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Talk:Wafic Saïd/Archive 1

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Archive 1

Request edit 22-DEC-2014

I work for Mr Wafic Said and would like to propose some amendments to his page. Given my professional role, I recognise that there may be a perceived conflict of interest, so wanted to submit these changes to the “talk” page for scrutiny.

I want to stress that the proposed changes are likely to fall under the category of non-controversial edits – they are all aimed at correcting factual errors, updating information and providing consistency. I would also like to offer for use a recent photograph of Wafic Said, free of copyright, which offers a better contemporary likeness than the photograph of a bust. It should not be assumed that my making these changes means that Mr Said endorses his Wikipedia entry. Proposed changes have been referenced to third party sources, to his own website or to the Said Foundation’s website, wherever possible.

I would value the input and feedback of the Wikipedia community with regard to these suggested edits. Please contact me at my discussion page if you have any questions. Many thanks Syadieh. SECTION - Summary Box Insert “& philanthropist” after “Businessman” REASON: consistency with opening paragraph

Insert Said Foundation under “Known for” REASON: this is the thing he is best known for in the Middle East. SOURCE: Forward Magazine, The education path of Wafic Said, by Sami Moubayed, February 2009

Switch order under “Known for” so that Foundation comes first REASON: Chronological order

Delete £1bn (2012), insert £1.5bn (2014) REASON: More recent figure: http://features.thesundaytimes.co.uk/richlist/2014/live/

Awards and honours section, add: Sheldon Medal, University of Oxford; Grand Commandeur, the Ordre de Mérite du Cèdre of Lebanon; ; Grand Commandeur, the Ordre Chérifien of Morocco SOURCE: http://www.ashmolean.org/ash/exhibitions/exh066.html http://monindependancefinanciere.com/lenciclopedie/seccion-w/wafic-said.php

Delete “Buchanan” insert “Thompson” REASON: Current source is factually incorrect

SECTION - Wafic Rida Said Insert ‘Syrian-‘ before Saudi Arabian REASON: Accurate portrayal of nationality, consistency with other references to Said as a ‘Syrian’

Delete “racehorse owner” REASON: consistency with Horse Racing section: Said no longer owns any racehorses

Delete “has been based for many years in the United Kingdom” and insert “has been resident for many years in Monaco”. SOURCE: “The man of substance in the shadows” Greg Pallister, The Guardian, May 1992

Para 2: Delete “Said emigrated from Syria to the United Kingdom in the late 1950s and after several years in Britain” and insert “Said lived in Syria until his early 20s, and studied in Beirut and London. In 1963, he left Syria for Switzerland where he”. Also delete the following “in Switzerland”

REASON: consistency with Biography section; Said went back and forth to Syria until he left for Switzerland in 1963.

Insert new sentence after 1980s: “He established the Said Foundation in 1982 and the Said Business School at the University of Oxford in 1996 with an initial £20 million donation to the university.” REASON: Chronological order. Insertion of word ‘initial’ as he subsequently donated more money (consistent with reference 27 and elsewhere in the article where it says “Said had donated over £70 million to the school by 2014”)

Move “Said owns several international properties, including…resident of Monaco” to end of paragraph REASON: Chronological order

SECTION - Photo in summary box Offer a photo of Said as this is of a bust

Delete “1999” insert “1996”. Delete £25m insert £20m REASON: consistency with section below titled “Said Business School”

SECTION – Biography Para 1: Change “one of the founders” to “the founder” SOURCE – Wikipedia entry on Rida Said

Para 2: Change “moved to London, England, in 1959 and studied at the Institute of Bankers” and insert “Said studied at the Institute of Bankers in London.” REASON: consistency with paragraph 2 in previous section

Change “confiscated” to “sequestrated” SOURCE http://www.spectator.co.uk/features/7568293/the-road-from-damascus/

Para 3: Delete 1973 insert 1969; Delete “Buchanan” insert “Thompson” REASON: current source is factually incorrect

Delete “…drowned in the swimming pool…” insert “…died, tragically, in an accident…” The current wording is extremely upsetting to the Said family as it includes a gratuitous level of detail on Karim’s death.

Change Said Foundation to Said; delete “donated to” insert “for a period displayed at” REASON: The source article is incorrect - the Quran was purchased by Mr Said, not by the Foundation. Sotheby’s records should reflect this. Details in The Times article used as a reference have been misinterpreted. The book was given on short term loan, not offered as a permanent donation as there was not sufficient insurance to cover this expensive book being housed at the Mosque permanently.

Once above changes have been made move the sentences about the Quran to the section about art. REASON: This art purchase was not a major feature of Said’s life and therefore should properly belong in the art section, not in his biography

Para 4 Remove (hence his entitlement to the style…. Diplomatic role). REASON: This is incorrect. Said has never used this title.

