Name | Hex (RGB) |
Red (RGB) |
Green (RGB) |
Blue (RGB) |
Hue (HSL/HSV) |
Satur. (HSL) |
Light (HSL) |
Satur. (HSV) |
Value (HSV)
| |
no name | #000000 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0° | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Color table row, for use with {{Colort}}, which creates the column headings.
|name=common name
– may contain markup|alias=alternative name
or|html_name=html name
|sort=sort name
– an alternative name or spelling that should be used for sorting, must not contain markup|r=red decimal value
– 0–255, percent values are automatically generated|g=green decimal value
– 0–255, percent values are automatically generated|b=blue decimal value
– 0–255, percent values are automatically generated|hex=hex triplet
– can be automatically generated|h=hue degrees
– HSV/HSB and HSL, can be automatically generated|s=saturation percent
– HSV/HSB, can be automatically generated|v=brightness/value percent
– HSV/HSB, can be automatically generated|sat=saturation percent
– HSL, can be automatically generated|l=lightness percent
– HSL, can be automatically generated
Blank template, for copy-pasting
{{Colort/Color |name = |alias = |sort = |r = |g = |b = |hex = |h = |s = |v = |sat = |l = }} |
If not provided, values for HSL, HSV and hex triplet are auto-generated from RGB parameters. That means, parameters name, r, g and b are required, the rest is optional and mostly should only be used if the automatic calculation yields rounding errors or fails for other reasons.
The hash sign #
for hex triplets, percent %
and degree °
symbols must not be entered as they are included automatically.
[edit]TemplateData for Colort/Color
Table row with digital color data, usually in 11 or 12 columns.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
common name | name | the vulgar color name, may contain markup | Line | required |
alternative name | alias html_name | usually used for synonymous names, but may be used for arbitrary content if the last column header is changed | Line | optional |
(deprecated) | html_name | legacy variant of alias parameter, kept for backwards compatibility only | Line | deprecated |
sort name | sort | an alternative name or spelling that should be used for sorting, must not contain markup like links | Line | optional |
code name | code | the color name as used in computer code (e.g. special capitalization or spelling with hyphens, underscores or spaces), must not contain markup | Line | optional |
color article | link | the Wikipedia article title explaining this color, must not contain markup | Page name | optional |
red component (RGB) | r | decimal 8bit value (0–255), percent value is generated automatically
| Number | required |
green component (RGB) | g | decimal 8bit value (0–255), percent value is generated automatically
| Number | required |
blue component (RGB) | b | decimal 8bit value (0–255), percent value is generated automatically
| Number | required |
hex triplet (RGB) | hex | six hexadecimal digits, automatically preceded by a hash sign (#) as used in several computer languages, e.g. CSS
| Line | optional |
hue (HSB/HSV, HSL) | h | in degrees (0–359), automatically succeeded by degrees sign (°)
| Number | optional |
saturation (HSB/HSV) | s | percentage (0–100), automatically succeeded by percent sign (%), usually differs from HSL saturation
| Number | optional |
brightness/value (HSB/HSV) | v | percentage (0–100), automatically succeeded by percent sign
| Number | optional |
saturation (HSL) | sat | percentage (0–100), automatically succeeded by percent sign (%), usually differs from HSV/HSB saturation
| Number | optional |
lightness/luminance (HSL) | l | percentage (0–100), automatically succeeded by percent sign (%)
| Number | optional |
extra right padding | padding | a valid CSS length value, usually set appropriately to care for sort buttons in column headers, should be specified for all neighboring rows too
| Line | optional |
color sample column width | width | a valid CSS length value setting the width of the first column, should be specified for all neighboring rows too
| Line | optional |
border color | border | a valid CSS color value or name for the color of cell borders, usually a light gray
| Line | optional |
TOC anchor | link target | provides a link target, especially for links from the table of contents, should usually be specified only for the first color name starting with a certain letter in an alphabetically sorted list, to said letter, uppercase | Line | optional |
Copy and Paste
[edit]See X11 color names, Web colors, or "what links here".
[edit]The {{colort/Color}} template provides the calculation of missing values; the actual table row design is found in {{colort/1row}}. This sub-template should never be used directly elsewhere!