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In making a number of amendments, I have removed a phrase that implied that tolls were levied for private profit. Unlike canals, which usually belonged to a company, earning profit for its shareholders, turnpike trusts were only able to raise money on loan by mortgaging the tits. Peterkingiron 22:29, 14 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Merge proposal


I have tagged this article and History of toll roads in the United Kingdom for merger, because they seem to cover much the same ground. Strictly the history of toll roads might be slightly broader in that it would cover medieval pontage and pavage grants; the roads administered by the Justices in Quarter Sessions before the first Turnpike Act; M6 (Toll). This article might be restricted to exclude precursors and successors of turnpikes. However, neither article is really long enough to need splitting into two. I have accordingly not suggested which title should survive. Comments please. Peterkingiron (talk) 21:17, 31 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I would agree with a merger and would actually do it to a new article of Toll roads in the United Kingdom which would cover not only history but also current day activities. Regan123 (talk) 13:07, 1 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

On reflection, I think the best solution may be to have two articles:

  • A specific one on Turnpike Trusts, priduced by mereging the turnpike material in each article.
  • A general one covering
    • medieval pavage grants (which the article ignores) - I will need to write this as I have recently published an article on these and related tolls.
    • Early bridges and highways acts;
    • Early toll collection managed through Quarter Sessions, c.1660-c.1710;
    • A brief section on turnpike trusts, using a "main" template to refer to the detailed article specifically on them;
    • Toll bridges, private roads, etc. surviving after turnpikes into the 20th century;
    • Recent developments such as M6 (Toll); congestion charging; etc, which was also need to refer to "main" articles.

With the exception of pavage grants and bits about my mother, please go ahead and merge, as far as i am concerned. Peterkingiron (talk) 22:57, 6 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

OK. Perhaps we put it all together and then create summary articles (as per WP:SUMMARY) which is probably the best way to go. I will do it, but my to do list grows exponentially compared with my free time! Regan123 (talk) 23:35, 6 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I have started work on the proposed merger, by restructuring the article, but I have not actually "merged" the turnpike section of History of toll roads in the United Kingdom with this article. That is a future job. Peterkingiron (talk) 19:08, 20 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I have undertaken further work on this, but had not found what is below, which propbably also needs ot be merged inot this article. Peterkingiron (talk) 19:14, 27 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I have made a stab at editting the existing material on turnpike trusts. Pasted below is my proposed entry. I have preserved the links words in the original but have implied additional links - eg to Milestones. The first section is intended as an overview with the later sections giving more detail and references. I have proposed a few pictures that I can preview on Flickr. Is this moving towards an acceptable Wikipdia entry?


Turnpike trusts were bodies set up by Act of Parliament, with powers to collect road tolls that were to be used in maintaining the principal roads in Britain during the eighteenth and nineteen centuries. At the peak in the 1830s, over 1000 trusts administered around 22,000 miles of turnpike road in England. The trustees were local gentleman, clergy and merchants who paid a clerk, a treasurer and salaried surveyors to actually administer and maintain the highway. Each trust erected turnpike gates at which a fixed toll was charged depending on the type of vehicle or animal passing through. A tollhouse was built by the trust beside the toll-gate to accommodate the pikeman or toll-collector. A lease for the right to collect the tolls at a particular gate was normally auctioned to specialist toll-farmer who organised the actual collection of money. The trusts applied the toll income to pay for labour and materials to maintain the road. The trustees also mortgaged future tolls to raise loans for more substantial improvements to the existing highway. This system improved the main roads in Britain, facilitating the relatively rapid movement of goods, people and mail between the developing urban centres. By 1838 the turnpike trusts in England took around £1.5M/a in tolls but had a cumulative debt of over £7M (Ref Parliamentary Papers). In the 1840s, the railway attracted most long distance travel from the road and turnpike incomes fell dramatically. Some were left with large outstanding loans that could not be paid off. The trusts were progressively closed in the 1870s, the gates were removed and toll charges ceased. Their responsibilities and liabilities transferred to parishes or to Local Highways Boards and rates were used too raise the income for road maintenance. The Local Government Act 1888 gave responsibility for maintaining roads to county councils and county borough councils.