SECTION – Relationship with Syria Para 2: Delete 2012 insert 2011 SOURCE: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/9073559/Conservative-donor-Wafic-Said-sent-British-lawyer-to-Syria-on-peace-mission.html

In final line delete “Islamic” A government can be secular or Islamic but not both. The existing article used as a reference has been misread; it in fact says that Said wished for a secular government.

PROPOSE INSERTION OF NEW SECTION The [Karim Rida] Said Foundation The Karim Rida Saïd Foundation was established in 1982 by Wafic and Rosemary Saïd in memory of their son. It was renamed the Saïd Foundation in 2008. It is an English charity. Since 1984, the Scholarships Programme has offered scholarships and training opportunities for talented young Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese and Palestinians, mainly to study in the UK, to enable them to acquire skills that will bring benefits to others in their countries of origin. To date the Foundation has funded scholarships for almost 900 students from these countries. In 1993 the Foundation established the Child Development Programme (CDP) with the aim of supporting Jordanian, Lebanese and Palestinian community-based organisations to develop and deliver good quality and sustainable care services for disabled children and education in areas of greatest need. The CDP has funded more than 250 project grants since its start, reaching tens of thousands of children. In 1996, the Foundation established the first Disability Programme in Syria, opening an office in 2001 to directly implement the Programme. The office became a locally registered charity in Syria in 2012, the Saïd Foundation for Development. The programme worked to strengthen the professional capacity of disability practitioners and organisations, raising awareness of disability, developing a cadre of national trainers in disability-related fields and supporting or providing services for children with disabilities (and their families) especially in marginalised communities. Due to the current turmoil in Syria, since late 2011 the Saïd Foundation has been providing support for non-political organisations that are delivering emergency humanitarian assistance to Syrians most affected by the crisis, whether refugees in Lebanon and Jordan or internally-displaced within Syria itself. The Saïd Foundation also supports the Saïd Business School at Oxford University.

SOURCE: Said Foundation website

SECTION – Business career Para 1: Delete “After training as a banker in London, Said briefly returned to Syria” and insert “Said finally left Syria” REASON: as per para 2, Wafic Rida Said section

Para 3 Delete “and after working for the Saudi government supervised state construction contracts” REASON: The source or reference has been misread. Said did not work for the Saudi government

Delete “foundation’s” insert “personal website” REASON: compositer’s error

Para 4: Delete “moved to Paris in 1973” REASON: The source has been misread. Mr Said did not move to Paris at this time.

Change: “Following his acquaintance with Akram Ojjeh, a fellow Syrian financier and the founder of the TAG Group, Saïd moved to Paris in 1973 to chair TAG Systems Constructions SA. Ojjeh was the Parisian 'fixer' for Prince Sultan, and negotiated armaments sales between French companies and Saudi Arabia.” to “Following his acquaintance with Akram Ojjeh, a fellow Syrian financier and the founder of the TAG Group, Said established TAG Systems Construction SA, a civil engineering and telecommunications business, which he chaired.” Delete next sentence “Ojeh was etc…” REASON: [TAG Systems Construction SA was a civil engineering and telecommunications business. Allegations about Mr Ojjeh’s non-construction-related business activities are not relevant to this entry.]

Para 5: Delete “1988” and insert “1992” REASON: correct reading of source date; Delete “sent” insert “published” REASON: the letters were published

Para 6: Delete “restructuring under the Lebanese Mikati family” and insert “sale to BMI” REASON: source has been misread

Para 7: Delete £1bn and insert £1.5bn, delete 2009-2012 insert 2014 REASON: More recent source http://features.thesundaytimes.co.uk/richlist/2014/live/ SECTION – al Yamamah Contract Move paragraph 6 to position under paragraph 3 REASON: Alteration orders the material in this section chronologically

Section – Said Business School Para 1: Move “in 1990” to after “voted” REASON: source has been misread

Delete sentence “Said had… to …Paul Judge” REASON: corrected in a letter to The Times 16th November 1996

Delete “The school opened in November 2001” and insert “The new building for the school opened in August 2001” REASON: to distinguish between the school itself and its building; the school was previously operating from temporary premises.

Final sentence after “opened” insert “by the Prince of Wales in 2013 and named” REASON: compositer’s error. School was named by Prince of Wales but opened by Prime Minister David Cameron.

At end of para add: “Nelson Mandela visited Saïd Business School at the invitation of Mr Wafic Saïd in 2002, to open the lecture theatre named in his honour” Source: http://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/school/news/tribute-nelson-mandela Para 2: Delete “, and as a result of his contributions” and insert “. He” REASON: Source has been misread. Mr Said was made a member of the Court of Benefactors in 1992, before his involvement with the business school.

