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First go to User:Thisasia/CurrentStatus.js Copy the javascript codes and paste it on your common.js or your skin.js.

After then your User dashboard should look like this custom gadget in the screenshot. then click on the top profile icon and select your current status.

After selecting your status, then it will automatically update your status on your subpage that will look like this: User:Name/Status.

If you want to reuse it on both every User pages and Subpages, then all you have to do is to just place your User:Name/Status on top of your every page and they will all get updated automatically with just one click.
For Example: place {{User:Name/Status}}  
After that your status will definitely look like any of these depending on your current status:

StatuS: 0ffline
This user is unavailable at the moment please leave your message at User talk:CurrentStatus/doc


StatuS: 0nline


StatuS: Busy

('This user is unavailable at the moment please your message at User talk:CurrentStatus')
is the Default description for offline status and when clicked on the link text will navigate the User to your talk page just like for example: (Template talk:CurrentStatus/doc)

STEP 3/Modifications
If you want to remove or add any description of your choice instead then
for no description: After when you have copied the code @User:Thisasia/CurrentStatus.js and pasted it on your common.js or skin.js Simply locate the



{{CurrentStatus/Busy}}   in the JavaScript and modify any of them to

{{CurrentStatus/online}}   For online and busy will give no description by default if not modified 👇

StatuS: 0nline

For description: Do so by modifying for example:

{{CurrentStatus/busy|detail=your preferred description}}   and that will give you

StatuS: Busy

your preferred description

please Note that this modification is only recommended if you understand JavaScript. But if you don't like this default description please request for change in the discussion @Template talk:CurrentStatus after which we can determine whether to remove it or add a different description, Thanks.



Description change and modification

Template parameters

description[detail] or [2] (Is only optional if you don't like the default description of the status)

[detail] Or [2] can be use to change to your description choice for your current status

take a look at {{Template:CurrentStatus/offline|detail=This user is unavailable at the moment}}, Or {{Template:CurrentStatus/offline|2=This user is unavailable at the moment}}, will output (This user is unavailable at the moment)