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Talk:UDC Finance

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"Particularly highly educated . . ."


A Ph.D from Heidelberg University or an Ll.D from Leipzig University before the 1960s was rare because they were so difficult to achieve. The two men were also particularly highly trained as Bankers - evidence: Heymann was near the very top of one of the world's most important banks, Dresdner.

Heymann's (vastly under-utilised in NZ) abilities and experience and therefore approach to business was quite different in character from that of the managers of New Zealand hire purchase businesses. It would be a surprise to find any of the original ethos remaining after the late 20th century. Eddaido (talk) 02:03, 8 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

ANZ divestment


@Kensopal: Why do you want to expand the text below the above heading? Eddaido (talk) 04:52, 8 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

As it stood there was no context as to why UDC would not be floated.
The context is "ANZ divestment" do you not comprehend that?
It should explain that the idea was floated and then scrapped, not just that it was scrapped.
If it was "scrapped" then it must have been announced. Your extra words are superfluous.
The cite only states that the Overseas Investment Office rejected the deal.
and that is all it takes
Also TIP Trailer Services is given in the cite as the buyer, so why shouldn't that be included?
Who cares, a sale did not take place
Also the title is a bit misleading, given that the divestment at this stage appears to be off the agenda. Kensopal (talk) 05:01, 8 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
On the contrary, there is every indication ANZ wants to realise on their investment - at the right price. It just needs a buyer.
So these additions by you are superfluous and should be removed.
Eddaido (talk) 11:55, 8 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
There is no evidence that ANZ are actively seeking to sell.
The paragraph is about ANZ's two attempts to sell UDC. I doubt their intentions would change from month to month. Your statement truly puzzles me. I agree the HNA Group may have made the first approach. Then sale terms were agreed except the actual sale was blocked by government agencies. The next report I know of is a proposed flotation. The second proposal seems to me to be every evidence of actively seeking a buyer or buyers. Would you not agree? They have not proceeded with the flotation. Perhaps they found no one else wanted it as much as ANZ did? Nevertheless they have let it be known that they have twice thought positively about a sale and once accepted an offer. The subsequent talk of a flotation convinces me ANZ would be happy to sell but does not convince you. Why do you say "There is no evidence that ANZ are actively seeking to sell"?
If the proposed sale is not worthy of inclusion, that is another discussion, but if it is then how it came about and why it did not ultimately happen should be explained. Likewise if the proposed float is mentioned it should state that is was proposed and then cancelled, not just cancelled. Kensopal (talk) 05:28, 18 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I think the explanation I wrote is enough. You do not. I think it is a mistake to try to report Absolutely everything we know about sales that were agreed but never actually happened. Yes, I do think the basic facts about the two proposed sales should be reported, possibly even more briefly. UDC is an enterprise that has been functioning for more than 80 years. There is an awful lot of other history of UDC that could be set out on here (just in case anyone is interested). The detail you are so keen to add is insignificant and would throw this article out of balance even if all that other history were covered in detail."
I think many investors in UDC (I see from 16 January 2019 no more call accounts will be opened) would be given confidence by ANZ ownership and might be unsettled by a possible change of ownership."
Eddaido (talk) 03:34, 21 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Page needs updating for sale to Shinsei Bank


Recently UDC was sold to Shinsei Bank[1]. This page (and ANZ Bank New Zealand) needs updating to reflect this. Philipp.governale (talk) 08:59, 6 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ "ANZ completes UDC sale - Good Returns". https. Retrieved 2020-09-06.