SECTION – Relationship with Margaret Thatcher Para 3 Delete “helped run” and insert “chairs”, and insert “Foundation” after “School” REASON: Powell had no executive role in School, source SBSF audited accounts - http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Accounts/Ends80%5C0001069380_AC_20130831_E_C.pdf After “... after being incorrectly reported” add “by the Conservatives” REASON: Donations were not incorrectly reported by Mr Said and the current wording is vague. Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/conservative/5084166/Tories-face-investigation-into-donations-from-Syrian-millionaires-family.html SECTION – Philanthropy Add “He is the founding donor of the Wafic Said Molecular Cardiology Research Laboratories at the Texas Heart Institute in Houston, Texas” source http://ccobtexas.org/leadership

SECTION - Horse racing Delete “decreasing residence” and insert “non-residence” REASON: source has been misread

SECTION - Property Delete: “Saïd owns two homes in the United Kingdom” AND Insert “Said family trusts own two homes in the United Kingdom” Source: HM Land Registry

Delete “domiciled” insert “resident” REASON: accuracy and to conform with revised opening paragraph

PROPOSED NEW SECTION – Awards and Honours Sheldon Medal, University of Oxford Court of Benefactors, University of Oxford “Grand Commandeur”, the “Ordre de Mérite du Cèdre” of Lebanon “Ordre Chérifien” of Morocco REASON: To correspond with summary box

Syadieh (talk) 16:46, 22 December 2014 (UTC)

Correction of Factual Error

I would like to highlight a small factual error on this page: Wafic Saïd is NOT St Vincent and the Grenadines Ambassador to France as currently claimed in the “Biography” section. The source cited for this fact (see link below) makes clear his ambassadorial role is in relation to UNESCO, not to France. http://www.svgconsulate.co.uk/overseas_diplomatic_and_consular.htm I would therefore be grateful if a Wikipedia editor could delete this mistake. The reason I mention this is that I have a potential conflict of interest given I work for Mr Wafic Said. Thank you Syadieh (talk) 12:10, 16 November 2015 (UTC)

There has been no response to my previous message so I am going to correct the error outlined above. If you have any concerns about this, please leave a message on the Talk page. Syadieh (talk) 15:43, 25 November 2015 (UTC)

I work for Wafic Saïd and as there may be a perceived conflict of interest I am proposing this change on the "talk" page for consideration. I would like to upload a recent photograph of Wafic Saïd as I think this would be more informative and useful than the photograph of the bust. Thank you. Syadieh (talk) 11:04, 4 April 2016 (UTC)

Correction of Factual/Chronological Errors

I have recently been appointed as Mr Saïd’s Personal Assistant. I understand that his previous Assistant proposed some changes to Mr Saïd’s entry which were accepted by the Editors. Given my professional role, I recognise that there may be a perceived conflict of interest so I would like to propose some correction of factual errors to the talk page for scrutiny. Proposed changes have been referenced to third party sources, to Mr Saïd’s own website or to the Saïd Foundation's website, wherever possible.

I would value the input and feedback of the Wikipedia community with regard to these suggested edits. Please contact me at my discussion page if you have any questions. Many thanks, Ann Marie.

Please use this picture as Mr Saïd’s profile picture in the summary box

Reason: Up-to-date image

Source: https://www.waficsaid.com/activities/2014/the-thatcher-business-education-centre.aspx (Credit: ©Fisher Studios)

Add the following sentence to the end of existing paragraph 1 “Saïd was granted Canadian citizenship in 1991.”

Reason: factually correct

Source: https://www.waficsaid.com/profile.aspx

Existing paragraph 2 amend last sentence from “Saïd owns several international properties, including Tusmore Park in Oxfordshire, but is officially a resident of Monaco” to “Saïd owns several international properties, including in France and Spain, but is officially resident in Monaco.”

Reason: factually correct

Re-order as follows:

Contents Biography Business Career Al Yamamah Philanthropy

    The Saïd Foundation
    The Saïd Business School

Relationship with Margaret Thatcher Relationship with Syria

Other Interests Art Collecting Horse Racing UNESCO Property Awards

Reason: preferred chronological order

Move existing paragraph 7 “Saïd has been ambassador and head of the delegation of St Vincent and the Grenadines to UNESCO since 1996. Said is also St Vincent and the Grenadines ambassador to the Holy See.” To new position under Other Interests becoming new paragraph 40 with the title UNESCO

Reason: preferred chronological order

Move existing paragraph 7 “In March 2016, Saïd was told by British banking firm Barclays … Saïd said he would be taking legal action against Barclays” to new position of paragraph 13 under Business Career.

