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Template:Not public domain/doc

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



For more switches and details see c:Template:Not public domain. FAL is currently only supported on the enwiki version of this template.

{{Not public domain/doc|license=by|version=4.0|author=[[User:Example|Oscar Wilde]], [[User:Example2|Rachel Fuentes]]|author2=[[User:Example3|Daisy Turner]]}}

renders as:

This file is not in the public domain. If you wish to use it anywhere other than on Wikipedia or other Wikimedia projects you are obligated to provide the following details along with it:

Credit line example: "Example.jpg from Wikipedia by Oscar Wilde, Rachel Fuentes and Daisy TurnerCC-BY 4.0"
A statement such as "From Wikipedia" or similar is not by itself sufficient. If you do not provide clear attribution to the author and indicate the file name as shown here, you didn't comply with the terms of the file's license and may not use this file. If you are unable or unwilling to provide attribution you should contact the authors to negotiate a different license. Informing us about usage is not mandatory, however, we'd appreciate a note if you use our work outside Wikimedia projects. Thanks!

By entering "no" for author2 the plural form is enforced:
{{Not public domain/doc|license=by|version=4.0|author=[[User:Example|The Foundation for children who can't afford the latest iPhone]]|author2=no|creditline=disable}}

renders as:

This file is not in the public domain. If you wish to use it anywhere other than on Wikipedia or other Wikimedia projects you are obligated to provide the following details along with it:

A statement such as "From Wikipedia" or similar is not by itself sufficient. If you do not provide clear attribution to the author and indicate the file name as shown here, you didn't comply with the terms of the file's license and may not use this file. If you are unable or unwilling to provide attribution you should contact The Foundation for children who can't afford the latest iPhone to negotiate a different license. Informing us about usage is not mandatory, however, we'd appreciate a note if you use our work outside Wikimedia projects. Thanks!

{{Not public domain/doc|license=fal|author=[[User:Example|John Doe]]}}

renders as:

This file is not in the public domain. If you wish to use it anywhere other than on Wikipedia or other Wikimedia projects you are obligated to provide the following details along with it:

Credit line example: "Example.jpg from Wikipedia by John DoeFree Art License"
A statement such as "From Wikipedia" or similar is not by itself sufficient. If you do not provide clear attribution to the author and indicate the file name as shown here, you didn't comply with the terms of the file's license and may not use this file. If you are unable or unwilling to provide attribution and release your own work that incorporates this work under the Free Art License license you should contact John Doe to negotiate a different license. Informing me about usage is not mandatory, however, I'd appreciate a note if you use my work outside Wikimedia projects. Thanks!