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Talk:Stamford, Connecticut/Archive 2

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This archive includes threads from Talk:Stamford, Connecticut from January 1st, 2010 to (TBD).

Archive 1 Archive 2

New England?

What's with the insertions of all things New England and Boston onto ths page? Stamford is one of the last places that has anything at all to do with Boston or New England. I really wish that you Boston people would just stop it! Stamford is in metro NYC and you are just changing it around because you see TV shows being filmed out of there - due to it being in the NYC area - not Boston/New England. Lay off my place and stick to boston! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:45, 19 March 2010 (UTC)

Connecticut is part of New England. Stamford is part of Connecticut. QED. Markvs88 (talk) 15:42, 19 March 2010 (UTC)

Go to Stamford city hall and say that. Stamford has nothing to do with New ENgland and it is all a part of the NYC metro region - without New England. The TV shows are there because it is in the NYC area and not because of New England. The city never represents itself as New England and it's polotics are from it's place in the NYC metro region perspective. You just watched a few TV shows and saw Stamford on them and wanted to put forth your agenda on this site because you hate the fact that CT is not down with New England.

You keep this up and I will make us offically declare no New England. I already got NY to change the road signs that used to say "New England" to say New Haven, CT or just CT. Yeah, that was me. You need to stick to MA and it's issues and stay out of the business of the NY/NJ/CT Tri-state area ok? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:06, 19 March 2010 (UTC)

There's no reason it can't be in both areas. Part of the New York metro area extends into the New England region, i.e. they overlap. These are not mutually exclusive things. --Polaron | Talk 18:17, 19 March 2010 (UTC)
Indeed. Thank you, Polaron. As for the rest, Mr. Anonymous... I suggest you read the Stamford website. [[1]], [[2]], [[3]]. Stamford most certainly is a part of CT and New England. Markvs88 (talk) 18:28, 19 March 2010 (UTC)

There IS a reason they should not be both - New England is no state and the NYC metro region does not extend into New England, it extends into CT. New England is no state, it is an old colonial territory term. The people of Boston with their love/hate relationship with NYC just wants to claim us so that they think they can have a connection with NYC. No part of CT is in a Boston or MA metro region and Stamford is 100% in the NYC region without ANY direction in another way. NYC is a metro region, New England is not.

Get your own region and stick with Boston if it's so great. I would suggest that you go to city meetings and THEN come back and tell me that Stamford is New England. On Stamford's page, all references to New England deal with it in a historical context. New England does not mean that one is in the Boston region and it does not mean that a so-called New England state are even in the same area or deals with each other. You clowns are taking this much too far. You people always start this. I don't go on a Boston article trying to tell you people what you should be. Stick to YOUR region and we will stick to ours. Since you have links: [4]

No one is claiming it is a state. New England is a well-defined geographical region. Being in New England doesn't mean it is also in the Boston metro area. New England is much larger than the Boston metro area. --Polaron | Talk 19:14, 19 March 2010 (UTC)
The "NYC Metro Area" is a state? That's an er... interesting POV you have there Mr. Anonymous. Further, "New England" includes five or six states and it's as valid a geographical term as "the South", "The Bible Belt"" etc. Markvs88 (talk) 19:20, 19 March 2010 (UTC)

Who wrote that NYC metro was a state? NYC Metro IS a metro region that cannot be denied and apparently peoples from Boston want in any way that they can get in... "The Bible Belt" is a knickname and "the south" is a general term just as New England is. The south can mean anyone sound country or anystate south and west of Maryland. However, in the south, there are state who do not not consider some the south and some who are in the west, but want to be in the south - sound familiar?

I have learned that some peple in the south do not consider a state such as West Virginia to be the south because they sided with the Union. We in the north would call it the south. People in Virginia consider it the south - the WHOLE state, whil some in the north may accept it as the north. There is also the case of Texas where it considers itself the south, but many consider it the west. Likewise in the north, we have Philadelphia which is a major city and metro region, who want to be included in the NYC area. You have New Jersey which is split between New York City and Philly without an independent identity.

Then you have Boston, the lone major city before Canada. It is the first New England in the US and of course it fits, but New England has no real meaning, but it is synonomous with Boston/MA. Unlike NJ, people in New England, the Boston area specifically, want to reel in CT and keep it in it's "territoy" via the title of "New England" despite us having nothing o do with those areas except for a so-called name. CT in theory, should be split between NYC and a New England/Boston area, but people in Boston want ALL of CT to be New England which is why they post their propaganda on this site. The FACTS are: CT (not New England since it is not a state!!!) is a part of Metro NYC along with Northern NJ. Fact: Boston and Philly are not in the NYC metro region and are major cities who have their own metro regions. Fact: CT is considered New England by New Englanders, but it is hardly recognized in CT which is why these people feel so threatened. Since they are not from CT, I cannot allow these people to tell me what MY state is or how we should think. Mind your business and worry about making you areas more attractive. The NYC area is a nice place to visit and of course you people get jealous because all three states partake in the advatanges of being in the number metro region in America! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:55, 20 March 2010 (UTC)