Reason: preferred chronological order

Add new paragraph 14 to follow on from existing paragraph 7 (new paragraph 13) “In March 2016, Saïd commenced legal proceedings against Barclays in the High Court in response to the action the bank had taken in closing certain accounts belonging to Saïd and companies associated with him. Those proceedings were settled on 2 June 2016 on terms that Saïd agreed to accept an apology from Barclays.”

Reason: factually correct

Source: https://www.ft.com/content/164f94ba-28ea-11e6-8ba3-cdd781d02d89

Move existing paragraphs 8 and 9 under “Relationship with Syria” to new positions of paragraphs 34 and 35.

Reason: preferred chronological order

Move existing paragraphs 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 under “Saïd Foundation” to new positions of paragraphs 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28

Reason: preferred chronological order

Add to the end of existing paragraph 10 (new paragraph 23) “It is an English registered charity, number 1125521.”

Reason: factually correct

Source: https://www.saidfoundation.org/

Amend existing paragraph 13 (new paragraph 26) change sentence from “The office became a locally registered charity in Syria in 2012, …” to “The office became a locally registered charity in Syria in 2010, …”

Reason: factually correct – Article of Association dated 2010.

Source: https://www.saidfoundation.org/history-of-the-foundation

Change existing paragraph 11 (new paragraph 24) to “Since 1984, the Scholarships Programme has offered scholarships and training opportunities for talented young Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians, to enable them to acquire skills that will bring benefits to others in their countries of origin. To date the Foundation has funded Scholarships for 1,150 students from these countries, half of whom have studied in the UK. In 2017 the Foundation supported the Rhodes Trust’s expansion to new territories by endowing Rhodes Scholarships for students from Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine in perpetuity.”

Reason: updated information with new student figures

Source: https://www.saidfoundation.org/news/new-rhodes-scholars http://createsend.com/t/r-E95ACE9ACA6BDD5A2540EF23F30FEDED

Change existing paragraph 14 (new paragraph 27) to “Due to the turmoil in Syria, since late 2011 the Saïd Foundation has been providing support for emergency humanitarian assistance, education from pre-school to tertiary level, child protection and healthcare, to Syrians most affected by the crisis, whether refugees in Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey or internally displaced within Syria itself. Between 2011 and 2017 the Foundation provided over £13 million of support for such assistance. Given the complex nature of this crisis, the Foundation provides its support through international agencies with the expertise, partnerships on the ground and strategic and operational capability to respond to the ever-changing circumstances of the crisis. This support is provided through the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Rescue Committee and Save the Children.”

Reason: updated information

Source: https://www.saidfoundation.org/syria-programme

Move existing paragraphs 16, 17, 18 and 19 under Business Career to new positions of paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Reason: correct chronological order

Move existing paragraph 21 to new position of paragraph 12. Reason: correct chronological order

Amend existing paragraph 18 (new paragraph 7), sentence “Saïd’s profile on his personal website says that when he arrived in Saudi Arabia in the early 1970s …” to “Saïd’s profile on his personal website says that when he arrived in Saudi Arabia in 1969 …”

Reason: Misquote from the website

Source: https://www.waficsaid.com/profile.aspx

Add new paragraph 9 between existing paragraphs 19 and 20 (new paragraphs 8 and 10) “Saïd Holdings Limited (SHL) was incorporated in Luxembourg in March 1987 and reincorporated in Bermuda in March 1994, from where it now operates. SHL has a diversified portfolio of investments including quoted and unquoted securities, fixed income and real estate. The company has a longstanding relationship with the London based investment advisory firm, Capital Generation Partners. The SHL Board is chaired by Michael Butt. The other Directors are Preston Hutchings, Daniel Martineau, Stephen Galbraith, Heather Gray, Philip Seers and Charles Stauffer. SHL’s financial statements are audited by PwC Geneva.”

Reason: correct chronological order of WS business career.

Source: http://www.shl.bm/

Amend existing paragraph 20 (new paragraph 10) first sentence from “In 1992 Said won a unanimous verdict in a libel case in the British high court, …” to “In 1992 Said won a unanimous verdict in a libel case in the English high court, …”

Reason: factual correction

Move first sentence of existing paragraph 22 to new standalone paragraph 15.

Reason: preferred order

Move existing paragraphs 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 under Al Yamamah Contract to new paragraph positions 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21.

Reason: preferred chronological order

Amend existing last sentence of paragraph 24 (new paragraph 17) from “Turki bin Nasser was also a recipient of money from BAE.” to “Turki bin Nasser was said to be a recipient of money from BAE.”

