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Template:Infobox cloud type/doc

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Altostratus undulatus cloud
Cirrus and Altostratus undulatus clouds
GenusAltostratus (high, sheet)
Speciesundulatus (waves)
Altitude2400–6100 m
(8,000–20,000 ft)
ClassificationFamily B (Medium-level)

{{Infobox cloud type}} is a template for use in article pages about clouds. The example on the right shows how the template is used and how it displays.

Template copy-and-paste

{{Infobox cloud type
| name           = Cirrus
| image location = 
| image name     = 
| abbreviation   = Ci
| symbol         = 
| genus          = 
| species        = 
| variety        = 
| altitude_m     = 
| altitude_ft    = 
| level          = high, medium, low, vertical, other
| appearance     = 
| precipitation  = no
| thickness      = 
| Ice content    = 

See: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cloud#Cloud_codification_.E2.80.94_Wolkenverschl.C3.BCsselung

Note that the image location is NOT wikified.

See also
