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Talk:Walter Stewart, Earl of Atholl

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Buchanan's version of execution


Buchanan's version of the execution taken from Google Books History of Scotland is literally as follows:

On the first, he was placed upon a cart, on which a kind of crane, in the form of a stork, was erected, to which he was drawn up by ropes let through pulleys, and then suddenly, by loosening the ropes, let fall from the height to near the earth, with the most excruciating pain from the dislocation of his joints. On the next, he was elevated upon a pillory, that he might be conspicuous to all. crowned with a red hot crown of iron, and this inscription — The king of traitors. The reason of this punishment was that Walter had been told by some female witch — for whom Athol has always been infamous — That he would be crowned king with the greatest celebrity ; and thus the prediction was either fulfilled or eluded : and truly such predictions have often sim- ilar accomplishments. He was then placed upon a hurdle, and drawn at a horse tail through the High-street of Edinburgh. On the third day, being extended upon a platform in a conspicuous place, while yet alive, his intestines were taken out, thrown into a fire, and burned before his face ; and last of all, his heart was torn away and cast into the same fire. His head was then cut off, and, fixed upon a long pole, exhibited in the most conspicuous place of the city, and his body being divided into four quarters, was distributed among the principal cities of the kingdom, to be exposed in the most public situations.

Zfishwiki (talk) 16:59, 28 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]