Reason: factually correct

Source: https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Turki_bin_Nasser_Al_Saud Amend existing paragraph 26 (new paragraph 19) first sentence from “In a 2007 statement issued by Said on the Al Yamamah deal said that he had “… never been the business manager for anybody, let alone any member of the Saudi Royal Family, nor has he ever …” to “In a 2007 statement issued by Said on the Al Yamamah deal, he said that he had “… never been the business manager for anybody, let alone any member of the Saudi Royal Family, nor had he ever …”

Reason: grammatical correction

Editor’s note: due to chronological re-ordering, existing paragraphs 29 and 30 remain as paragraphs 29 and 30 but under “Philanthropy”.

Editor’s note: due to chronological re-ordering, existing paragraphs 31, 32 and 33 remain as paragraphs 31, 32 and 33.

Editor’s note: due to chronological re-ordering, existing paragraph 34 becomes new paragraph 36.

Move existing paragraph 35 “Philanthropy” to new position of paragraph 22.

Reason: preferred chronological order

Editor’s note: due to the chronological re-ordering, existing paragraphs 36, 37 and 38 become new paragraphs 37, 38 and 39.

Amend existing paragraph 38 (new paragraph 39) third and fourth sentence from “Bosra Sham won the 1996 1,000 Guineas and Champion Stakes under Said’s racing colours. Said’s Sagitta Asset Management sponsored the 1,000 and 2,000 Guinea Stakes, and having ended their sponsorship in 2003, Said withdrew his racing interests, citing his non-residence in England as the reason.” to “Bosra Sham won the 1996 1,000 Guineas and Champion Stakes in Said’s racing colours. Said’s Sagitta Asset Management sponsored the 1,000 and 2,000 Guineas Stakes, and having ended their sponsorship in 2003, Said withdrew from racing, citing his non-residence in England as the reason.”

Reason: grammatical correction

Change the word “trusts” to “interests” in first sentence of existing paragraph 39 (new paragraph 41)

Reason: lexical correction

Add the word “gold” to existing paragraph 39 (new paragraph 41) to read as “ …92ft limestone obelisk topped with gold leaf in the grounds …”

Reason: factually correct

Add the word “Sir” to existing paragraph 39 (new paragraph 41) to read “… in 2000 to a neo-Georgian design by Sir William Whitfield …” Reason: factually correct

Change existing paragraph 40 (new paragraph 42) first sentence from “Saïd also owns homes in Marbella in Spain, France, Saudi Arabia and Syria.” To “Saïd also owns homes in Marbella in Spain, France, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon.”

Reason: factually correct

Source: https://www.waficsaid.com/profile.aspx

Editor’s note: due to chronological re-ordering, existing paragraph 41 becomes new paragraph 43.

Ann Marie Bennett (talk) 08:05, 24 July 2018 (UTC)


I have recently been appointed as Mr Saïd’s Personal Assistant. I understand that his previous Assistant proposed some changes to Mr Saïd’s entry which were accepted by the Editors. Given my professional role, I recognise that there may be a perceived conflict of interest so I would like to propose some correction of factual errors to the talk page for scrutiny. Proposed changes have been referenced to third party sources, to Mr Saïd’s own website or to the Saïd Foundation's website, wherever possible.

I would value the input and feedback of the Wikipedia community with regard to these suggested edits. Please contact me at my discussion page if you have any questions. Many thanks, Ann Marie.

Extended content

Please use this picture as Mr Saïd’s profile picture in the summary box

Reason: Up-to-date image

Source: https://www.waficsaid.com/activities/2014/the-thatcher-business-education-centre.aspx (Credit: ©Fisher Studios)

Add the following sentence to the end of existing paragraph 1 “Saïd was granted Canadian citizenship in 1991.”

Reason: factually correct

Source: https://www.waficsaid.com/profile.aspx

Existing paragraph 2 amend last sentence from “Saïd owns several international properties, including Tusmore Park in Oxfordshire, but is officially a resident of Monaco” to “Saïd owns several international properties, including in France and Spain, but is officially resident in Monaco.”

Reason: factually correct

Re-order as follows:

Contents Biography Business Career Al Yamamah Philanthropy The Saïd Foundation The Saïd Business School Relationship with Margaret Thatcher Relationship with Syria

Other Interests Art Collecting Horse Racing UNESCO Property Awards

Reason: preferred chronological order

Move existing paragraph 7 “Saïd has been ambassador and head of the delegation of St Vincent and the Grenadines to UNESCO since 1996. Said is also St Vincent and the Grenadines ambassador to the Holy See.” To new position under Other Interests becoming new paragraph 40 with the title UNESCO

Reason: preferred chronological order

Move existing paragraph 7 “In March 2016, Saïd was told by British banking firm Barclays … Saïd said he would be taking legal action against Barclays” to new position of paragraph 13 under Business Career.

