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Talk:Star in the Night

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A Star In The Night


This is perhaps the best short film of all time. It is just a wonderful story to watch & listen to & the lessons taught are probably the most important lessons one can learn.

The “hitch hiker” is what he calls himself but he’s really an angel sent to save Nick, a good man down deep, from becoming a lost soul. The angel orchestrates everything because it will be a difficult task to make what used to be a very kind hearted man become what he used to be once again. Nick has become hardened & his outlook on life has become distorted, and it’s hurting him & Rosa in the process. He believes everyone is only interested in what is best for them & money is one of the things they want most.

The angel knows that it will take dramatic events to help Nick change, to help him see the world differently. To help him see the invisible stars during the day!

The revelers who bother the lady guest, are really angels singing the beautiful songs of Christmas & the joy of the birth of Jesus. To arrange for this drama, he brings in a couple - Joseph & Mary, with child & no room in the inn. Perfect! Three cowboys wander the desert to find the artificial star they saw blinking because they are going there - no they are pulled there- to attend an important event with gifts they can’t explain buying.

One by one every guest sees the importance of the woman with child as far more important than their own desires. Each one chips in to help make the man & woman get through their ordeal with love & happiness as the swaddling, including a few expensive shirts that just a short time ago were so awfully important to a rather stern man who suddenly volunteers to trade his favorite chewing tobacco for a couple of congratulatory cigars. Everyone is acting out of character ( to Nick) because the emergency is now by far more important than their little, selfish wants, and suddenly, perhaps strangely to Nick, paying money & losing conveniences is no object.

Meanwhile, one by one, Nick is forced to see that the angel was indeed right- there are good people who will eagerly sacrifice money & convenience for the sake & betterment of total strangers.

Finally, it all adds up & Nick sees what the angel came to teach him. Peace, brotherhood & love can solve all the world’s problems, and a new Nick is born and saved from living a horrible life of distrust. (talk) 18:31, 15 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]