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CelestialRef creates an internal link to the object in wikipedia with attached footnote linking to its SIMBAD entry - that in turn gives observational details, often a photograph, and bibliography of articles referring to the object.

It creates

  • Name or internal link to the celestial object in Wikipedia
  • Footnote with links to the SIMBAD entry
  • Optionally, extra links to other entries for the object in online databases. These are added to the footnote.

It is especially useful if you have a table of celestial objects and want to add footnotes to each one, and maybe add extra entries in the footnotes such as pre-expanded SIMBAD bibliography, star plot, or link to a photograph of the object, as appropriate.

Alternative to this template


For an external links section, use {{CelestialRefEx}} which calls {{CelestialRef/Extras}}.

If you want to add all the extra links, it may be easier to use {{CelestialRefAll}} which calls {{CelestialRef}} with all=yes, and has fewer options.

If you just want to add a SIMBAD footnote, without these extra options, you can use: {{cite simbad}}.


Parameter Example Usage
First unnamed parameter M 31 Name to pass to Simbad basic search
Second unnamed parameter (optional) Andromeda Galaxy Name to use for internal link
if absent uses first param
If set blank, name is not shown.
Third unnamed parameter (optional) Andromeda Spiral Galaxy Display name for internal link, if different
internal Alpha Centauri useful if SIMBAD name and display name are the same, internal link different (e.g. for Alpha Centauri B, the internal link is Alpha Centauri, but you want to display as Alpha Centauri B and also use that as the name to look up in SIMBAD).
link no Set to no to show the name as plain text rather than an internal link.
all show set to show to show ids, bib, image, and bwimage (and any other options like that that may be added here in the future)

siblings and plot need to be set separately if required, because many objects don't have siblings, and because the plot needs its radius set otherwise may be either too dense, or have nothing in it.

ids show set to show to add link to ids section of SIMBAD page. Shown for all=show.
bib show set to show to add link to pre-expanded bibliography section, Shown for all=show.
image show set to show to add link to aladin preview image, colour, Shown for all=show.
bwimage show set to show to add link to aladin preview image, B&w, Shown for all=show.
plot 10 Radius of star plot (if omitted, no star plot link added)
units arcsec Measurement unit for radius, arcsec, arcmin or deg acceptable, default arcmin
siblings show set to show to add link to siblings search
inline yes Does everything inline, not as a footnote
radio yes Adds the extra links as an indented radio followed by Links: suitable for use in Extra References section of a page
newline yes Set to yes to show the extra links on a new line, then indented.

Note, radio overrides newline if both are set, so radio=yes | newline=no will still show the radio, which of course is on a new line

Convention: - attributes in this template are assigned "yes" or "no" if to do with formatting and "show" if to do with display of various elements. That seems to help with readability when you have many params to pass.

Rarely used parameters


These are mainly included for possible use in other templates that call this one. Some are used in {{CelestialRefEx}}. They can be set directly as well.

Parameter Example Usage
images hide set to hide to hide the image links, e.g. for all=yes
at yes shows as "at the SIMBAD Astronomical Database" similar to the JPL small bodies external links section, better for external links than the footnote style method of presentation.
simbad long set to long to display as "at the SIMBAD Astronomical Database", instead of "at SIMBAD" for use with at=yes
cds short set to short to display as "CDS" instead of "Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg", for use with at=no
extrasep .
Adds any text you like at the start of the extra links such as ids, bibliography etc. The example shown here gives same effect as radio=yes . This parameter is ignored if none of the extra links are shown. Overrides newline and radio.
sep , Separator for the extra entries. Default currently is to separate with dashes using  - This method, using   for the white space prevents it getting stripped by the template. You can also use   for non breaking white space. Is followed by a space

Techy note: {{CelestialRef}} uses {{CelestialRef/Extras}} for the contents of the footnote (shown inline for inline=yes ) also uses {{CelestialRef/ExtraSep}} for the newline, radio and extrasep logic.



Any identifier recognized by Simbad for its sim-basic will do.