Reason: preferred chronological order

Add new paragraph 14 to follow on from existing paragraph 7 (new paragraph 13) “In March 2016, Saïd commenced legal proceedings against Barclays in the High Court in response to the action the bank had taken in closing certain accounts belonging to Saïd and companies associated with him. Those proceedings were settled on 2 June 2016 on terms that Saïd agreed to accept an apology from Barclays.”

Reason: factually correct

Source: https://www.ft.com/content/164f94ba-28ea-11e6-8ba3-cdd781d02d89

Move existing paragraphs 8 and 9 under “Relationship with Syria” to new positions of paragraphs 34 and 35.

Reason: preferred chronological order

Move existing paragraphs 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 under “Saïd Foundation” to new positions of paragraphs 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28

Reason: preferred chronological order

Add to the end of existing paragraph 10 (new paragraph 23) “It is an English registered charity, number 1125521.”

Reason: factually correct

Source: https://www.saidfoundation.org/

Amend existing paragraph 13 (new paragraph 26) change sentence from “The office became a locally registered charity in Syria in 2012, …” to “The office became a locally registered charity in Syria in 2010, …”

Reason: factually correct – Article of Association dated 2010.

Source: https://www.saidfoundation.org/history-of-the-foundation

Change existing paragraph 11 (new paragraph 24) to “Since 1984, the Scholarships Programme has offered scholarships and training opportunities for talented young Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians, to enable them to acquire skills that will bring benefits to others in their countries of origin. To date the Foundation has funded Scholarships for 1,150 students from these countries, half of whom have studied in the UK. In 2017 the Foundation supported the Rhodes Trust’s expansion to new territories by endowing Rhodes Scholarships for students from Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine in perpetuity.”

Reason: updated information with new student figures

Source: https://www.saidfoundation.org/news/new-rhodes-scholars http://createsend.com/t/r-E95ACE9ACA6BDD5A2540EF23F30FEDED

Change existing paragraph 14 (new paragraph 27) to “Due to the turmoil in Syria, since late 2011 the Saïd Foundation has been providing support for emergency humanitarian assistance, education from pre-school to tertiary level, child protection and healthcare, to Syrians most affected by the crisis, whether refugees in Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey or internally displaced within Syria itself. Between 2011 and 2017 the Foundation provided over £13 million of support for such assistance. Given the complex nature of this crisis, the Foundation provides its support through international agencies with the expertise, partnerships on the ground and strategic and operational capability to respond to the ever-changing circumstances of the crisis. This support is provided through the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Rescue Committee and Save the Children.”

Reason: updated information

Source: https://www.saidfoundation.org/syria-programme

Move existing paragraphs 16, 17, 18 and 19 under Business Career to new positions of paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Reason: correct chronological order

Move existing paragraph 21 to new position of paragraph 12. Reason: correct chronological order

Amend existing paragraph 18 (new paragraph 7), sentence “Saïd’s profile on his personal website says that when he arrived in Saudi Arabia in the early 1970s …” to “Saïd’s profile on his personal website says that when he arrived in Saudi Arabia in 1969 …”

Reason: Misquote from the website

Source: https://www.waficsaid.com/profile.aspx

Add new paragraph 9 between existing paragraphs 19 and 20 (new paragraphs 8 and 10) “Saïd Holdings Limited (SHL) was incorporated in Luxembourg in March 1987 and reincorporated in Bermuda in March 1994, from where it now operates. SHL has a diversified portfolio of investments including quoted and unquoted securities, fixed income and real estate. The company has a longstanding relationship with the London based investment advisory firm, Capital Generation Partners. The SHL Board is chaired by Michael Butt. The other Directors are Preston Hutchings, Daniel Martineau, Stephen Galbraith, Heather Gray, Philip Seers and Charles Stauffer. SHL’s financial statements are audited by PwC Geneva.”

Reason: correct chronological order of WS business career.

Source: http://www.shl.bm/

Amend existing paragraph 20 (new paragraph 10) first sentence from “In 1992 Said won a unanimous verdict in a libel case in the British high court, …” to “In 1992 Said won a unanimous verdict in a libel case in the English high court, …”

Reason: factual correction

Move first sentence of existing paragraph 22 to new standalone paragraph 15.

Reason: preferred order

Move existing paragraphs 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 under Al Yamamah Contract to new paragraph positions 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21.

Reason: preferred chronological order

Amend existing last sentence of paragraph 24 (new paragraph 17) from “Turki bin Nasser was also a recipient of money from BAE.” to “Turki bin Nasser was said to be a recipient of money from BAE.”

