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Talk:West Slavs

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VANDALISM of putting Czechs' ethnicity as ethnic Lechs


West Slavic peoples are not equal with West Slavic languages because all Slavic peoples used more or less the same Slavic language 1000 years ago and were already partitioned into these western, southern and eastern groups. We Slavic peoples call these ethnical partitions amongst us Slavic peoples for "Lechs" (ethnic Western Slavic peoples), "Czechs" (ethnic Southern Slavic peoples) and "Rusins" (ethnic Eastern Slavic peoples) for a good reason. Common sense tells one that if even Czechs were direct speakers of modern Polish language, then they still would be belonging to the Southern Slavic peoples by their ethnicity. Pan Piotr Glownia 21:41, 8 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The Bavarian Geographer describes a multitude of people at that time.

The Bavarian Geographer wrote the Descriptio civitatum et regionum ad septentrionalem plagam Danubii that means 'description of castles (fortified settlements) and territories (countries) north of the Danube river. In it he describes a large number of people not only north of the Danube rive, but at the Elbe to the Wolga river, between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea to Caspian Sea and Caucasus mountain , from Khasaria to Finland.

Did Bavarian Geographer actually make a list, West Slavs, as Wikipedia implies?. How reliable is Wikipedia? Read Disclaimers.

The main issue here is not the reliability of the wikipedia. The main issue here from my point of view is the reliability of the people making it, writting it and correcting it. Some people are honest, honorfull and straightforward in the very brave fashion. Others are your usual commoners, who usualy choose to coward and to lie instead of displaying the typical characteristics of the typical European chivalry. If this monk was of a noble birth, then sure i would believe every single word on his honor of the honorfull nobleman, unless someone would prove he was outright lying or was a commoner. Now certainly most commoners are certainly people without honor to this very day and therefore as these honorless people are comming from many generations of honorless peoples, so they have no typical moral breaks stoping their lies and other dishonorable behavior. Therefore none can trust a typical commoner without a proof. Certainly nationalists never were, are or ever will be any kind of nobility (any way not in Europe) and they did and do still rewrite history to their own political needs. My problem is that no matter their efforts they will never make ethnic Southern Slavic "Czechs" into ethnic Western Slavic "Lechs". Furthermore there are entire separate pages dedicated to Slavic languages and nobody claimed that a language is the only attribute in deciding ethnicity. These people here do claim that only language is this attribute. I say they lie. I disagree with them and majority of Slavic peoples in Europe do disagree with them too. Pan Piotr Glownia 13:49, 12 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Lechs, Czechs and Rusins <- the missing major ethnic information about Slavic peoples


Ethnic West Slavic peoples are not equal with West Slavs as it seems and Ethnic Southern Slavic peoples are not equal with South Slavs. Slavic languages 1000 years ago were still quite similiar to eachother and not like it is today. However even from earlier times Slavic peoples had these ethnic partitions amongst Slavic peoples. "Lechs" stand for Ethnic Western Slavic peoples, "Czechs" stand for Ethnic Southern Slavic peoples and "Rusins" stand for Ethnic Eastern Slavic peoples. This is major partition amongst Slavic peoples and it is not based on language, but on ethnicity. Even if Czechs were direct speakers of modern Polish language, then they still would be belonging to the Ethnic Southern Slavic peoples by their ethnicity. Czechs during entire written history never were ethnic Lechs like Poles. Every historical source is certain on this issue. It is possible that this ethnic partition is even older then any possible differentiation of Proto-Slavic language. I direct you to "Lech, Czech and Rus", which is part of Slavic spoken history as well as historical and traditional ethnic partition on Lechs, Czechs and Rusins used amongst Slavic people by the Slavic peoples. Every dictionary and lecture commenting this ethnic partition will ensure that Czechs were always adressed as "Czechs" and not like Poles "Lechs". Czechs and Poles do belong to different ethnic groups otherwise one had to put Czechs and Poles together with Belarusians and Ukrainians into the same Western Slavic ethnicity, as the Lechs, the Czechs and the Rusins originate from the same ethnic origin, which probably used the same proto-Slavic language. All historical sources begining from XIII century ("Chronicle of Greater Poland" written in year 1295) prove it to be the general ethnic partition used by Slavic peoples in Europe. Pan Piotr Glownia 15:28, 12 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Please put them somewhere. --Pockey 19:59, 6 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Is there any translation of the Slavic tribe of the RANEN (germ.) and could you put it into the list of the other tribes? That was the tribe that existed on the isle of Rugen since ca. 550 AD. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranen

Bavarian Geographer Map


The map is original research and should be removed. Histline.narod.ru, hosted on a free-for-all website, is not a valid source of information for Wikipedia. Assigning locations to all those tribes (many of them being hapax legomena) is, at best, wild-eyed speculation. --Ghirla-трёп- 20:53, 30 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Introduction information about religious cultural split


There was no distinction between west (catholic) and east (orthodox) church at the time of christianisation. The Schism happened in the end of 11th century, after the christianisation was already conducted. There cannot be said that west slavs and Croats and Slovenes were converted to catolicism and the rest south and east slavs were converted to orthodoxy as the split happened after the christianisation!!

Better to say: at the time of the 11th century schism, west slavs and Croats and Slovenes staied loyal to Roman Pope while other slavs separated creating state based orthodox churches.Hammer of Habsburg (talk) 01:28, 30 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Poles vs Silesians


In this (and many other) wiki articles theres no references to back highly controversial claim that such thing as silesian language or silesian nation exist. Clear majority of scientific community dont agree with its existance. Therefore this and many articles misinform and plainly use POV of few users instead of scientific facts. User http://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/User:Franek_K. is one of POV useres who engage in edit warts and many times have been blocked becouse of that. My referenced edits have been constantly undone by him. Please keep up with the scientific and wiki standards. Here are just a few of references from the scholars in this subject:

