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For use on pages with results of curling games. This template is used exclusively for those curling games without end-by-end scores.

In most cases, this template is used where line scores (end-by-end scores) are not available. However, information on the line scores may become available after the article has been last edited. In order to accommodate this information, this template is made for an easy transition to the {{Curlingbox}}, {{Curlingbox8}}, or {{Curlingbox12}} template. Refer to the Transition to Curlingbox section for more information.

A blank template, for easy copy-and-paste:

{{ Curlingbox0
| sheet = 
| team1 = 
| team2 = 

The parameters include:

  • sheet: the name of the sheet
  • teamX: the name of the skip; alternatively, the name of the team with the skip in parentheses. Note that the team with the hammer in the first end should be denoted with the template {{X}}.
  • The score of the team should go on the space directly below it.
  • The scores can be implemented as win or loss (W/L).

Translation to Curlingbox


If information on line scores becomes available, the information can be easily implemented into the Curlingbox after the information currently on a Curlingbox0 has been translated to a Curlingbox.


{{ Curlingbox0
| sheet = 
| team1 = 
| team2 = 

Change template name to "Curlingbox", add end-by-end score lines:

{{ Curlingbox
| sheet = 
| team1 = 
||||||||||| |
| team2 = 
||||||||||| |

Adjust if necessary for transition to Curlingbox8 or Curlingbox12. See below for an example of a Curlingbox0 to Curlingbox translation.



From the 1978 Air Canada Silver Broom.

{{ Curlingbox0
| sheet = 
| team1 = {{CAN}} (Lukowich)
| 14
| team2 = {{NOR}} (Sørum)
| 3
Team Final
 Canada (Lukowich) 14
 Norway (Sørum) 3

To translate from Curlingbox0 to Curlingbox


From the 1972 Air Canada Silver Broom.

{{ Curlingbox0
| sheet = 
| team1 = {{CAN}} (Meleschuk)
| 10
| team2 = {{USA}} (LaBonte)
| 9
Team Final
 Canada (Meleschuk) 10
 United States (LaBonte) 9
{{ Curlingbox
| sheet = 
| team1 = {{CAN}} (Meleschuk)
| 2|0|2|1|0|2|0|0|0|2|1|10
| team2 = {{USA}} (LaBonte)
| 0|1|0|0|2|0|2|2|2|0|0|9
Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Final
 Canada (Meleschuk) 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 10
 United States (LaBonte) 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 9