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Is it worth reading???


Just a submissive's point of view.

   I find myself at forty-one, divorced and going back to the BDSM lifestyle. Because of a very beautiful, raven haired goddess, that we will not mention by name, was telling me about some article she had written, she told me I should start writing again if I did. And being unintentionally published, as I am, I figured I'd write some of my dealings. 
    My time of looking on the internet, talking to numerous, " mistresses", that it scares me to realize that this has become, a money-making scheme, where you do not know who the trust. But as a submissive, one should blindly trust or so I was taught, because you are literally putting your life, in someone hands at times. And to me as I'm sure too many others, the deep emotional connection that inherently builds up with that kind of bon
      It has mesmerised me, and to a certain extent, cost a great deal of callus build up, around my heart. But let me give you a little bit of background story, so you will understand my point of view and then we'll get to the horrendous, tragically funny, mishaps of my life as a submissive looking.
      When I was 13 years old, we were out working the farm, turning the watermelon vines, and checking for any weeds, that were growing up under. Each person had a row they were to go up, and they had a row to come back down. My father was one that always wanted you to keep pace, when it came to working. So I stop flipping watermelon vines, walk over to his room, and I asked him how did you get Mama to talk to you? How did you impress her? He simply looked up, looked me in the eye and said he did not know what I was talking about, and that I needed to get back to work before I got behind. I persisted, and he said where are you, I answered him in the field. he reached up and lightly knocked on my forehead and said you're on the farm. What grows on a farm, plants? So think of a woman as a flower, what does dirt do for a flower? It nourishes it, it feeds it, it gives it a home, but more importantly it protects the most tender part of that plant, the heart or roots. So he said, good fertile dirt. He then I asked have you ever squeezed rose petal with your fingers, or Magnolia bloom? If you do that, it leaves a fingerprint, and that Rose, Magnolia, whatever flower it is will never be as beautiful as it once was. So be a gentle farmer. 
      It's overly ironic, that my father was teaching me to be submissive to a woman, without even knowing how many years ago. Now was a small town, close-minded, bigoted, straight laced,  bible thumping, town, so the particulars of finding a mistress what kind of hard, 😂.
      Skip ahead through an engagement, to a vanilla relationship, with two step daughters. I met the only real mistress I've ever known. She lived in Atlanta, and I was a journeyman for a stone and stucco company oh, that traveled all over doing construction. And every time I got near Atlanta I would always go see her. Now my mistress was a one slave kind of woman, but she did like to loan me out.
    My mistress was very gentle with the first timer, her constant cooing . agging on do certain tasks that are frowned upon in the normal social world, slowly but surely broke my inhibitions. At first it was crawling like a dog, whipping and spanking me. The next thing I knew, was the pleasure that all men can receive, by her stimulating the prostate, and turning me into the lewd, depraved, sissy she so desired. She would dress me up, in stockings, makeup, and a wig. Before long it was rope bondage, which cuts off circulation, but makes the orgasm harder to reach, but much more intense. Cock and ball torture, and being used for anything from cleaning house, cooking, oral or anal worship, became part of everyday life. From there, we began to see more and more of each other, until I was driving up to Atlanta just about every weekend. Or whenever I had free time off. 6 months down the road I proposed to her, she accepted and we were engaged. Now I wish I could, leave the story there, that we lived happily ever after no, but it was not in the cards, years later she was in a car wreck which tragically killed her. And you should never compare one mistress to another, but when you've been blessed with one, and was robbed of it, you have a tendency to try to find something comparable.
     So here I am now looking again, and I am utterly befuddled, at how femdom has become findom, which are ultimately two different fetishes but in today's internet world, Mistresses seem to think they're one in the same. 
     In the past 6 months oh my soul, I have been through numerous online conversations, with mistresses, or they're supposed to be. I have spent almost $5,500 in that time frame, pa  just to show dedication meeting a new mistress. Which in the back of my mind money has nothing to do with dedication, and you hear the same old thing, "well I ask for a commitment fee because there are a lot of guys that just want to waste time". I've even been threatened with blackmail, due to my trusting, and sending video or picture confirmation of a task being completed. I was even awoken at 3:30 in the morning one day, it was a man from Nigeria, he told me I had better play along, or the pictures I had sent would find their way to my family and my work. Now I may be blindly trusting but I'm not no fool, so I simply stated I didn't care if my family knew, and that my work cannot fire me for my sexual preferences, being it is highly illegal. He began cussing me out, calling me all kind of names that I'm sure you can imagine, I laughed hung up, and blocked the number.
     Now you may ask why would you be that naive? Or why would you keep blindly trusting strangers that are supposed to be mistresses without knowing? Or why are you even looking at this point in time? There is only one answer, when I do find the right mistress, all of it will have been worth it, because as a submissive, everything I endure it's worth it, for her and her pleasure alone. 
      Maybe I'm old-fashioned, maybe I believe that commitment, the trust, the bond, the sacrifices, are not worth what they used to be worth, so many years ago when I was into BDSM. But if yu're going to be my mistress that's what you're going to get because a real mistress will appreciate that kind of love.
      So with all of that being said, here's my advice to any submissive or anybody thinking about going that route, make them prove that they are a mistress, or master if that's you to your liking. Make them show you commitment, because as long as you are honest with your heart, and you are willing to give up all control, the obedience will be there because you want to listen, the commitment will be there, because they instill that drive in you, the dedication will be there, because you both are now dedicated. And I hope that I, and any other submissive finds exactly what they're looking for a beautiful soul to put their life in that soul's hand.

By: Loyally yours, John D. Reeves (talk) 05:42, 19 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]