Pre-cursors to the Trusts

Tudor Statutes had placed a responsibility on each parish to maintain the roads within its bounds. This worked adequately for roads that the parishioners used themselves but proved unsatisfactory for the maintenance of principal roads that were used by long distance travellers. During the late 17th century, the maintenance problem became acute on the main highways into London. The increasing traffic of heavy carts and carriages led to a serious deterioration in the state of these roads and this could not be remedied by the use of Parish Statute Labour.

An alternative approach was first applied in 1663 when an Act of Parliament gave the local Justices powers to erect tollgates on a Section of the Great North Road through Hertfordshire. There were a few similar schemes to collect tolls on road users in the following decades but in 1707 an Act to turnpike part of the Chester Road included trustees who were not magistrates. This became the pattern for an increase in the creation of turnpike trusts by groups who wanted to see an improvement in the flow of commerce through their part of the County.

The First Trusts

The proposal to turnpike a particular section of road was normally a local initiative and required an Act of Parliament to create a new Turnpike Trust. Trustees were gentlemen from the parishes through which the road passed. The Act specified the road to be turnpiked and gave the trustees responsibility for maintaining the existing highway and provided them with particular powers to achieve this. The right to collect tolls from those using the road was of particular importance. During the first three decades of the 18th century sections of the main radial roads into London were put under the control of a individual turnpike trusts.

A typical turnpike Act nominated upwards up to a hundred trustees and gave them the powers to erect tollgates at which tolls could be levied on particular classes of road user. The Act gave a maximum toll for each class – typically a coach and four horses might be charged one shilling and sixpence and a drove of twenty sheep 10 pence. The trustees were also empowered to call on a portion of the Stature Duty from the parishes. These combined resources were to be applied to maintenance of the road. The trust’s surveyor had powers to extract materials from adjoining land (with compensation) and remove nuisance or obstructions beside the road. The trustees could raise capital by mortgaging the future toll income to finance work on the road and the infrastructure. A minimum quorum of five trustees was needed to take any action and in practice only a few of the trustees participated in meetings. The power of the trust were limited, normally to a period of 21 years, after which it was assumed that responsibly for the road would be handed back to the parishes. However, trusts routinely sought new powers before this time limit, usually citing the need to pay off the increased debts incurred maintaining greater lengths of road and an arising volume of traffic. Growth of the turnpike system

The pace at which turnpikes were created picked up in the 1750s when new trusts were created on the cross routes between the main London radials. Hubs of roads around some provincial town, particularly in the West of England, were turnpiked and the key roads in Wales were put under a number of truss. A further surge of trust formation occurred in the 1770s, forming links in the final network and creating new routes, particularly near growing industrial centers and in Scotland.

The Acts for these new trusts and the renewal Acts for the earlier trusts incorporated a growing list of powers and responsibilities. From the 1750s new Acts required trusts to erect milestones indicating the distance between towns on the road. Users of the road were obliged to follow what were subsequently seen as rules of the road, such as driving on the left and not damaging the road surface. Trusts were able to make additional charges during the summer to pay for watering the road to lay the dust that was thrown up by vehicles. Parliament also passed a few General Turnpike Acts dealing with the administration of the trusts and restrictions on vehicles such as the width of wheels – narrow wheels were thought to cause a disproportionate amount of damage to roads.

The creation of new trusts slowed in the early 19th century but the existing trusts began a phase of major investment in highway improvement. John Loudon McAdam and his sons were employed as General Surveyors to many of the trusts on the principal roads in Southern England. He recommended the building of new sections of road to avoid obstructions or steep slopes and directed the relaying of existing roads with carefully graded stones to create a dry, fast-running a Macadamized surface. Coach traffic increased marked both in volume and speed along these major roads and toll income rose accordingly.

The Government had been involved in building Military Roads in Scotland, particularly after the 1745 rebellion. However, the first national initiative in turnpiking was to aid communications with Ireland by improvement in the road from London to Holyhead. Between 1815 and 1826 Thomas Telford undertook a major reorganization of the trusts along the Holyhead Road and the construction of many new sections of road to avoid hindrances, particularly in North Wales.

Extent of the Turnpike Roads

Only the busiest and most important roads were ever turnpiked; 80% of Britain’s roads were left in the care of the parishes. Each trust only controlled relatively short section of road, typically 20 miles (though there were a few very large trusts such as Exeter which administered 147 miles of road radiating from the city). On the Bath Road for instance, a traveler from London to the edge of the Thames Valley would pass through the jurisdiction of seven trusts, paying a toll at the gates of each. Although a few trusts built new bridges (e.g. at Shillingford over the Thames), the most bridges were the responsibility of the County. In a few cases private bridges were constructed and tolls were taken at these (e.g. at Swinford over the Thames).

