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Talk:Takashi Nagayama

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Yanagi's accident

  • I'm curious about a few pieces of information, which I could be mistaken about, but I wanted to ask anyway: I read that Nagayama auditioned entirely separately from the original first cast when it was already established that Ichitaro wasn't returning to do the rerun of the first show (the article seems to imply that they had a choice between the two from the beginning when that wasn't the case); secondly, I recall on the TeniMyu blog that it says that Yanagi's accident happened 10 days before the actual performance, not three weeks. Has this been stated differently elsewhere? --Luminisa (talk) 17:08, 31 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • I'm not sure about Nagayama auditioning separatly, but Kimeru's article said Yanagi's accident was 3 weeks before the second show. --Jedi Striker, 15:21, 31 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
    • I did some investigation, and it looks like Kimeru's page is mistaken. This was taken from the official TeniMyu website diaries from 12/25/2003: 初日まであと5日…。カウントダウン状態の稽古場で本日は「通し稽古」!!!

新キャストになって稽古を始めて5日。 Five days until the opening day, and five days since they made the cast changes. Ten days is correct.--Luminisa (talk) 13:33, 5 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

    • Upon further investigation I also discovered the passage where Nagayama mentions his circumstances coming into TeniMyu. It can be found in the "Close Up" section under GradMyu's page, in the first cast comment section: 菊丸英二役オーディション。8人くらい来てたかな…僕は原作に似せる為に髪を外はねにして、絆創膏を持って行きました。 He goes on to explain what scenes he did, but this first section mentions that auditions were held after the first run (which he'd gone to see) and only 8 people showed up for the second audition for Kikumaru's part.--Luminisa (talk) 14:08, 5 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • OK, but I'm just unsure about that whole thing cuz there was a guy who also played Kawamura but he didn't play the role ever again. Jedi Striker., 00:21, 6 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Too Much Information?


The English article lists many more roles than the Japanese article does. It makes for a really long list and an information overload. I think the article should highlight Nagayan's major roles and leave off some of the minor ones. Thoughts? Adevish (talk) 23:05, 19 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I believe somewhere it's stated that articles are to be comprehensive? Is that stated somewhere? We can make columns for list-y sections to help it take up space more efficiently. Hikui87 (talk) 00:12, 21 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Featured articles are supposed to be comprehensive, but The Perfect Article also states that a perfect article "is long enough to provide sufficient information, depth, and analysis on its subject, without including unnecessary detail or information". So I suppose it depends on interpretation. A table sounds like a great idea :) Adevish (talk) 04:15, 23 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]