So, these are all possible: {{CelestialRef | M 31}}, {{CelestialRef | Crab Nebula}}, {{CelestialRef | HD 189733b}} etc.

Displayed as: M 31 [1], Crab Nebula [2], HD 189733b [3].

all=show option


This adds ids, bib, image, and bwimage (and anything else added in future relevant for all objects) all in one go. Here it is with new line:

{{ CelestialRef | Crab Pulsar | all=show }}

Crab Pulsar [4]

Extras as radio in footnote


You can use the radio in a footnote like this:

E.g. {{ CelestialRef | Crab Pulsar | all=show | radio=yes }}

Crab Pulsar [5]

Footnote on separate line


To put the links all on one line in the footnote, set newline=yes: {{ CelestialRef | Crab Pulsar | all=show | newline=yes}}

Crab Pulsar [6]

The long form of "at SIMBAD" could be useful in this situation: {{ CelestialRef | Crab Pulsar | all=show | newline=yes | simbad=long }}

Crab Pulsar [7]


You can use a different name for the internal link and the SIMBAD lookup.

{{ CelestialRef | M 31 | Andromeda Galaxy }}

yields: Andromeda Galaxy [8]

You can also use a different display name for the internal link too:

{{ CelestialRef | M 31 | Andromeda Galaxy | Andromeda Spiral Galaxy }}

yields: Andromeda Spiral Galaxy [9]

So there,

  • M 31 = name to pass to SIMBAD
  • Andromeda Galaxy = name for internal link
  • Andromeda Spiral Galaxy = how to display the internal link,

The internal link wiki markup generated is

[[Andromeda Galaxy | Andromeda Spiral Galaxy]]

If the display name and Simbad name are identical, internal link different, you can use:
{{ CelestialRef | Alpha Centauri B | internal = Alpha Centauri }}

Which gives you: Alpha Centauri B [10]

Ref only


If you just want the ref without the name, use the same approach, but make the different name for the internal link blank, as in

{{ CelestialRef | M 42 | }}

You can mix with other named parameters in any order, e.g.:

{{ CelestialRef | M 42 | | bib=show }} (same idea but added an extra named parameter at the end)

Which you could then add to some text as Test {{ CelestialRef | M 42 | | bib=show }}

Test [13]

It doesn't matter where you put this blank field amongst the other parameters, so long as it goes after the object name.

Techy details - the template recognizes your blank field as parameter 2, the second unnamed parameter.


If you just want the name without an internal link, add link=no as: {{ CelestialRef | M 31 |Andromeda Galaxy | link=no}}

yields: Andromeda Galaxy [14]

{{ CelestialRef | M 31 | link=no}}

yields: M 31 [15]



You can add a link for siblings e.g. {{ CelestialRef | Epsilon Tauri | siblings = show}}

Epsilon Tauri [16]

{{ CelestialRef | Gliese 146 | siblings = show}}

Gliese 146 [17]

This may be useful if the object is part of a larger group and this is relevant to the article citing it, in this case the Hyades cluster, and the Hyades super cluster.

Star plot


The advantage of the star plot extra link is that it lets the author of the page preset the radius for the plot. For some objects this needs to be large, e.g. 20 arcmins or more. For others, that shows far too many objects and a smaller radius in arcsecs is appropriate.

Example: {{ CelestialRef | HD 189733b | plot = 5 }}

yields HD 189733b [18] to plot stars within 5 arcmins of HD 189733b

Example: {{ CelestialRef | Alpha Centauri | plot = 50 | units = arcsec }}

yields Alpha Centauri [19] to plot stars within 50 arcsecs of Alpha Centauri



Showing as inline instead of ref, and all on one line:
{{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | cds=short | all=show | inline=yes | }}

Crab NebulaCrab Nebula at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.

Or on a new line: {{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | all=show | inline=yes | newline=yes }}

Crab NebulaCrab Nebula at SIMBAD.

Ids - Bibliography - Image.

