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Talk:South Leverton

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A survey, conducted by South Leverton Parish Council, was to find out the level of support for or against the proposed Cottam Wind Farm to the east of the village. Out of 305 votes cast - 98 per cent of the village - 299 votes were against the plans. Parishioners were asked to vote on whether they were in favour of the development, against it or neither for nor against it. Four votes in favour (13% of the votes)299 votes against (98% of the votes)Two votes neither for nor against (7% of the votes). South Leverton Parish Council said it was 'very pleased with the large number of parishioners who voted' and with the 'overwhelming vote against the development'. It said the data 'completely contradicts the developer's assertion that 50% of the villagers were in favour of the wind farm.' At a recent meeting, the parishes of South Leverton, North Leverton with Habblesthorpe, Sturton-le-Steeple and Treswell and Cottam agreed to work together to prevent the plans getting planning approval from Bassetlaw District Council. May 2009 With a population of 478 i take it that the other 179 (33% of village residents ) were not asked or bothered either way .. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:13, 8 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]