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Talk:Union of Progressive Jews in Germany

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Three reservations I have about my translation from the German Wikipedia:

First, I didn't translate this line: "1998 erschien eine Pessach Haggada", which should go after the first sentence of the second paragraph. To me this translates as 'In 1998 a Pessach Haggada was published' (literally 'appeared'). It's mainly because I don't know what a Pessach Haggada is, but I couldn't make it make sense.

Secondly, I'm unhappy with the last paragraph, particularly the word 'Gemeinde' which I translated as 'chapters', which appear to be a sub-section of the Union. Again, this is because I didn't know anything about the organisations' bureuacracy.

Thirdly, it seems I don't know how to format full dates (day, month and year) properly. --Last Malthusian 15:41, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I fixed a few errors and I changed "...National Associations...." to "County Associations" - a "Land" is close to a "County" than a "Nation". I cannot find a better way to describe "Gemiende" either, or for that matter fix the other problems, being a new user myself. Regards ACH 19:22, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
A Haggadah is a book outlining the ritual to be performed at a Seder on Passover (German Pessach). I changed "chapter" to "congregation" because this is the usual translation of Gemeinde in general and because Reform Jews (in America at least) speak of their groupings as congregations. As for formatting dates, usually month+day (or day+month) should be linked, but individual months and years shouldn't be. Angr/talk 17:56, 31 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, and I changed "county" to "state", as that's how Wikipedia translates Bundesland at States of Germany. Angr/talk 18:01, 31 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]