is a compiled list of adversarial or antihero figures from mythology intended for use in Satanic ritual. The following names are as listed in The Satanic Bible (1969), written by Church of Satan founder Anton Szandor LaVey.[1] When calling the names, all of them may be recited, or a given number of those most significant to the respective working may be chosen.[2]

The Infernal Names


Egyptian names


Hebrew names

  • Abaddon: (Hebrew) the destroyer
  • Asmodeus: Hebrew devil of sensuality and luxury, originally "creature of judgment"
  • Azazel: (Hebrew) taught man to make weapons of war, introduced cosmetics
  • Balaam: Hebrew devil of avarice and greed
  • Beelzebub: (Hebrew) Lord of the Flies, taken from symbolism of the scarab
  • Behemoth: Hebrew personification of Satan in the form of an elephant
  • Haborym: Hebrew synonym for Satan
  • Lilith: Hebrew female devil, Adam's first wife who taught him the ropes
  • Mastema: Hebrew synonym for Satan
  • Naamah: Hebrew female devil of seduction
  • Sammael: (Hebrew) "venom of God"

Greco-Roman names


Norse names


Hindu names

  • Kali: Hindu goddess of destruction, time, and death; daughter of Shiva; high priestess of the Thuggees
  • Shiva: Hindu god of destruction and time, titled "The Destroyer".

Native American names


Other names


See also



  1. ^ LaVey, Anton Szandor (1969). The Satanic Bible. Harper Collins. pp. 58–60. ISBN 978-0380015399.
  2. ^ LaVey, Anton Szandor (1969). The Satanic Bible. Harper Collins. p. 145. ISBN 978-0380015399.