This template uses the Wikidata property:
ORCID iD (P496) (see uses)
[edit]This template is used to add an ORCID link after mention of an author/researcher. Do not use this template in the external links section of the article about the person identified by the ORCID; instead use {{Authority control}}. The latter template may also be placed on user pages.
[edit]There is one parameter, the ORCID author ID number, which takes a value in the form ####-####-####-####; it is used to compose the URL to the ORCID database entry: http://orcid.org/####-####-####-####
[edit]As noted in ''The Aliens in Our Spleens'' (2014) by U. Gunnar Freakus-Aute (
) ...
results in a display that looks like:
As noted in The Aliens in Our Spleens (2014) by U. Gunnar Freakus-Aute (ORCID 1234-5678-9012-3456) ...