  • http://www.scdk.pl/zroznicowanie_etnograficzne_obecnego_wojewodztwa_slaskiego.php (even Silesian institution consider it top be merely a subdialect not a language)
  • Stanisław Dubisz: Dialekty i gwary polskie. Warszawa: "Wiedza Powszechna", 1995, s. 140. ISBN 83-214-0989-X.
  • Izabela Winiarska: Zasięg terytorialny i podziały dialektu śląskiego. [dostęp 2010-05-21]http://www.gwarypolskie.uw.edu.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=854&Itemid=19
  • "Gwara Śląska – świadectwo kultury, narzędzie komunikacji", Aldona Skudrzykowa, Katowice 2002, ISBN 83-7164-314-4
  • "Słownik gwar Śląskich". Opole, red. Bogusław Wyderka
  • "Dialekt śląski" autor: Feliks Pluta, czasopismo/publikacja: Wczoraj, Dzisiaj, Jutro. – 1996, nr 1/4, s. 5-19
  • Fenomen śląskiej gwary" autor: Jan Miodek czasopismo/publikacja: Śląsk. – 1996, nr 5, s. 52
  • http://www.gwarypolskie.uw.edu.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=858&Itemid=19
  • "Gwara Śląska – świadectwo kultury, narzędzie komunikacji", Aldona Skudrzykowa, Katowice 2002, red. Jolanty Tambor, 2002 ISBN 83-7164-314-4
  • Słownik gwar Śląskich. Opole, red. B. Wyderka
  • Mały słownik gwary Górnego Śląska, Część I., Katowice 2000, red. Cząstka-Szymon, B., J. Ludwig, H. Synowiec
  • "Mowa Górnoślązaków oraz ich świadomość językowa i etniczna",Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego 2006, Jolanta Tambor
  • “Dialekt śląski” autor: Feliks Pluta, czasopismo/publikacja: Wczoraj, Dzisiaj, Jutro. – 1996, nr 1/4, s. 5-19
  • “Fenomen śląskiej gwary” autor: Jan Miodek czasopismo/publikacja: Śląsk. – 1996, nr 5, s. 52
  • “Germanizmy w gwarze śląskiej – stopień przyswojenia” autor:Jolanta Tambor , czasopismo/publikacja Prace Językoznawcze. – Nr 25 (1998), s. 210-218
  • “Status gwary śląskiej w opiniach nie-Ślązaków” Aldona Skurzykowa, Krystyna Urban , czasopismo/publikacja: Prace Językoznawcze. – Nr 25 (1998), s. 174-181
  • “Wartościowanie gwary śląskiej : mity i rzeczywistość autor”: Antonina Grybosiowa czasopismo/publikacja: Prace Językoznawcze. – Nr 25 (1998), s. 40-47
  • "Zasięg i podział gwar śląskich", Krzysztof Kleszcz (Uniwersytet Opolski)
  • Stanisław Szober, "Gramatyka Języka Polskiego", M. Arct 1931, s. 106
  • Piotr Bąk, "Gramatyka języka polskiego", "Wiedza Powszechna", 2004, s.21
  • Słownik gwarowy Śląska Cieszyńskiego. Wydanie drugie, poprawione i rozszerzone. Jadwiga Wronicz (redaktor). Ustroń: 2010, s. 78. ISBN 978-83-60551-28-8.
  • http://www.nto.pl/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080729/OPINIE/578482301 — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:29, 19 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]
  • First: Silesians - people, Silesian language/dialect is another thing.
  • Second: Polish sources are not reliable in case Silesians like as Russian sources about Chechnya or Georgian sources about Abkhazia and South Ossetia or Chinese sources about Tibet etc. Polish opinion about Silesians is well-known, 10 or 100 sources from Poland, no significance. We do not change the English Wikipedia because Polish sources spreading propaganda about Silesians.
  • Third: also Polish sources deny themselves, see your example above, Polish term of "gwara" in English means "subdialect" (part of dialect) or pl: "gwara miejska" is "urban dialect", some Polish sources show Silesian as dialect and even ethnolect, so? They do not know what to write, their publications have a value of toilet paper.
  • Four: also Polish sources deny themselves, according to some Polish sources, Silesian is related with Old Polish (it is obvious, history show it) but according to the Polish sources, Silesian is dialect of currently Polish language. So, the wheel is a quadrat.
  • Five: also, case of Silesians, according to the Polish government, Silesians = Poles but most Silesians living in Germany (millions displaced from whole Lower Silesia and partly from Upper Silesia) and has German citizenship, part Silesian living in Czech Republic and also according to the national consensus nearly million Silesians in Poland declared Silesian nationality. Polish government does not recognize this and Polish government believes that a million people have hallucinations because according to the Polish government all Silesians are Poles and can not be a nation. Propaganda from Poland no different from Chinese. Shame to the power.
  • Six: you wrote "many times have been blocked becouse of that" , sorry, I was blocked only 1 time for 3RR[1]. You nicely lies to others. Franek K. (talk) 20:34, 19 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]



Ahoj Jirka. This source does not include such a list and even cannot be interpreted. Some of the listed tribes/groups/names can't be found. And this source use list from the Bavarian Geographer and this list is already in this article. That's why I removed it. Best regards, Plk (talk) 20:34, 3 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Schlesier sind keine Slawen



Es ist kaum verwunderlich das Amerikaner kaum Ahnung haben von der Europäische Geschichte, wie so wie ein Pakistani von Argentinische Geschichte ebenso kaum wirkliche Ahnung hat.

Jets zum mitschreiben SCHLESIER sind kein SLAWEN , ebenso das vor 1945 waren die Deutschen Jahrhundertelang die Mehrheit, zk um 80% erst ab 1945/1946/1947 Wurden die Polen die Mehrheit ( durch flucht, Vertreibung, Mord und Vergewaltigung ) , und da heute die Polen dorte leben, und den Namen Schlesien praktischer weiße einfach übernommen haben, nennt man die heute Schlesier. ( US Amerikaner sind doch auch keine Indianer oder doch ! ) ( Ebenso sind Türken keine Römer )



https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Silingi — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:57, 15 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

It is currently being proposed that Category:Slavic countries and territories be deleted. This article is related to that category. The relevant discussion is located at Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/2020 January 8#Countries and territories by language family. The discussion would benefit from input from editors with a knowledge of and interest in West Slavs. Krakkos (talk) 11:17, 10 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]

number of Moravians


See recent edits...the estimated number cannot be lower then those who declare themselves as such....or? Somebody should fix this...(KIENGIR (talk) 16:01, 13 April 2020 (UTC))[reply]