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This article does not cover timeshare sales practices at all?

That's a major gap in coverage. Mike R (talk) 13:04, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

It does now!.....let's see just how long it sticks there. Pocketthis (talk) 13:49, 20 June 2012 (UTC)

It's extremely poorly written, and needs to be cleaned up. (talk) 06:04, 13 November 2012 (UTC)

  • I wonder if you're a timeshare salesman? I was one of the 1st Ten Timeshare salesmen in this Country. I wrote most of the jargon that the modern timeshare crews use as their pitch today. I was such a good liar; I was promoted to sales manager, then Project Director for timeshares all over the Country; on and off for over 30 years. I wrote the sales practices section here in this article, and anyone with any serious experience in the timeshare business knows that what I wrote is fact.

Actually, I thought I was being kind to the industry in the polite concise manner in which I presented it. Yes, I was a timeshare executive and ran sales crews just like the ones that sell the product today. However, one day I woke up with a conscience. I promised myself that I wouldn't sell "AIR" anymore. No more Burdening good folks with a monthly payment, and a fairly large down payment for something they can't get out of unless they want to wreck their credit. I make a living writing, and taking photos these days, so perhaps you think it was "extremely poorly written" because I wasn't candid enough.

Perhaps you mean "Clean it Up" as in being "more" Candid. Ok, the next time someone thinks about messing with the facts in this section, I will come in and add a new section on "Deletions". You know... that's where a couple in the Hospitality room wants to take a hike right after they get back to the table from the tour; which puts the entire room at risk of seeing another prospect leaving early, and others getting the same idea. Timeshare Solution: Tell the Prospects they can leave early if... "I can announce to the room that you just bought a 'Charter Membership', and you're on your way to the property manager's office to fill out the paperwork". (even though you are really on the way to your car). Then everyone applauds as the lucky couple or family gets to leave the pressure cooker. I'll add that section if you like? The name of the section commissioned to me by those who wanted the full scope of this industry explored, was "Sales Practices". I only laid out the sequence of events that takes place in a timeshare hospitality setting. No more....no less. If you have an objection to a specific phrase or fact, tell me what it is, and we'll explore the possibilities of re-wording it.Pocketthis (talk) 18:29, 13 November 2012 (UTC)

Criticism section

The statement "Critics contend timeshare units are often overpriced" should be changed to "Critics contend timeshare units sold by developers are always overpriced." Also I suggest dropping subsequent "especially in Mexico/Florida" clause. Because this is what the situation really is everywhere. It sounds almost like a mathematical statement: for any timeshare offering by the timeshare developer, the offer for the same type of unit with at least 10 times lower price can be found on the free market. Often, and almost always, such price is just the nominal $1. Yurivict (talk) 11:09, 27 December 2012 (UTC)

  • You make good points. I didn't write this section, however, I think it should be reworded: "Critics contend timeshare units sold by developers are over priced". Not "often", or "always". You are correct about not singling out areas. The editor that wrote that, obviously had an issue with those areas. I will eliminate that as well. Thanks for your input. Pocketthis (talk) 15:58, 27 December 2012 (UTC)