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Template:Infobox Malaysia electoral district/doc

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This template is used to provide an infobox for all constituencies in Malaysia, including federal, state, and those with multiple jurisdictions.


[[File:Flag of {{{state}}}.svg|23x15px|border |alt=|link=]] {{{state}}} constituency
{{{coordinates_caption}}} (as of 24 September 2024)
Federal constituency
LegislatureDewan Rakyat
Constituency created{{{fed-created}}}
Constituency abolished{{{fed-abolished}}}
First contested{{{fed-election-first}}}
Last contested{{{fed-election-last}}}
State constituency
LegislatureWarning: state is mis-specified.
Constituency created{{{state-created}}}
Constituency abolished{{{state-abolished}}}
Constituency re-created{{{state-created2}}}
Constituency re-abolished{{{state-abolished2}}}
First contested{{{state-election-first}}}
Last contested{{{state-election-last}}}
Population ({{{demo-census-date}}}){{{demo-pop-ref}}}{{{demo-pop}}}
Electors ({{{demo-electors-date}}}){{{demo-electors-ref}}}{{{demo-electors}}}
Area (km²){{{demo-area-ref}}}{{{demo-area}}}
Census divisions{{{demo-cd}}}
Census subdivisions{{{demo-csd}}}

This template contains complex conditional operations that allow for flexible definitions. Not all constituencies require all fields. A complete specification is:

{{Infobox Malaysia electoral district
|name                = 
|state            = 
|image               = 
|imagemap            = 
|caption             = 
|coordinates         =
|coordinates_caption =
|coordinates_date    =

<!--Federal constituency-->
|fed-status          = 
|fed-constituency-number = 
|fed-created         = 
|fed-abolished       = 
|fed-election-first  = 
|fed-election-last   = 
|fed-rep             = 
|fed-rep-party       = 

<!--State constituency-->
|state-status         = 
|state-created        = 
|state-abolished      = 
|state-election-first = 
|state-election-last  = 
|state-rep            = 
|state-rep-party      = 

|demo-census-date    = 
|demo-pop            = 
|demo-pop-ref        = 
|demo-electors       = 
|demo-electors-date  = 
|demo-electors-ref   = 
|demo-area           = 
|demo-area-ref       = 
|demo-cd             = 
|demo-csd            = 

Mandatory parameters


The only required field is state. At least one of fed-status or state-status must be present. These indicate that either a federal constituency (using fed-status), or state constituency (using state-status) is being defined, and further the current status of that constituency in that jurisdiction.

Additionally, although both federal and state parameters are optional, at least one of the federal or state sections must be specified.

The jurisdiction in which the constituency is located. This parameter is critical to determining the composition of other elements of the infobox. Valid entries are: Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor and Terengganu.
fed-status, state-status, or both
Define fed-status if this is a federal constituency. Define state-status if this is a state constituency. Define both if this constituency exists both federally and state. Valid entries are: "active", "defunct". You can also set something like "upcoming" or "new" for a newly created constituency that has yet to contest its first election: it already exists, but is not yet active-but-vacant because old constituencies remain in effect until then.

Optional parameters


These parameters provide additional information or flexibility to the infobox.

The name of the constituency. This overrides the default value automatically determined by the template, which uses the article title. It is useful in cases for which the article title contains extraneous information; for example, the infobox for Bukit Antarabangsa (state constituency) should include "name=Bukit Antarabangsa".
This generally contains a map of the constituency with respect to its region. If this parameter is not present, the imagemap parameter is used, and failing that, a generic placeholder is used.
This specifies a context map such as {{Shah Alam federal constituencies map}}, where constituency links are superimposed on an image. To use an imagemap, the image parameter must be left blank as a regular image will override this parameter. If neither image nor imagemap are present, a generic placeholder is used instead.
A short description of the image included, or other text as applicable (for example, when no image is provided).
The coordinates of the constituency office in the constituency. In the case of multiple constituency offices, choose one. In the case where the Infobox is being used in a single article that describes both a federal and a state constituency, choose a federal constituency office. For defunct constituencies, choose a central point within the constituency or the location of the last constituency office if known.
Use the {{coord}} template as follows: {{coord|latitude|N|longitude|W|region:MY-XX_type:landmark_dim:YYkm|display=inline,title}}, where: latitude and longitude are decimal values, degrees & minutes, etc.; "region:MY-XX_type:landmark_dim:YYkm" are coordinate parameters; "MY-XX" is a Malaysian ISO 3166 region code with XX the state / territory portion; and "dim:YYkm" is the diameter in kilometres of a circle centred on the coordinates encompassing the electoral district — choose an appropriate value for YY. For a listing of Malaysian region codes, see the article ISO 3166-2:MY. Other coord parameters are possible; see the article Template:Coord#Coordinate parameters.
A short description of the coordinates location, especially when the constituency has more than one constituency office. For example, "Location of the federal constituency office in Shah Alam". One might wikilink "Shah Alam" if it would provide additional clarity. Generally, a period should not be used at the end of this caption text, per WP:CAPTION, but be guided by that latter policy.
The date of the addition of the coordinates location or the known date for the accuracy of the coordinates of the location. Use a full date with day, month and year, in any format, such as "1901-12-31" (ISO format, YYYY-MM-DD), "31 December 1901", or "December 31, 1901". The full date is passed by the Infobox to an {{As of}} template. Supplying a date makes a decision about updating the location coordinates easier if the office location changes or if the boundaries of the electoral district are modified.

