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The parameters that are set by default:

editor-first=Pierre — if the volume number is less than 13, otherwise not set
editor-last=Larousse]] — if the volume number is less than 13, otherwise not set
publisher=Pierre Larousse  
encyclopedia=Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle
year — if volume not set the defaults to 1866–77

The additional parameters that can be set are:

noicon=1 — no leading icon
first=author first name — see {{citation}}
last=author last name — see {{citation}}
volume=number — see {{citation}}
title=article name — see {{citation}}
wstitle=article name — not set by default, but if set then adds
        sister link to French wikisource
url=url — only set if title is set
display= — can be used with wstitle to display an alternative name
page=number — see {{citation}}
pages=number — see {{citation}}
ref= — set by default to harv  — see {{citation}} and ([[#CITEREF|]])
separator= — see {{citation}}
postscript= — see {{citation}}

Hidden catogories


This template contains a hidden category:

See also
