The Jesus of the Early Christians, Did Jesus Exist? (Wells), The Historical Evidence for Jesus, Who Was Jesus?, Belief & Make-Believe, The Jesus Legend, The Jesus Myth, Can We Trust the New Testament?, Cutting Jesus Down to Size
Notable ideas
Jesus is a composite from two sources: Hebrew wisdom and Galilean miracle-worker/cynic-sage preacher
The Jesus of the Early Christians, Did Jesus Exist? (Wells), The Historical Evidence for Jesus, Who Was Jesus?, Belief & Make-Believe, The Jesus Legend, The Jesus Myth, Can We Trust the New Testament?, Cutting Jesus Down to Size
Notable ideas
Jesus is a composite from two sources: Hebrew wisdom and Galilean miracle-worker/cynic-sage preacher
The Jesus of the Early Christians, Did Jesus Exist? (Wells), The Historical Evidence for Jesus, Who Was Jesus?, Belief & Make-Believe, The Jesus Legend, The Jesus Myth, Can We Trust the New Testament?, Cutting Jesus Down to Size
Notable ideas
Jesus is a composite from two sources: Hebrew wisdom and Galilean miracle-worker/cynic-sage preacher