Federal constituency parameters


These parameters are required to define a federal constituency. All must be present for active constituencies except fed-abolished.

Required to display all subsequent federal constituency information. See Mandatory parameters above. If this parameter is set, the template provides a link to the legislature (Dewan Rakyat).
Provides links to the Election Commission of Malaysia constituency profile and map. This should be a five-digit number; for example, 48004 represents Calgary Centre.
The year in which the constituency was created federally.
The year in which the constituency was abolished federally. This must have a value greater than that for fed-created.
The year in which the first general election was contested for this constituency. A link to the election article for this year will be created automatically.
The most recent year in which a general election was contested, if the constituency is still active; the date of the last contested election for a defunct constituency. A link to the election article for this year will be created automatically.
The name of the current representative for this constituency in the Dewan Rakyat. The field will link to the article about the representative if one exists, and a piped links may be used for disambiguation. This should not be included for defunct constituencies. A value of vacant should be used for a seat with no current representative.
The party to which the representative belongs. This is the label for visible links on the template, for example Barisan Nasional. This should not be included for defunct constituencies.

State constituency parameters


These parameters are required to define a state constituency. All must be present for active constituency except state-abolished.

Required to display all subsequent state constituency information. See Mandatory parameters above. If this parameter is set, the template provides a link to the appropriate legislature (for example, Selangor State Legislative Assembly).
The year in which the constituency was created in the state.
The year in which the constituency was abolished in the state. This must have a value greater than that for state-created.
The year in which the first state election was contested for this constituency. A link to the election article for this year will be created automatically.
The most recent year in which a state election was contested, if the constituency is still active; the date of the last contested election for a defunct constituency. A link to the election article for this year will be created automatically.
The name of the current representative for this constituency in the legislature. The field will link to the article about the representative if one exists, and a piped links may be used for disambiguation. This should not be included for defunct constituencies. A value of vacant should be used for a seat with no current representative.
The party to which the representative belongs, per fed-rep-party above. This should not be included for defunct constituencies.

Demographic information parameters


Demographic information about the electoral district.

The census year on which the data below is based.
Population of the constituency as of demo-census-date. The figure should not contain spaces, commas or periods, or the template will issue a warning. It is automatically formatted, respecting the user's localization settings (for example, thousands separator is "," for North America and "." for Europe.
Number of electors in the constituency as of demo-census-date. The figure should not contain spaces, commas or periods, and should be less than demo-pop, or the template will issue a warning. It is automatically formatted, respecting the user's localization settings.
Date for which demo-electors has been most recently updated. This should 'not be the date on which the template was updated, rather the date on which government entities update this figure based on census data and electorate databases.
The area, in square kilometres, of the constituency as of demo-census-date. The figure should not contain spaces, commas or periods, or the template will issue a warning. It is automatically formatted, respecting the user's localization settings
The census division or divisions which are fully or partially included in the electoral district as of demo-census-date. See Category:Census divisions of Malaysia.
The census subdivisions which are fully or partially included in the constituency as of demo-census-date. A complete listing is available at the Department of Statistics Malaysia Standard Geographical Classification database.
demo-pop-ref, demo-area-ref, and demo-electors-ref
These fields will generate a footnote for the associated fields demo-pop, demo-area, and demo-electors.

If both demo-pop and demo-area are properly defined, the template will automatically include a population density field, rounded to one decimal place. Only demo-cd, demo-csd and demo-area will be displayed for defunct constituencies.