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Talk:Wage ratio

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This sentence makes an implication which doesn't necessarily match the original source.


This meant that a member of the highest class might have an income only 2.5 times the income of a member of the lowest class.

From In the Antiquity section. But in the Plutarch's Lives, https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0007.tlg007.perseus-eng1:18

it claims the lowest-class citizens earn less than 200 measures. So the ratio 2.5 is the most optimistic ratio, not one we should realistically expect. It's possible there were Thetes which earned much less than 200 measures and hence made the wage ratio much greater. (talk) 10:53, 8 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]