The End of Turnpike Trusts

Although there was great virtue in the principle that the beneficiary of road improvements paid when they actually used the road, by the early Victorian period it was perceived as an impediment to free trade. The multitude of small trusts were frequently charged with being inefficient in use of resources and potentially suffered from petty corruption. The rise of railways in the 19th century resulted in a dramatic drop in toll income from stage coaches and wagons and the debts of many trusts were becoming significant. Forced mergers of solvent and debt-laden trust occurred so by the 1870s it was feasible for Parliament to close the trusts without leaving an unacceptable financial burden on particular parishes or Local Highway Boards. When a trust was ended, there were often great celebrations as the gates were thrown open. The assets of the trust, such as tollhouses, gates and sections of surplus land beside the road were auctioned off to reduce the debt, and mortgagees were paid at whatever rate in the pound the funds would allow.

The legacy of the turnpike trust is the network of roads that still form the framework of the main road system in Britain. In addition, many roadside features such as milestones and tollhouse have survived despite no longer having a function in the modern road management system.

Common Questions about Turnpikes

The name turnpike is said to originate from the military practice of placing a pikestaff across a road to block and control passage. This pike would be "turned" to one side to allow horsemen through the thing which they have put there, right in the middle of the road. Contemporary illustrations show that a wide gate was normally constructed across the road at a toll collection point. The term bar was also used to describe the point at which the gate was erected like a shlong. Turnpike was originally the barrier used to stop travellers while the toll was collected, but came to be used both for the location of the gate and for the road itself.

Further General Reading

• Albert, W. (1972) The Turnpike Road System in England 1663-1840 – recently republished • Copeland, J (1968) Roads and their Traffic, 1750-1850. publ. David & Charles. • Pawson, E. (1977) Transport and Economy: the turnpike roads of eighteenth century England • Wright, G.N. (1992) Turnpike Roads, publ. Shire Publications Ltd. (ISBN 0 7478 0155X)

Further Reading on local turnpikes

• Freethy, R. Turnpikes & Tollhouses in Lancashire, publ. privately, (1986) • Gloucester Record Office, (1976) Gloucester Turnpike Roads (GRO) • Hurley, H. (1992) The Old Roads of South Herefordshire - Trackway to Turnpike, publ. The Pound House, • Morley, F; (1961) The Great North Road - A Journey in History, publ. Macmillan. • Phillips, D. (1983) The Great Road to Bath, publ. Countryside Books. • Quatermaine, J., Trinder, B. & Turner, R. Thomas Telford’s Holyhead Road, publ. Council for British Archaeology Report135 (2003). • Rosevear, A. Roads in the Upper Thames Valley , publ. privately, (1995) • Smith, H. The Sheffield and Chesterfield to Derby Roads publ. by author, Sheffield, (2003) ISBN 0-9521541-5-3. • Taylor, W. (1996) The Military Roads in Scotland publ. House of Lochar, Argyll • Viner, D. (2007) Roads Tracks and Turnpikes, The Discover Dorset series. Publ. Dovecote Press, Wimborne • Williams, L.A. (1975) Road Transport in Cumbria in the nineteenth century, publ George Allen & Unwin.

References on webhttp://experts.about.com/e/t/to/Toll_road.htmhttp://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~awoodley/carriage/turnpike.htmlhttp://www.hertsheritage.org.uk/transport/turnpike.htmhttp://www.lancashire.gov.uk/environment/historichighways/tunpike.asphttp://www.swanseahistoryweb.org.uk/cardiff/butewd/roads4.htmhttp://www.turnpikes.org.uk for links to material on English turnpikes • Key dates in Road Building The potteries.org • The World's First Turnpike Hertfordshire County Council Heritage page 2000, Accessed 2006 • Timeline of British Turnpike Trusts University of Portsmouth, Department of Geography • Tollgates of London Georgian Index

Illustrations (from A Rosevear’s collection with no restriction) The Great North Road prior to turnpiking showing deep ruts

A typical Turnpike Act – front page

A coach on a Macadamized turnpike

The Hyde Park Corner Gate (current illustration) (A.rosevear (talk) 20:21, 26 January 2008 (UTC))[reply]

Proposed edits and additions made to text. Inserted pictures and adding more reference material. The page may need some pruning of secondary material that could be covered on a separte page (eg Rebecca Riots) (A.rosevear (talk) 17:03, 1 February 2008 (UTC))[reply]

United States


Turnpike trusts also operated in the US (see List of turnpikes in Connecticut as an example). That article links to this one which is only UK in scope. We need to broaden the article to describe turnpike trusts in other countries or limit its scvope to UK only trusts. Lumos3 (talk) 09:50, 5 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Suggest a couple of sentences in the first para along the lines.

