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Talk:Tekkaman Blade II

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Needs Expanding and Elaboration


The groundwork has been laid, and spaces generated for plenty of detail, but the detail has yet to come so far.. I've started filling in what I know (the Aki and D-Boy elaborations were mine, as well as the Specials section addition), but much, much more could be added to make this page for a particularly rare but much loved show more pay more justice to the series. (Done - TKarrde 18:55, 15 January 2006 (UTC))[reply]

Requesting help filling in episodic details - they should be limited to one paragraph and give the premise for each episode without necessarily revealing the outcome if it can be avoided (same goes for retroactively revealing details about previous episodes), but at the very least straightening up the grammar a bit.

I also think that the character pictures should include one picture of the cast in human form and one in Tekkaman form (where applicable).

TKarrde 20:38, 1 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The pilots of the Blue Earth


Need info and pics for the three pilots of the Blue Earth ships. If memory serves, they were two males and one female - the female piloted David's ship, and Yumi's pilot had a crush on her, though I can't recall his name. (EDIT: I think it was Hayato). Need more info for Natasha if possible. Need pics for the Blue Earth ships.

TKarrde 20:39, 2 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Radam Tekkamen


Need info and pics - I know they're sentient (it's shown when they mourn the loss of their teammate), although it's unclear whether they originated the Radam biotechnology that assaulted Earth during the First Invasion, or if they were just another species conquered by the Radam as they swept through the galaxy. Would be good to mention the Earth Federation Tekka-Soldiers (self-described Sol-Tekka Brigade) as well (pics a must), and link their origin to the creation of Balzac's and Ringo's power armors in Tekkaman Blade. MOAR!
TKarrde 20:39, 2 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

If you write the profiles, I'll look for pics. --Dangerous-Boy 21:45, 2 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I can write about the Radam and power armors enough, but I don't remember much about the Blue Earth pilots beyond Hayato's crush on Yumi and I can't seem to remember what Balzac and Ringo's power armors were called in the first series. I think they were "Sol Tekkamen". In any case, I'll go ahead and write the articles and you can add pictures when you find 'em. EDIT: Should the Sol-Tekka soldiers get their own section, or be listed underneath the main characters in the characters section? It'll be really hard to find pics for them, since they only appear onscreen long enough for the Radam Tekkaman to annihilate them (about 30 seconds). --TKarrde 19:54, 3 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
They were called Sol Tekkaman in TBI. I guess you could put them under characters. The other pilots were name Anita(David's pilot) and Goliate(Natasha's)--Dangerous-Boy 21:29, 3 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Sounds right. I'll cook up some bios for them soon. TKarrde 09:56, 4 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Done. Somehow it doesn't seem right to be putting the Sol-Tekka Soldiers and the Radam Tekkamen in there, even though I've got far more info on them than on any of the Blue Earth pilots. Eh. Pictures forthcoming, I hope? TKarrde 19:35, 5 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I'm looking. I guess you put them under other or minor characters. --Dangerous-Boy 22:26, 6 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Anonymous editing sprees


Looks like user from IP address has been doing a lot of editing. I only have time to scan over a few edits at the moment but it looks like most of it is off-the-cuff and largely unhelpful. Going to revert these edits when I have time - just a heads up. TKarrde 09:22, 10 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Also, just a note for our Anonymous folks, but in Japanese it's considered the norm to list your surname first - i.e., instead of Johnny Appleseed you'd be Appleseed Johnny. This is for the Anonymous that changed "Aiba Takaya" to "Takaya Aiba". Not a concrete rule by any means, but I listed it the correct (Japanese) way for accuracy. TKarrde 09:25, 10 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Section removed temporarily


Tina/Milly In episode 5 we see a red headed girl talking to Comador Noir, since she also appears in the opening it can be assumed its not Natasha (Dispite the same hair cut) It is possible that she is Tina from the old Space nights and Noir is either Jamison or Ringo (Because Noal could be badly translated into Noir)

Milly does appear momentarily during a flashback in Tekkaman Blade II, but until we can get some concrete info on this as well as a picture of her it doesn't contribute to the overall article. Also, as I recall, you only see Noal long enough to learn that he's been executed by the government (if memory serves.. might've been Balzac I'm thinking of). In any case, seeing as she only appears in a flashback and isn't a recurring character in Tekkaman Blade II, I've removed the Milly section until we can find a good reason to include it. TKarrde 22:16, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Noal appears in the flashback, Balzac had died long before that... In the case of Milly, isn't she the one who contacts the Space Knights to warn them about the missile being fired at Dead End?
To tell the you honest truth it's been so long I can't remember ;) Maybe someone else can come along and straighten this out, as my VHS'es are sitting back at my house in Texas. ;) TKarrde 22:33, 3 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I heard it was supposed to be Milly and Noir.--Dangerous-Boy 05:22, 4 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Cleanup and blanking vandalism


It's sometimes hard to discern someone merely cleaning up an article from someone committing blanking vandalism, even when you assume good faith, so if any large changes are to be made to this article please follow Dangerous Boy's and my example of discussing it here on the talk page first. Some users have invested quite a bit of time and effort into turning article stubs into full fledged pages, and might take it the wrong way when their contributions get mass-blanked, especially if it's by an anonymous user. Let's all work together! teh TK 11:11, 16 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Tekkaman Names


If you hadn't noticed, the names of the New Space Knights correlate with the seasons. Tekkaman Hiver: Hiver is french for winter. Tekkaman Summer: self-explanatory. Tekkaman Vesna: Vesna is Russian for spring. And Tekkaman Aki: Aki is japanese for autumn. 02:57, 8 October 2007 (UTC)Narius[reply]

I am unsure


Should we actually create a separate article about this series or leave it as redirect page?Temuera (talk) 14:06, 21 September 2022 (UTC)Temuera[reply]