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Template:NatureServe statuses/doc

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Creates a summary box on the right side of the page containing summary information about NatureServe conservation status categories for species on that page. Intended for articles or lists about groupings of species, such as List of Symphyotrichum species.

Supported fields: gx (Presumed Extinct), gh (Possibly Extinct), g1 (Critically Imperiled), g2 (Imperiled), g3 (Vulnerable), g4 (Apparently Secure), g5 (Secure), gna (Not Applicable), gnr (Not Ranked), nl (Not listed). All fields are intended for numbers, e.g. counts of species with that NatureServe conservation status category.

To suppress display of the "Other categories" section, include "suppress-others=y"


{{NatureServe statuses|gx=0|gh=0|g1=8|g2=10|g3=7|g4=25|g5=45|gna=8|gnr=2|nl=9}} gives

NatureServe conservation categories
Conservation status
 GX Presumed Extinct (0 species)
 GH Possibly Extinct (0 species)
 G1 Critically Imperiled (8 species)
 G2 Imperiled (10 species)
 G3 Vulnerable (7 species)
 G4 Apparently Secure (25 species)
 G5 Secure (45 species)
Other categories
 GNA Not Applicable (8 species)
 GNR Not Ranked (2 species)
 NL Not listed (9 species)

{{NatureServe statuses|gx=0|gh=0|g1=8|g2=10|g3=7|g4=25|g5=45|suppress-others=y}} gives

NatureServe conservation categories
Conservation status
 GX Presumed Extinct (0 species)
 GH Possibly Extinct (0 species)
 G1 Critically Imperiled (8 species)
 G2 Imperiled (10 species)
 G3 Vulnerable (7 species)
 G4 Apparently Secure (25 species)
 G5 Secure (45 species)