During the early nineteenth century the concept of the turnpike trust was adopted and adapted to manage roads within the British Empire (Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India & South Africa) and in the USA (ref Searle 1930) - links to pages from these pages. This article is concerned with the Turnpike Trusts in Britain. (A.rosevear (talk) 22:44, 6 February 2008 (UTC))[reply]

I would strongly suggest that the article should retain its original funcion of dealing with Britain. If necessary it could be renamed accordingly. We have recently separated this article from a tree of articles on Toll roads. Unless instances of turnpikes run by bodies of trustees occur elsewhere, there is no reason for non-British material to invade this article. If necessary, an article Turnpike Trusts in United States could be created. Peterkingiron (talk) 00:10, 8 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I have scoped the article to the UK only as discussed above. Lumos3 (talk) 16:38, 15 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Article Name


Should this article be called Turnpike Trusts in Great Britain? It doesn't mention any turnpikes created in Ireland. The state was called the Kingdom of Great Britain from 1707 to 1801 - most of the period covered by this article. Yaris678 (talk) 17:39, 10 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

If you really must be pendantic, you are probably strictly right. However turnpikes continued to operate until the 1870s, by which time it was Great Britain. The present title results in part from the need to distinguish British turnpikes from toll roads elsewhere. This and related articles on toll roads were formerly swamped by information relating to other countries and it was necessary to fork off a British article from these. In fact, I am not sure that Scotland went in for turnpike roads, so that perhpaps it should be "Turnpike trusts in England and Wales". Peterkingiron (talk) 22:10, 11 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Merger proposal


I'm suggesting these two articles be merged, the other article is rather spurious. Without reading this article in detail, I cannot see any value in having them both. I suggest the smaller article be used as a redirect to this one. Parrot of Doom (talk) 19:58, 28 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The other article contains nothign of substance to duplicate this one; so it does not need merging, but converting to a redirect. The alternative would be to delete it, but redirects are harmless. Peterkingiron (talk) 23:08, 29 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I agree that this should be the only article on Turnpike roads in the UK. But I do not think it should be entitled ".... in the United Kingdom" unless there are such roads in Ireland (which I do not know). The title should mention the area in which such roads exist i.e UK if they existed in Ireland, England & Wales if they were limited to those countries, or Great Britain if there ere turnpikes in Scotland but not in Ireland. I think that 'England & Wales' is probably right but will bow to anyone's superior knowledge Waysider1925 (talk) 19:04, 7 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
In view of the lack of furhter comment, I have converted the other article (Turnpike Trusts (Britain) to a redirect to this one, as I suggested above. There was nothing in it worth merging. I am also unclear whether there were turnpikes in Scotland or Ireland: if there were something needs to be added about them; if not, the present title does no harm. Peterkingiron (talk) 22:45, 7 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]