This follows the example of {{JPL small body}}

I've made this into an easier to use external links template which calls this one with suitable defaults {{CelestialRefEx}}

* {{CelestialRefEx | Crab Nebula | plot=10 | units=arcsec }}


For details see {{CelestialRefEx/doc}}

You can also so the same here, by setting radio=yes | at=yes | inline=yes . I've put this in as one of the test cases at the bottom if you want to check what it's like.

Use in tables


The template can be used in tables. This was the original motivation for this template - to have an easy way to add footnotes anad add extra links to the footnotes, for every entry in a table.

Here is an example to test it.

Confirmed Giant Planets around Mid- and Late-K-type Dwarf Stars


All entries are set to add the extra Bibliography link to the refs.

Example: {{ CelestialRef | bib=show | WASP-80b }}

Planet Mass (MJ) Period (d) SpT B - V Te?
WASP-43b [20] 2.03 0.813 K7 1.0 4400d
HAT-P-20b [21] 7.25 2.88 K3 4619
GJ 439 c [22] 0.41e 32.0 K4 1.11 4640
GJ 439 d [23] 0.53e 431.7 - - -
WASP-59b [24] 0.0.86 7.92 K5 0.92 4650h
HD 113538b [25] 0.27e 263.3 K9f - -
HD 113538c [26] 0.71e 1657 - - -
BD-17 63b [27] 5.12e 655.6 K4 1.14 4714
WASP-10b [28] 3.06 3.09 K5 -
BD-08 2823b [29] 0.33 237.6 K3 1.07 4746
HD 20868b [30] 1.99 380.85 K3/4 1.04 4795
HD 63454b [31] 0.38e 2.82 K4 1.06 4840
Qatar 1b [32] 1.09 1.42 N/A 1.06 4861
CD-23 395b [33] 1.44e 345.6 K5 1.08 4962

Data from Giant Planets around Late K Dwarf Stars - Table 1

Same table but with new lines in footnotes and all=show

Planet Mass (MJ) Period (d) SpT B - V Te?
WASP-43b [34] 2.03 0.813 K7 1.0 4400d
HAT-P-20b [35] 7.25 2.88 K3 4619
GJ 439 c [36] 0.41e 32.0 K4 1.11 4640
GJ 439 d [37] 0.53e 431.7 - - -
WASP-59b [38] 0.0.86 7.92 K5 0.92 4650h
HD 113538b [39] 0.27e 263.3 K9f - -
HD 113538c [40] 0.71e 1657 - - -
BD-17 63b [41] 5.12e 655.6 K4 1.14 4714
WASP-10b [42] 3.06 3.09 K5 -
BD-08 2823b [43] 0.33 237.6 K3 1.07 4746
HD 20868b [44] 1.99 380.85 K3/4 1.04 4795
HD 63454b [45] 0.38e 2.82 K4 1.06 4840
Qatar 1b [46] 1.09 1.42 N/A 1.06 4861
CD-23 395b [47] 1.44e 345.6 K5 1.08 4962

Test cases


Included mainly to check all the features are working correctly, check this after editing the code and add more test cases if nec if you add new features.

Test of display for name


Example: {{ CelestialRef | Barnard's star }}

yields Barnard's star [48]

Example: {{ CelestialRef | Barnard's star |link=no}}

yields Barnard's star [49]

Example: {{ CelestialRef | Barnard's star | }} for ref only

yields [50]

Example: {{ CelestialRef | M 31 | Andromeda Galaxy }} to display as Andromeda Galaxy but look up as M 31

yields Andromeda Galaxy [51]

Same example, name only, no internal link: {{ CelestialRef | M 31 | Andromeda Galaxy |link=no}}

yields Andromeda Galaxy [52]

Final example shows all the features in one ref

Example: {{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | cds=short | ids=show | bib=show | plot = 10 |units = arcsec | image=show | bwimage=show }}

yields Crab Nebula [53]

Test that first - is omitted in list of extras


Tests code in {{CelestialRef/Extras}} which is done individually for each case depending on which is first in the line.

