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Template:Ref info/doc

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A template that searches the unparsed content of a page and returns a list of item counts for various reference and cs1|2 citation elements.


reference info for Aristotle
unnamed refs 79
named refs 2
self closed 1
R templates 3
Refn templates 1
cs1 refs 46
cs1 templates 201
cs1-like templates 12
cs2 refs 1
cs2 templates 2
harv refs 29
harv templates 89
sfn templates 247
rp templates 1
refbegin templates 2
webarchive templates 2
use xxx dates dmy
cs1|2 dmy dates 27
cs1|2 dmy access dates 41
cs1|2 dmy archive dates 9
cs1|2 last/first 168
cs1|2 author 13
List of cs1 templates

  • cite book (119)
  • Cite book (7)
  • cite conference (1)
  • cite encyclopedia (2)
  • cite journal (26)
  • Cite journal (3)
  • cite magazine (1)
  • Cite news (1)
  • cite news (6)
  • cite web (30)
  • Cite web (5)
List of cs2 templates

  • Citation (1)
  • citation (1)
List of cs1-like templates

  • Cite CE1913 (1)
  • cite IEP (1)
  • Cite LotEP (1)
  • cite SEP (9)
List of sfn templates

  • sfn (244)
  • Sfn (3)
List of harv templates

  • harvnb (89)

This template accepts a single, optional, unnamed parameter:

{{ref info}}
{{ref info|page title}}
{{ref info|style=css attributes}}

When {{ref info}} is used without a page title parameter, it may be added to and left in a page. It will only produce output when the page is viewed in preview mode.

Using the template with page title parameter allows editors to add the template to another page, perhaps in their user space or the article's talk page, so that they may see the state of the named article remotely. The template will not follow a redirect so page name must be the article's actual name. An error message will be returned if the article at page name is empty or does not exist.

This template will not be hidden in an article when page name set.

The template also accepts the named parameter |style=. Use this to set the output table's styling. For example, to position the table at the right edge of the page, use |style=float:right (the example in this page uses that style). |style= is ignored when the page title parameter is omitted.

To get the reference information from the article Aristotle add {{ref info}} to that page and click Show preview. Alternately, this documentation page uses:

{{ref info|aristotle}}

Output meanings


The first three of these output statements are always output. For the others, if the output would be 0 or 'no', then there is no output statement.

unnamed refs: these are references enclosed in <ref>...</ref> tags
named refs: these are reference definitions that use the name attribute: <ref name="...">...</ref>
self closed: named references that do not contain a reference definition: <ref name="..." />
R templates: wrapper templates that mimic self-closed named reference tags
bare url refs: bare urls used as references: <ref>http://example.com</ref>
bare ext link refs: unlabeled external wikilinks used as references: <ref>[http://example.com]</ref>
cs1 refs: named or unnamed references that contain Citation Style 1 templates; does not include redirects to cs1 templates ({{cite dictionary}}, {{cite AV media}}, etc)
cs1 templates: total number of cs1 templates; includes those in <ref>...</ref> tags
cs1-like refs: number of named or unnamed references that contain templates that look like cs1 templates ({{cite archive}}, {{cite comic}}, etc.); includes redirects to cs1 templates
cs1-like templates: total number of cs1 look-alike templates; includes those in <ref>...</ref> tags
cs2 refs: named or unnamed references that contain Citation Style 2 templates
cs2 templates: total number of cs2 templates; includes those in <ref>...</ref> tags
vcite refs: named or unnamed references that contain Citation Style Vancouver templates
vcite templates: total number of vcite and vcite2 templates; includes those in <ref>...</ref> tags
wikicite templates: total number of wikicite templates; includes those in <ref>...</ref> tags
harv refs: named or unnamed references that contain {{harv}}, {{harvc}}, {{harvcol}}, {{harvp}}, {{harvtxt}} templates
harv templates: total number of harv templates; includes those in <ref>...</ref> tags
sfn templates: number of {{sfn}}, {{sfnm}}, {{sfnp}} templates
rp templates: number of {{rp}} templates
uses ldr: article {{reflist}} template uses the |refs= parameter for list-defined references
refbegin templates: number of {{refbegin}} templates
cleanup templates: number of {{citation needed}}, {{disputed inline}}, {{dubious}}, {{failed verification}}, {{page needed}} templates; others may be added
dead link templates: number of {{dead link}} (and aliases) templates
webarchive templates: number of {{webarchive}} templates
use xxx dates: article's global date format from {{use dmy dates}} or {{use mdy dates}}; if present, brackets hold the value assigned to |cs1-dates= in the {{use xxx dates}} template
cs1|2 df dmy: number of cs1|2 templates that use |df=dmy or |df=dmy-all[a]
cs1|2 df mdy: number of cs1|2 templates that use |df=mdy or |df=mdy-all[a]
cs1|2 df ymd: number of cs1|2 templates that use |df=ymd or |df=ymd-all[a]
cs1|2 dmy dates: number of cs1|2 templates that use dmy-style dates (dd Month yyyy)[b]
cs1|2 mdy dates: number of cs1|2 templates that use mdy-style dates (Month dd, yyyy)[b]
cs1|2 ymd dates: number of cs1|2 templates that use ymd-style dates (yyyy-mm-dd)[b]
cs1|2 last/first: number of cs1|2 templates that use |last=, |surname=, |author-last= (or first enumerations) for the first author
cs1|2 author: number of cs1|2 templates that use |author=, |subject= (or first enumerations) for the first author
cs1|2 authors: number of cs1|2 templates that use |authors=, |people=, |host=, |credits= parameters
cs1|2 vauthors: number of cs1|2 templates that use |vauthors= style
cs1 mode: number of cs1|2 templates that use |mode=cs1
cs2 mode: number of cs1|2 templates that use |mode=cs2

The output will include collapsed lists of cs1, cs2, cs1-like, sfn, and harv templates used in the article. The list will not be displayed if it would be empty (none of that type of template used in the article).


  1. ^ a b c these override global date format from {{use xxx dates}}
  2. ^ a b c when an article has {{use dmy dates}} or {{use mdy dates}}, dates in cs1|2 templates render according to the global format specified by the {{use xxx dates}} template unless overridden by a local |df= parameter.

Technical stuff


At the bottom of a preview page is a dropdown titled: Templates used in this preview. At the bottom of an edit page there is a similar dropdown titled: Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page. When this template is used to monitor a remote page, the Scribunto function mw.title.new() is counted as linked from the page that holds this template.

The detection of individual templates shown in "List of cs1 templates" and similar sections is deliberately case-sensitive, because some editors prefer to check that the case of their template transclusions is consistent. This means that the section will list {{cite book}} and {{Cite book}} separately, for example.

See also

  • {{Ref info banner}}, wraps Ref info content in a {{Tmbox}} suitable for display among other Talk page banners