Fact: you do not speak for over 3 million citizens of Connecticut, and you certainly don't speak for me. I propose a lock on this article, or on this ABuser. Markvs88 (talk) 14:13, 20 March 2010 (UTC)

You don't speak for me, but I do speak for about 20 million people in the NYC metro region! Top that! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:16, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

Er, no. You speak for yourself. I don't need to "top" you. I could understand your wanting to include Stamford as part of the NYC metro region, since it is. It is also part of Connecticut, and New England, not to mention the United States, North America and the Western Hemisphere. The rest of your tirade about the "evils" of the Boston region are pointless. "Threatened"? "Propoganda"? Your conspiracy theories are silly, and as a CT resident and a member of the Connecticut Wikiproject I find them to not only be unfounded but also patenetly false. I'm not telling you how to think. Likewise, you cannot tell others nor rewrite facts to fit your own POV. Markvs88 (talk) 15:15, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

There is a point to this and it is to show that some people like to lump us into their region when New England is no state and if there are some who people like you claim are a part of you and time again we show that we are not - why do you insist? TV shows in CT did not come here because were are in New England, they came because we are in the MYC metro region. We have more going on TV wise than your capital city of Boston. There is also a large difference between a CT "resident" and a CT NATIVE... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:18, 23 March 2010 (UTC)

That's your arguement? Television? I don't even own one. Stamford is in both regions, *no one* has ever disputed that. The same way I assume you do not dispute that Stamford is part of the United States et al. However, you've already been making these same, tired arguements on other pages ([[5]] look familiar?, Likewise, your attempts to brand me as a Bostonphile just further making you look absurd given your history of POV concerning Boston [[6]]. Why do I insist? Because you seem to have some sort of issue with New England, and I won't stand by while you make unconstructive edits. You must either CITE (with a reliable article) why your POV is correct or stop these edits. Markvs88 (talk) 14:32, 23 March 2010 (UTC)

I have already cited more than enough to prove my point. It does not matter how many cites I have with people like you because you want to make us to be what you think we should be, which is New England at any cost. Now tell me, what does saying "Stamford is the 4th largest city in New England" have to do with CT or it's place within the NYC Tri-state area? Answer: nothing. It is all propaganda to just throw New England in there because you MA people do not like the fact that we are not "New Englandized" and people like you want to try your best to bring us down to your level, like Stamford would have something to do with Boston with the #1 city in the nation is right next door!

I know this, you cannot go to ever town in MA, RI, NH or ME and say that 'such and such' is the 'such and such' largest town in New England. It does not make sense and it has no meaning. You can say that Boston is the largest city in New England - it might sound good to make Boston appear larger than what it is, but it has no meaning as nothing else is going on in New England! If you have an undying love for Boston - move there! Coming here to spread propaganda does not work buddy. You too will soon catch the speel of being so close to NYC that yu will soon see why we do not care about Boston - besides the fact that it is like 4 hours away! Let us be ourselves. People like me watch people like you because I know your game and I won't let you play it. I have already done big things to stop people like you and I do not even want to tell you what my next step will be because that will put and end to this debate once and for all... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:56, 23 March 2010 (UTC)

You need to defend why you want to remove a cited point with a reliable source. Otherwise you may run afoul of [[7]] and/or [[8]]. Thank you. Markvs88 (talk) 17:30, 23 March 2010 (UTC)
That's 3RR again [[9]], Markvs88 (talk) 11:16, 25 March 2010 (UTC)
That's 3RR again [[10]], Again, unless you can definitively cite that Stamford not in Connecticut (and therefore New England), please cease these reverts. Markvs88 (talk) 22:34, 6 April 2010 (UTC)

New England Propaganda

I propose that we clean this article up since someone seems to want to insist upon attaching a New England name in this article. New England has nothing to do with Stamford since NE is not a municipality. These vandals are just jealous because we are in the NYC area, have movies and TV shows all because of it. They hate NYC and they should keep POV to themselves. This is an article about a city, not a state. New England is meaningless because it is not a municipality. To top it off, these people are not even from CT, let alone Stamford! These people are from MA and they need to be stopped from spreading their NE propaganda. Go to your city and try and get fame for it instead of trying to leech off of ours. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:12, 6 April 2010 (UTC)

Within its compact borders, Connecticut has forested hills, new urban skylines, shoreline beaches, white-steeple colonial churches, and historic village greens. There are classic Ivy League schools, modern expressways, great corporate offices, and small farms. Connecticut is a thriving center of business, as well as a vacation land. It is both a New England state, and suburban to New York City. Text copied from: CT.Gov: The Official State of Connecticut Website.

