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Template:Small Overdone Trout/doc

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This is a more reasonably sized version of {{OverdoneTrout}}. Apply this template to the user talk page of someone whose use of the TROUT template is overdone, i.e. they overuse the template, use it incorrectly or self-righteously. This template is intended for humorous use only!

  • Sizzle and serve that trout without the guilt!
  • Doesn't invade the target user's talk page with an enormous image.
  • Also for use when you've been trouted. Replace the original trout template with this, once you've already gotten the message, to retain the post without the crowding.

How to use


Place {{Small Overdone Trout}} on the talk page of the user you wish to communicate with. This will produce the above message.

See also

  • {{OverdoneTrout}} – the original, full-sized response to use against those who overzealously use the {{trout}} template
  • {{trout}} – the original trout-slapping template
  • {{trout small}} – a more reasonably sized, less-intrusive, left-aligned trout, suitable for trout victims to use as a replacement after getting the message
  • {{troutme}} – a small auto-trout icon for the top of your userpage
  • {{self-trout}} – a {{facepalm}}-style trout for when you realize that you've done something silly yourself
  • {{chips}} – a small side of chips to go with your fish
  • {{whale}} – which may be used for those editors who deserve more severe approbation equal to that of wiping out an endangered species
  • {{whalemeat}} – if the whale is used unwisely
  • If the target user doesn't like fish or chips, but you still think they did something silly, consider summoning the {{colonel}} instead.