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Template:Infobox galaxy/doc

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Infobox for articles on galaxies.

The parameters whose title has "(V)" or "(B)" refer to visible or bolometric values.


{{Infobox galaxy
 | name             = {{PAGENAME}}
 | image            = <!-- image -->
 | image_scale      = <!-- 1.5 -->
 | caption          = <!-- optional caption -->
 | alt              = <!-- alternative description when image is not visible -->
 | epoch            = <!--Epoch of coordinates-->
 | pronounce        = {{IPA-en|<!-- IPA string -->|}}
 | constellation name = <!-- Link to the constellation containing the galaxy -->
 | ra               = {{RA|00|00|00}} <!-- Right Ascension (Alt. {{Deg2HMS|000.0000|sup=yes}}) -->
 | dec              = {{DEC|±00|00|00}} <!--Declination-->
 | z                = <!-- Redshift -->
 | h_radial_v       = <!-- Heliocentric radial velocity (in km/s) {{val|####|##|u=km/s|fmt=commas}} -->
 | gal_v            = <!--Galactocentric velocity (in km/s) -->
 | dist_pc          = {{cvt|000|±|00|Mpc|Mly|order=flip|lk=on}}{{hub|0.73}} <!-- comoving distance -->
 | dist_ly          = {{cvt|000|±|00|Mpc|Mly|order=flip|lk=on}}
 | group_cluster    = <!-- Identifier for the host galaxy group or cluster, if any -->
 | type             = <!-- Galaxy morphological classification -->
 | mass             = <!-- In solar masses {{Val|0|e=0}} -->
 | mass_light_ratio = <!-- In solar units  -->
 | size             = <!-- In light years  -->
 | stars            = <!-- Estimate of the number of stars, usually in terms of the combined stellar mass: {{Val|#.#|e=#|ul=Solar mass}} -->
 | appmag_v         = <!-- Apparent magnitude in V band ([[UBV photometric system|Johnson-Cousins V  system]])-->
 | appmag_b         = <!-- Apparent magnitude in B band -->
 | absmag_v         = <!-- Absolute magnitude in V Band -->
 | mag_j            = <!-- IR magnitude in J Band -->
 | mag_h            = <!-- IR magnitude in H Band -->
 | mag_k            = <!-- IR magnitude in K Band -->
 | sbrightness      = <!-- Surface brightness per angular area, usually in mag/arcsec^2 -->
 | size_v           = <!-- Angular dimensions in the V band. Give units. {{Val|0.0|×|0.0|u=arcminute}} -->
 | half_light_radius_pc        = <!-- physical dimension, pc preferred -->
 | half_light_radius_arcminsec = <!-- apparent dimension -->
 | h1_scale_length_pc          = <!-- physical dimension, pc preferred -->
 | h1_scale_length_arcminsec   = <!-- apparent dimension -->
 | xray_radius_pc              = <!-- physical dimension, pc preferred -->
 | xray_radius_arcminsec       = <!-- apparent dimension -->
 | notes            = <!-- Unique features -->
 | names            = {{odlist | NGC= | Arp= | PGC= | UGC= }} <!--Other catalog designations-->
 | references       = <!-- Use inline references where available -->



z, h_radial_v, gal_v


These fields provide radial velocity values for the galaxy as a whole. The dimensionless quantity z is the redshift parameter and is used when the value is very small, such as less than 0.1. The h_radial_v gives the heliocentric radial velocity of the galaxy in units of km/s. The parameter gal_v refers to the galactrocentric radial velocity (the radial velocity relative to the Milky Way), which can be found on NED under the section "Quantities Derived from Redshift" if one looks up a galaxy.



The dist_ly field lists the estimated distance to the galaxy in both light-years and parsecs. To do so, use the {{cvt}} template. For example: {{cvt|2810|+/-|90|kly|kpc|lk=on}} → 2,810 ± 90 kly (862 ± 28 kpc)

  • {{hub}} identifies the dimensionless Hubble parameter used in the distance measurement. Using NED's default value of 0.73, {{hub|0.73}}h−1
  • {{hub}}h−1
    if distance is left in 'units' of h.



The parameter |group_cluster= refers to the galaxy group or galaxy cluster that the galaxy is a member.



The parameter |type= is the de Vancoleurs morphological type of the galaxy. These can be found on NED or SIMBAD. (Note that a ^ in NED is actually a superscript, so for example S0^0 should be written as S00 .)

In SIMBAD the morphological type is often given as a number between -6 and 11. To convert these into the de Vaucouleurs class, use this table from this article:

Converting numerical Hubble stage to de Vancoleurs classes
Numerical Hubble stage −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
de Vaucouleurs class cE E E+ S0 S00 S0+ S0/a Sa Sab Sb Sbc Sc Scd Sd Sdm Sm Im Irr

appmag_v, appmag_b, absmag_v


The appmag_v give the apparent magnitude of the galaxy in the visual band, while appmag_b gives the same in the B (blue) band. The absmag_v is the absolute magnitude of the galaxy.

mag_j, mag_h, mag_k


The mag_j give the IR magnitude of the galaxy in the infrared band at 1220 nm. The mag_h give the IR magnitude of the galaxy in the infrared band at 1630 nm. The mag_k give the IR magnitude of the galaxy in the infrared band at 2190 nm.



The size_v field lists the visual angular size of the galaxy along the major and minor axes, given in units of arc minutes or arc seconds. For example: 4.3′ × 0.8′. For non-visual dimensions, the band should be also listed, such as (IR) or (UV).



This is a list of catalog identifiers for a galaxy, preferably presented using the {{odlist}} template.

See also
