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343.04 km
Dombås (1913)
659.3 m asl
Dombås (161 m)
branch line (closed)
Jora Bridge (161 m)
Joramo (1966)
Bottheim (61 m)
352,13 km
Bottheim (1921)
648.2 m asl
Ulateig (–1966)
360.68 km
Lesja (1921)
634.1 m asl
Brænjord (–1966)
Skarphol (–1929)
369.78 km
Lora (1921)
631.7 m asl
Vangen (–1966)
379.89 km
Lesjaverk (1921)
633.2 m asl
Bryggen (–1966)
Åheim gård (–1988)
390.73 km
Lesjaskog (1921)
615.3 m asl
Øygaren (–1966)
branch line to slam lagoon
399.84 km
Bjorli (1921)
574.7 m asl
Rauma (42 m)
Stuguflåten (–1990)
Stuguflåt Bridge (54 m)
Brude (–1966)
Kylling horseshoe curve, 480 m)
418.09 km
Verma (1923)
273.4 m asl
Stavem (horseshoe curve, 1,396 m)
332 m asl
Kylling Bridge (76 m)
Vermafossen Bridge
Foss Bridge (80 m)
Foss (–1966)
431.52 km
Flatmark (1924)
126.7 m asl
Remmem (–1966)
439.16 km
Marstein (1924)
65.5 m asl
Sælen Bridge (60 m)
Lynghjem (–1966)
Skjerve Bridge (66 m)
445.00 km
449.25 km
Romsdalshorn (–1990)
9.5 m asl
Sogge (–1966)
452.38 km
Åk (31 m)
Øran West (freight terminal, 1994)
port track
457.28 km
Åndalsnes (1924)
4.2 m asl
Terminal for special freight
This is a route-map template for a railway in Norway.
Note: Per consensus and convention, most route-map templates are used in a single article in order to separate their complex and fragile syntax from normal article wikitext. See these discussions [1 ],[2 ] for more information.