Further, other cities listed by size on the New England page such as New Haven, Connecticut, Providence, Rhode Island, and Worcester, Massachusetts have their New England size rankings listed in their main articles. Markvs88 (talk) 15:36, 7 April 2010 (UTC)

Teah, you just put them there are our arguements and my being banned whenever my facts do not jive with your propaganda. You want New England to come before the city or the state. Don't worry, just like those road signs in NYC, I have another trick up my sleeve to push New England back into MA where it belongs. [11] —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:07, 12 May 2010 (UTC), while you have a new IP we know you're still the same guy as If you can't find a proper citation that Stamford is no longer a part of Connecticut and therfore New England, I suggest you read Wikipedia:Get over it. Your personal cultural opinions/war has no place on Wikipedia. Markvs88 (talk) 12:22, 12 May 2010 (UTC)

The arguement is why is New England the main feature in regards to Stamford? It reads more like a New England (we are so desperate for attention) billboard than an article about the city of Stamford and it's place in CT (the actual state that it is in) and in Metro NYC (only the largest city and metro region in the country). New England should only be mentioned in relation to the state of Connecticut only. Why, New England is not a state or a municipality, so it should not be made to dominate what Stamford or CT is about, which is Boston and things related to Boston are not on OUR (as opposed to you outsiders from MA) minds. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:11, 14 May 2010 (UTC)

You're missing the point: Connecticut (as cited above, from the State of Connecticut website) is BOTH in the New York Metro Area and a part of New England. Just like you're a Nutmegger (resident of Connecticut) and an American (I presume). Anything else you feel the need to repeat is (still) of no value. Again, your personal issues with Boston/New England have no place here. Markvs88 (talk) 01:08, 14 May 2010 (UTC)

Try this on for size: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PkgMRO4eqA —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:29, 24 May 2010 (UTC)

Try what on? A 10 year old weather warning commercial? How does this possibly disprove It is both a New England state, and suburban to New York City. Text copied from: CT.Gov: The Official State of Connecticut Website. ? For the nth time: no one has ever argued that CT isn't part of the tri-state, or that Stamford isn't part of the NY area. Markvs88 (talk) 11:29, 24 May 2010 (UTC)

Well it DOES disprove that it is not part of New England since it is part of the NYC area which is not New England. There was no mention of New England either. If ten years is too old for you, I can supply one form today if it makes you feel better. You guys in MA need to worry about yourselves and stop worrying about CT not being all in with New England. We are a different state, with a different culture, connected to a different region. If you want northern CT, you can have it, just leave the Tri-state area alone!! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:35, 8 June 2010 (UTC)

Deleting Discussions

How come someone took it upon themselves to delete discussion pieces just because they point out proof of the Boston propaganda conspiracy? If you want to delete the article pieces - cool, but why touch discussions? It can only be to take out any other points that go against propaganda. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:37, 4 June 2010 (UTC)

Hello again, anonymous one. Deleted what? A simple comparison of the versions of the page show that nothing has been deleted. Now please stop vandalising the page. Until you can counter the State of Connecticut's link above that CT is not a part of New England, or prove the Stamford is somehow not a part of CT, Stamford is a city in New England. Markvs88 (talk) 12:01, 4 June 2010 (UTC)

Why are those the items in question about a Stamford article speaking about New England when this is an article about a city? I know that I have proven that Stamford and CT are a clear-cut part of metro New York City (not metro Boston), so your BS has no weight. Also, if you push me, it will happen just as the NY roads signs happened to not show the words "New England" on them anymore... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:05, 7 June 2010 (UTC)

If you've proven anything so far it's that you don't understand or don't want to admit: it's a part of *both* regions. No one has ever said otherwise (am I saying that for the 10th time or what?), nor has anyone ever deleted the NYC metro area data. No one is even talking about Boston except you. You're the one deleting a cited fact: that Stamford is the 8th largest city in New England. Please come up with a verifiable source[[12]] that shows Stamford is not a part of Connecticut and you have a case. Markvs88 (talk) 12:11, 7 June 2010 (UTC)

A cited fact taken from Wikipedia - a site that cannot be trusted and this is a good reason why it can't be! See, both are not regions. This is what you do not get! New York City is a metro region whil New England is not a metro region! New England is an OLD colonial region which no longers has any meaning except to those in the Boston region and those states around Boston since that is the only major city out that way. Here in CT, we are in the NYC region and Boston is no where near us and has NOTHING to do with us.

I hate it when people like me prove my points, but propagandists want to keep changing things to fit their BS. Facts: There is no New England government. No NE state, no NE metro region, no NE Congressman, no NE governor, no NE anything! NE being mentioned is the same as Amsterdamn Ave. in NYC showing Dutch roots or any state or city with native-American names showing where those origins were from. NE is only needed for Boston to appear to have a lrger market than it has and appears to be a larger city than it is. CT is not a part of that market and Boston sports are THEIR sports while NY/NJ sports are OUR sports. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:32, 8 June 2010 (UTC)

The trouble is, you've only proven a point to yourself. For months all you keep doing is delete a point you disagree with. Occasionally you put up something that may or may not show Stamford/CT being a part of the NY metro region. Haven't you wonder why you've been blocked from editing so frequently? It's because you keep ignoring what everyone tells you: that you need to verifiably cite why Stamford is not a part of New England. Why? Because the source I cited (The State of Connecticut) clearly states it is in BOTH regions. So good luck with that.

Propogandists? We've been over this ground before several times. New England is an area comprising six states, including Connecticut. There is no "New York Metor Area" state, Congressman, etc either... so what? Sports? Markets? Again, whatever your personal dislike of Boston is, it has no place here. Markvs88 (talk) 20:12, 8 June 2010 (UTC)