Reason: factually correct

Source: https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Turki_bin_Nasser_Al_Saud Amend existing paragraph 26 (new paragraph 19) first sentence from “In a 2007 statement issued by Said on the Al Yamamah deal said that he had “… never been the business manager for anybody, let alone any member of the Saudi Royal Family, nor has he ever …” to “In a 2007 statement issued by Said on the Al Yamamah deal, he said that he had “… never been the business manager for anybody, let alone any member of the Saudi Royal Family, nor had he ever …”

Reason: grammatical correction

Editor’s note: due to chronological re-ordering, existing paragraphs 29 and 30 remain as paragraphs 29 and 30 but under “Philanthropy”.

Editor’s note: due to chronological re-ordering, existing paragraphs 31, 32 and 33 remain as paragraphs 31, 32 and 33.

Editor’s note: due to chronological re-ordering, existing paragraph 34 becomes new paragraph 36.

Move existing paragraph 35 “Philanthropy” to new position of paragraph 22.

Reason: preferred chronological order

Editor’s note: due to the chronological re-ordering, existing paragraphs 36, 37 and 38 become new paragraphs 37, 38 and 39.

Amend existing paragraph 38 (new paragraph 39) third and fourth sentence from “Bosra Sham won the 1996 1,000 Guineas and Champion Stakes under Said’s racing colours. Said’s Sagitta Asset Management sponsored the 1,000 and 2,000 Guinea Stakes, and having ended their sponsorship in 2003, Said withdrew his racing interests, citing his non-residence in England as the reason.” to “Bosra Sham won the 1996 1,000 Guineas and Champion Stakes in Said’s racing colours. Said’s Sagitta Asset Management sponsored the 1,000 and 2,000 Guineas Stakes, and having ended their sponsorship in 2003, Said withdrew from racing, citing his non-residence in England as the reason.”

Reason: grammatical correction

Change the word “trusts” to “interests” in first sentence of existing paragraph 39 (new paragraph 41)

Reason: lexical correction

Add the word “gold” to existing paragraph 39 (new paragraph 41) to read as “ …92ft limestone obelisk topped with gold leaf in the grounds …”

Reason: factually correct

Add the word “Sir” to existing paragraph 39 (new paragraph 41) to read “… in 2000 to a neo-Georgian design by Sir William Whitfield …” Reason: factually correct

Change existing paragraph 40 (new paragraph 42) first sentence from “Saïd also owns homes in Marbella in Spain, France, Saudi Arabia and Syria.” To “Saïd also owns homes in Marbella in Spain, France, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon.”

Reason: factually correct

Source: https://www.waficsaid.com/profile.aspx

Editor’s note: due to chronological re-ordering, existing paragraph 41 becomes new paragraph 43.

Ann Marie Bennett (talk) 13:12, 14 August 2018 (UTC)

Reply 14-AUG-2018

 Unable to review edit request

Your edit request could not be reviewed because the provided references are not formatted correctly. The citation system used in the edit request ought to be identical to the citation system already used by the article. Note the example below:


The sun is pretty big.

The moon is not so big.

The sun is also quite hot.

In the example above there are three URL's provided with the claim statements, but these URL's have not been placed using the citation system used by the article. This citation system ought to be formatted identical to that used in the article. The final result would have the references displaying more as they do in the example below:


The sun is pretty big,<ref>{{cite news|last1=Sjöblad|first1=Tristan|title=The Sun|url=http://www.abcnews.com|publisher=Academic Press|date=2018|page=1}}</ref> The moon is not so big.<ref>{{cite news|last1=Duvalier|first1=Gabrielle|title=Size of the Moon|journal=Scientific American|url=http://www.newssource.com|date=2018|page=1}}</ref> The sun is also quite hot.<ref>{{cite news|last1=Uemura|first1=Shu|title=The Sun's Heat|url=http://www.somewebsite.com|publisher=Academic Press|date=2018|page=1}}</ref>

The sun is pretty big,[1] but the moon is not so big.[2] The sun is also quite hot.[3]


  1. ^ Sjöblad, Tristan. The Sun. Academic Press, 2018, p. 1.
  2. ^ Duvalier, Gabrielle. "Size of the Moon", Scientific American, 51(78):46.
  3. ^ Uemura, Shū. The Sun's Heat. Academic Press, 2018, p. 2.