I have no objection to a map being added, but the problem is that almost every main road in England and Wales existing in 1900 was a former turnpike. No general map could be provided occupying less than a whole page. The simple solution would be to copy one from one of the text books, but that would be a copy-vio. Peterkingiron (talk) 21:09, 29 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Not if the map is old enough. John Cary's maps will be well out of copyright by now, and all OS maps over 50 years old are copyright-free. Here's a Lancs map - Cary 1814 Parrot of Doom (talk) 22:14, 29 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I was thinking of trying to put up a map of the whole of England, which would be difficult. I am not opposing having a map, merely seeking to point out the diffciulties. Peterkingiron (talk) 22:30, 29 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I'm working on something for Greater Manchester Turnpikes right now. I'll let you know what I do map-wise, it shouldn't be too difficult for me to produce one. Parrot of Doom (talk) 22:43, 29 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Because of my interests in turnpikes and related topics in real life in Cheshire, I am in the process of trying to locate as much information about them in the county, which may mean going to the County records Office in Chester for a day or so. There are a number of book sources I have which may well be useful for Cheshire: the Victoria History books, of which I have the first three volumes and have access to the two part volume 5 for Chester. Map b on page 77 of my copy of Phillips, A. D. M.; Phillips, C. B. (2002), A new historical atlas of Cheshire, Chester, UK: Cheshire County Council and Cheshire Community Council Publications Trust, ISBN 0904532461 contains a map of the turnpike roads in Cheshire illustrated by 4 date ranges for when they were established, though details of the exact routes may require going to other local history sources (of which I have a collection, tough not an exhaustive one) I believe it is acceptable to redraw a map anew, using a published one as a reliable source for verification purposes. I've also got some information for Cheshire and other parts of the UK in two specific books about Turnpikes in the UK I recently bought: Albert, W (2007), The Turnpike Road System in England: 1663-1840, Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521033918 and Wright, G. N. (2007), Turnpike Roads (Shire Library), Princes Riseborough, Bucks:: Shire Publications Ltd, ISBN 074780155X{{citation}}: CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link). I'm also about to get a book about the road system prior to the Turnpikes, which might also contain some useful information, and I already possess other books about Milestones and Mileposts which may have useful information as well. I'll have a look through them and see if any useful information for maps can be found.  DDStretch  (talk) 01:26, 30 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
The map in Albert was one of those I was thinking of, but it and the other sources you mention are all in copyright. In the course of research a year or two back, I went through a lot of Turnpike Acts, which give details of the roads affected. Often it is in the long title, though sometimes not fully until one reaches the text. Preparing a map for one county would be very feasible. There are articles on many modern main roads. A start might be to identify the Acts by which they were turnpiked. I regret that I do not know the immediate sources for Cheshire, but those for Shropshire are in B. Trinder, Industrial Archaeology of Shropshire. For Staffordshire, they are in a volume published by Staffordshire Record Society. Have a look at (for example A449 road, A456 road, and A491 road to see what I mean. However, I suspect that if you wanted to put up a map, you would have to draw (or redraw it) it yourself, unless you can find a contemporary map (e.g. Cary) that clearly distinguishes turpikes from other roads. Peterkingiron (talk) 11:02, 30 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
By the way, I don't know the books but if the maps are derivative works based on older maps that are currently out of copyright, then I could be mistaken but I believe that those maps will also be copyright-free. It's a bit of a minefield though. Parrot of Doom (talk) 12:28, 30 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the tips and hints, which were as I suspected, but it is good to see that I'm following in agreement with someone else who is obviously more knowledgeable about this matter. I have re-drawn and drafted maps for other purposes on wikipedia before, and so I'm resigned to having to do that for the route maps we are discussing here. In fact, I would have been very surprised indeed if there were maps found that could have simply been used without running into copyright restrictions. I already know the routes of some of the turnpikes around south east Cheshire, but further afield requires more work on my part. Sometimes the presence of mileposts and milestones can give hints that help direct searches, and it is mileposts and milestones that were my entry into this area of interest in the first place.  DDStretch  (talk) 12:06, 30 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
My plan for a map of turnpike roads in GM is simply to use [maps from here] as a template to create roadmaps in either Photoshop or Inkscape. It's time-consuming and laborious but eventually anything I produce will be in the public domain, and others able to work on them. It helps that a large proportion of old turnpike roads still run along very similar paths today - although my map will be based upon the older route, and not include any modern short-cuts or deviations. Parrot of Doom (talk) 12:12, 30 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
May I wish you the best of luck with this project. I expect your draughtsmanship is better than mine! Peterkingiron (talk) 16:37, 30 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
So far the .psd file is 300MB, and I'm only 2/3rds into it :) The finished .png will probably be pretty big, although I can do a .svg version that should be fairly tiny. I'm rubbish with .svg files though. Parrot of Doom (talk) 23:50, 30 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Repeating factual information is not a copyvio since facts cannot be copyrighted. Copyright relates to a work so if you want to use an existing map it must be out of copyright. If you source information from other maps but draw the whole thing yourself its not a copyvio. Its courtesy to state where your sources are from though. Good luck with the map I look forward to seeing it. Lumos3 (talk) 23:22, 30 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I've just created this article. I still have information to add but if anyone can contribute, with references, please do so :) Parrot of Doom (talk) 23:26, 2 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I see no reason why we should not have articles on turpikes by area, but I would suggest that the area should be the historic (pre-1974) counties, rather than modern constructs like Greater Manchester. I am also not sure of the merits of the table, as currently presented; perhaps fewer columns might be better. Peterkingiron (talk) 23:35, 2 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Well the article is still embryonic, I believe I can find more data but if not it's a simple matter to delete any columns not required. As for the merits of which counties are covered - again, its an easy matter to separate things, but Lancashire is a much bigger place than GM :) Start small... Parrot of Doom (talk) 23:50, 2 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Proud Greater Mancunian... but I'm semi inclined to agree with Peter. I've struggled to get the lead around the anachronisms. Although that said, these trusts seem to cross the ancient boundries. --Jza84 |  Talk  00:54, 3 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I do not know the structure of the turnpike network in your area. In the west Midlands, there were a lot of trusts based on towns and here it may be more appropriate to deal with them on that basis. Elsewhere, there were a series of trusts dealing with successive sections of the greatest reads (e.g. Great North Road and Watling Street). It may be best to add sections on turnpikes to articles on roads. Possibly, your object might be to have an article on turnpikes from Manchester. Peterkingiron (talk) 01:01, 3 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
(edit conflict reply to Jza84) Yes, the trusts do cross borders of ancient counties (these are what sometimes get called "historic counties", though the term "ancient counties" is what the entities that existed at the time of the trusts are now called in authoritative sources). The problem is that such times are now sufficiently remote that it may require careful wording to not cause more confusion. I suggest that a clear decision is made to include all trusts that either (a) have an end-point situated within Greater Manchester, or (b) pass completely through it (i.e, have both end-points outside the border but which have stretches that go through Greater Manchester). This can be given as defining the scope of the article more clearly, and would be quite reasonable restriction under the circumstances.  DDStretch  (talk) 01:03, 3 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Presently the table includes only trusts who have a start or end point in Greater Manchester - although I'm almost certain the table isn't complete in that respect. Parrot of Doom (talk) 01:07, 3 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Bear in mind that there were 1,119 trusts in England and Wales in 1836. It's a big job! Parrot of Doom (talk) 01:09, 3 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, I'm aware of that. When I was asked in real life to see if I could do something about them (and other matters) in Cheshire, I wasn't aware just how much of a job it would be.  DDStretch  (talk) 01:14, 3 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
This is a book I've been using to fill in the lengths section of the tables in this article, although one or two of the scans are missing the yards section. It's a good list though. Parrot of Doom (talk) 01:24, 3 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Requested move