There should be no leading - in the second line for any of these:

* {{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | | radio=yes | at=yes | ids=show | bib=show | siblings=show | plot=10 |units=arcsec | image=show | bwimage=show | inline=yes }}


* {{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | | radio=yes | at=yes | bib=show | siblings=show | plot=10 |units=arcsec | image=show | bwimage=show | inline=yes }}


* {{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | | radio=yes | at=yes | siblings=show | plot=10 |units=arcsec | image=show | bwimage=show | inline=yes }}


* {{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | | radio=yes | at=yes | plot=10 |units=arcsec | image=show | bwimage=show | inline=yes }}


* {{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | | radio=yes | at=yes | image=show | bwimage=show | inline=yes }}


* {{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | | radio=yes | at=yes | bwimage=show | inline=yes }}



Normally you would use {{CelestialRefEx}} but is included here as a test case for the parameters called by {{CelestialRefEx}}

* {{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | | radio=yes | at=yes | simbad=long | all=show | plot=10 |units=arcsec | inline=yes }}


* {{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | | radio=yes | at=yes | simbad=long | all=show | images=hide | plot=10 |units=arcsec | inline=yes }}


If none of the extra options are set, then the new line or radio is ignored, as there would be nothing to put on the line after it:

* {{CelestialRef| Crab Nebula | | radio=yes | at=yes | simbad=long | inline=yes }}


SIMBAD urls documentation


See SIMBAD - Query by urls/

See also



  1. ^ M 31 at SIMBAD.
  2. ^ Crab Nebula at SIMBAD.
  3. ^ HD 189733b at SIMBAD.
  4. ^ Crab Pulsar at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  5. ^ Crab Pulsar at SIMBAD.
  6. ^ Crab Pulsar at SIMBAD.
    Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  7. ^ Crab Pulsar at the SIMBAD Astronomical Database.
    Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  8. ^ M 31 at SIMBAD.
  9. ^ M 31 at SIMBAD.
  10. ^ Alpha Centauri B at SIMBAD.
  11. ^ M 42 at SIMBAD.
  12. ^ M 42 at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  13. ^ M 42 at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  14. ^ M 31 at SIMBAD.
  15. ^ M 31 at SIMBAD.
  16. ^ Epsilon Tauri at SIMBAD - Siblings.
  17. ^ Gliese 146 at SIMBAD - Siblings.
  18. ^ HD 189733b at SIMBAD - Star plot.
  19. ^ Alpha Centauri at SIMBAD - Star plot.
  20. ^ WASP-43b at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  21. ^ HAT-P-20b at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  22. ^ GJ 439 c at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  23. ^ GJ 439 d at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  24. ^ WASP-59b at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  25. ^ HD 113538b at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  26. ^ HD 113538c at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  27. ^ BD-17 63b at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  28. ^ WASP-10b at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  29. ^ BD-08 2823b at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  30. ^ HD 20868b at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  31. ^ HD 63454b at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  32. ^ Qatar 1b at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  33. ^ CD-23 395b at SIMBAD - Bibliography.
  34. ^ WASP-43b at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  35. ^ HAT-P-20b at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  36. ^ GJ 439 c at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  37. ^ GJ 439 d at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  38. ^ WASP-59b at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  39. ^ HD 113538b at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  40. ^ HD 113538c at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  41. ^ BD-17 63b at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  42. ^ WASP-10b at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  43. ^ BD-08 2823b at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  44. ^ HD 20868b at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  45. ^ HD 63454b at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  46. ^ Qatar 1b at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  47. ^ CD-23 395b at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Image.
  48. ^ Barnard's star at SIMBAD.
  49. ^ Barnard's star at SIMBAD.
  50. ^ Barnard's star at SIMBAD.
  51. ^ M 31 at SIMBAD.
  52. ^ M 31 at SIMBAD.
  53. ^ Crab Nebula at SIMBAD - Ids - Bibliography - Star plot - Image - B&W Image.