Terézváros (Hungarian pronunciation:[ˈtɛreːzvaːroʃ], English: Theresa Town, German: Theresienstadt) is the District VI of Budapest, and was named after Queen Maria Theresa in 1777, who visited the neighbourhood 26 years earlier in 1751. The territory was first inhabited in the early 18th century when the old town of Pest (today: Inner City) was already fully built, so that people had to inhabit lands outside the city. Terézváros was one of the ten districts that were formed when the city of Budapest was created in 1873.
Today Terézváros is the second in population density after the neighbouring Erzsébetváros. Terézváros is meanwhile the second smallest district (also the first being Erzsébetváros). Both districts are famous for their night life.
The current mayor of VI. District of Budapest is Tamás Soproni (Momentum).
The District Assembly, elected at the 2019 local government elections, is made up of 15 members (1 Mayor, 10 Individual constituencies MEPs and 4 Compensation List MEPs) divided into this political parties and alliances:[3]
^ ab"A fővárosi kerületek, a megyei jogú városok, a városok területe, lakónépessége és a lakások száma" [The area of districts of the capital, of the towns with county's rights, resident population and number of dwellings]. Magyarország közigazgatási helynévkönyve 2016. január 1 [Gazetteer of Hungary 1 January 2016] (PDF). Hungarian Central Statistical Office. 2016. p. 21.