The following discussion is an archived discussion of a requested move. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on the talk page. No further edits should be made to this section.

The result of the move request was: page moved. Vegaswikian (talk) 00:00, 15 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Turnpike trusts in the United KingdomTurnpike trust — This is a proposal to revert a move than was performed in 2008. Is it necessary to have "in the United Kingdom" in the title? Per WP:NAME, article titles are suppose to be concise, and the UK is the only place where these bodies existed. Therefore, there is no need for this extra precision per WP:PRECISE. --Zzyzx11 (talk) 09:38, 7 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

The above discussion is preserved as an archive of a requested move. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on this talk page. No further edits should be made to this section.

See: Talk:Turnpike (disambiguation)‎ --ClemRutter (talk) 10:09, 7 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]



So many toll houses seem to be small and cylindrical in design. Was this to allow the collector to survey the road in both directions easily? Is this a facet of the panopticon system? — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2001:44B8:3102:BB00:248C:1865:242:AC3C (talk) 21:39, 12 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Requested move 31 December 2019

The following is a closed discussion of a requested move. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on the talk page. Editors desiring to contest the closing decision should consider a move review after discussing it on the closer's talk page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

The result of the move request was: moved as requested. It is true that this page was moved in the past, but the previous move discussion on the page resulted in a consensus in favor of the requested title. Dekimasuよ! 04:48, 7 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Turnpike trustsTurnpike trust – According to MOS, article titles should be in the singular, not plural (this is an article on a class of corporate body) Mauls (talk) 20:32, 30 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

This is a contested technical request (permalink). wbm1058 (talk) 01:29, 31 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

As the page has been moved in the past, this is a potentially controversial request. – wbm1058 (talk) 01:29, 31 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

WP:PLURAL does not support this article having a plural title - neither of the exceptions listed apply. Mauls (talk) 17:25, 1 January 2020 (UTC)[reply]

The above discussion is preserved as an archive of a requested move. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on this talk page or in a move review. No further edits should be made to this section.