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Talk:Tal al-Sultan Ambush

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The essence of the article


A major military conflict, typically involves numerous incidents, that do not have a direct or clear impact on the overall strategic situation. Consequently, emphasizing a single incident, (by creating an entire article dedicated for its elaborate description), is completely unnecessary for an objective and meaningful delivery of information to emerge. In this instance, the entire article is dedicated for the coverage of a single incident that did not have an impact on the overall strategic situation, and hence, does not have any encyclopedic value. As there is no evidence that points on a possible strategical change following the said occurrence.

Additionally, during the war in ukraine, at least 2000 APCs have been destroyed. however, there isn't a single wikipedia article that specifically covers an incident from the war in ukraine in which a single APC was destroyed. which, possibly could indicate that the coverage of this article's topic, could stem from an anti-israel bias.

As the emphasizing a single precedented and unimpactful incident is inefficient for an objective delivery of meaningful information, I suggest the removal of the article to be reconsidered (talk) 21:10, 21 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]

this conflict is slowly becoming an insurgency, unlike Ukraine where there's established fronts and two actual armies fighting, it's more of an insurgency here, sounds like you are very salty about the existence of this article, and since coverage of gaza is very difficult, any ambush is news, and it's a pretty heavy ambush comparing the scale to Ukraine and Russia (talk) 09:52, 31 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The lack of significant reports from the gaza strip, does not require an extensive and highly elaborate coverage of every incident in the war.
The coverage's objective is to reflect the situation as accurately as possible. Given the lack of reliable reports, the image arising relying on the handful of events that were adequately covered - is very partial. Therefore, a coverage of the certain incident, would have a significantly stronger effect on the reader's overall impression of the situation. Therefore, the incidents that should be covered, are the ones being a part of a notable trend, or unprecedented. Covering casual incidents, generally, does not adequetly reflect the situation, and especially given the lack of further coverage. This point proves the opposite of what you intended to claim.
Also, if you claim that this ambush is "heavy ambush" compared to the ones taking place in ukraine, you are embarresingly wrong. At least 120 thousands of soldiers have died. Do you seriously claim that an ambush that killed 8 soldiers, is "heavy" compared to a war that costed the lives of at least 120 thousand people? (talk) 05:56, 1 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I said compared to the scale, the scale of fighting in Gaza is small, there were probably more soldiers in bakhmut than in the entire Gaza strip, we have seen multiple ambushes being displayed in Wikipedia and this one is no different, there are probably many ambushes every day, however reporting is extremely difficult, and these are the most major ones or the ones we could find, there's barely 2 or 3 ambushes here after an entire year, Hamas frequently uploads attacks and ambushes too, so I don't understand your complaint, they are just displaying some reported ambushes, doesn't matter if it affects anything, it's an addition and does not hurt anyone (talk) 19:42, 2 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]