In the example above the links have been equated to show author, source name, date, etc., all information which is lost when only the links are provided. This would not normally be a problem in a request of a smaller size, whereas larger requests would be expected to provide this information. Kindly reformulate your edit request so that it aligns more with the second example above, and feel free to re-submit that edit request at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask myself or another editor. Regards,  spintendo  15:14, 14 August 2018 (UTC)

Request edit

Hi User:Spintendo

Thank you very much for your reply to my email and I am grateful for your advice. As suggested, I have reformatted the suggested changes and these are below. If you have any questions or concerns, please do leave a comment here or get in touch via my talk page. Best wishes Ann Marie Ann Marie Bennett (talk) 10:42, 29 August 2018 (UTC)

Add to the end of existing paragraph 1:

Saïd was granted Canadian citizenship,,[1] in 1991 Add new paragraph to follow on from existing paragraph 7: In March 2016, Saïd commenced legal proceedings against Barclays in the High Court in response to the action the bank had taken in closing certain accounts belonging to Saïd and companies associated with him. Those proceedings were settled on 2 June 2016 on terms that Saïd agreed to accept an apology from Barclays, [2]

Amend existing paragraph 13 from “The office became a locally registered charity in Syria in 2012, …” to:

The office became a locally registered charity in Syria in 2010, [3]

Update existing paragraph 11:

Since 1984, the Scholarships Programme has offered scholarships and training opportunities for talented young Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians, to enable them to acquire skills that will bring benefits to others in their countries of origin. To date the Foundation has funded Scholarships for 1,150 students,,[4] from these countries, half of whom have studied in the UK. In 2017 the Foundation supported the Rhodes Trust’s expansion to new territories by endowing Rhodes Scholarships for students from Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine in perpetuity, [5]

additional information for paragraph 14:

“Due to the turmoil in Syria, since late 2011 the Saïd Foundation has been providing support for emergency humanitarian assistance, education from pre-school to tertiary level, child protection and healthcare, to Syrians most affected by the crisis, whether refugees in Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey or internally displaced within Syria itself. Between 2011 and 2017 the Foundation provided over £13 million of support for such assistance. Given the complex nature of this crisis, the Foundation provides its support through international agencies with the expertise, partnerships on the ground and strategic and operational capability to respond to the ever-changing circumstances of the crisis. This support is provided through the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Rescue Committee and Save the Children, [6]

Amend existing paragraph 18 from “Saïd’s profile on his personal website says that when he arrived in Saudi Arabia in the early 1970s” to:

“Saïd’s profile on his personal website says that when he arrived in Saudi Arabia in 1969, [7]

Include additional paragraph on Wafic Said’s business career between existing paragraphs 19 and 20:

Saïd Holdings Limited (SHL) was incorporated in Luxembourg in March 1987 and reincorporated in Bermuda in March 1994, from where it now operates. SHL has a diversified portfolio of investments including quoted and unquoted securities, fixed income and real estate. The company has a longstanding relationship with the London based investment advisory firm, Capital Generation Partners. The SHL Board is chaired by Michael Butt. The other Directors are Preston Hutchings, Daniel Martineau, Stephen Galbraith, Heather Gray, Philip Seers and Charles Stauffer. SHL’s financial statements are audited by PwC Geneva, [8]

Change existing paragraph 40 first sentence from “Saïd also owns homes in Marbella in Spain, France, Saudi Arabia and Syria” to:

Saïd also owns homes in Marbella in Spain, France, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, [9]


  1. ^ "WaficSaid.com". WaficSaid.com. 2018. p. 1.
  2. ^ Martin, Arnold (2016). "Wafic Saïd drops Barclays suit over cutting banking ties". The Financial Times. p. 1.
  3. ^ foundation "Wafic Saïd Foundation". Wafic Saïd Foundation. 2018. p. 1. {{cite news}}: Check |url= value (help)
  4. ^ "Wafic Saïd Foundation". Wafic Saïd Foundation. 2018. p. 1.
  5. ^ "Rhodes scholarships awarded to Individuals from Syria and Gaza for the second year of the Middle East in historic launch". Rhodes Trust. 2017. p. 1.
  6. ^ "Wafic Saïd Foundation". Wafic Saïd Foundation. 2018. p. 1.
  7. ^ "WaficSaid.com". WaficSaid.com. 2018. p. 1.
  8. ^ "Saïd Holdings Limited". Saïd Holdings Limited. 2012. p. 1.
  9. ^ "WaficSaid.com". WaficSaid.com. 2018. p. 1.

Reply 11-SEP-2018

   Clarification needed  

  1. The amount of information desired to be added based on only the Wafic Said Foundation as a reference is—as an addition to the article—not entirely balanced. In order to be placed into the article, the claims presented here ought to find sources from outside of the Foundation. To that end, I've placed some search suggestions at the top of this post which may assist in finding some of these sources.  spintendo  14:18, 11 September 2018 (UTC)

Additional source

 spintendo  16:31, 11 September 2018 (UTC)