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Template:Infobox regulated PPE/doc

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


{{Infobox regulated PPE
|image = 
|imagealt = 
|caption = 
  • All parameters are optional, but the article should be linked to Wikidata to fill out the infobox.
  • The infobox title is pulled from Wikidata, and is based on the current Wikipedia title.
  • Aliases are pulled from Wikidata.
  • This template pulls "serial number" as "NIOSH schedule". So avoid adding non-TC numbers to P2598 in Wikidata, or prefer the NIOSH TC#.
  • You may add multiple regulatory texts and regulators (P3719 and P92) to Wikidata.

Example (no properties)

Example alt text
Example caption

Color scheme

  • The color purple was chosen to line up with the HEPA/P100 ANSI specification, and to line up with other templates. Please do not change the color without consensus.