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Talk:Separation Party of Alberta

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Anyone know the results of the convention in March 06? This article should be updated. Blotto adrift 20:35, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Merge with Alberta First Party


The Alberta First Party and the Alberta Separation Party are completely different entities; not related in any way. The party started out as Alberta First, changed to Alberta Separation and is now back to Alberta First. We believe that Alberta should claim Constitutional rights and introduce Referendum and Recall. The National Energy Program (NEP) was introduced on October 28, 1980 as part of the first federal Liberal budget after the 1980 election. The Alberta First party was established on October 28, 2014 in commemoration of the oppression the NEP inflicted upon Alberta. The Alberta First Party (AFP) believes that each individual has the right to live his/her own life as he/she sees fit. This right is the source of all other rights. The AFP will work toward defining the fundamental roles and restrictions of government and will define the separation of the Government from the economy, religion and education. The society we seek to build with Albertans is one wherein individuals are free, within the law, to pursue happiness and prosperity in their own ways. We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous province, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized. Albertans have always believed in a free market system which makes Alberta unique in Canada and the World. The AFP defends each person’s right to engage in activities and businesses that are peaceful and lawful. The main functions of government, whose powers must be constitutionally limited, are: - Providing protection from criminals - Providing protection from foreign invaders - Settling legal disputes among individuals where voluntary arbitration has failed Within the Canadian Parliamentary system, Albertans do not have, never have had and never will have a properly represented voice in the affairs of Canada for which we pay the lion’s share. Alberta has the lowest number of MPs per capita (2015 allotment) and the third lowest number of Senators per capita. The AFP supports governments that are more representative of the electorate at the federal, provincial and local levels. The AFP rejects any and all encroachments into the autonomy of Albertans by unelected people or organizations such as the United Nations. Freedom of expression must not be limited. Freedom of speech and the press is encouraged, provided that free speech does not breach laws or constitute threats of physical violence or incite or promote physical violence against individuals or groups of individuals, or cause malicious and/or falsely-based financial harm to others. Violations will be addressed using laws provided for that purpose. The Alberta First Party would claim the Constitutional rights available to all provinces in Canada’s Constitution but unclaimed by any previous Alberta Provincial Government. These include, but are not limited to:

• Property Rights • Referenda and Recall appropriate for use by ordinary citizens • An Alberta Constitution separate from the Constitution of Canada • Collection of taxes by the Alberta provincial government • Establishment of an Alberta Police Force • Control of Immigration and Deportation to address Alberta’s unique business and societal needs • Creation of an Alberta Pension Plan to supplement the Canada Pension Plan • Control of Alberta Health Care • Mandated annual contributions by the Alberta government into the Heritage Trust Fund • Reduction of the financial drain on Alberta and Albertans caused by Canadian equalization


The AFP wants all Albertans to have abundant opportunities to achieve economic success. A free and competitive market allocates resources in the most efficient manner. The AFP opposes all forms of government subsidies and bailouts to business, labour, or any other special interest groups. Government should not compete with private enterprise. Special favors to Unions or labour groups that work for government would not be allowed. Industry standard wages and benefits would apply, by law, to Government.


Albertans deserve and can afford the best health care the world has to offer. By making changes to the current taxation system and administering our own health care, the AFP will provide Albertans with the best health care options available.

The AFP recognizes healthcare is controversial but would investigate all systems in the World and implement the best health care system. This system must be efficient to be sustainable. Successful, efficient health care systems have a mix of private/public involvement. Government must maintain tight control on the healthcare system to make it run properly. Some key issues must be monitored to stop the system from being abused. A preventive health education approach must be implemented. The top-ranked system using this approach is Singapore which takes 4.5% of GDP or $2400 per capita to operate compared to Canada which takes 11% of GDP or $5700 per capita to operate.


The AFP would control immigration into Alberta with a view to accepting only those immigrants who meet Alberta’s business, economic and societal needs. Immigration policy would not allow any movement, organization or belief system into Alberta that promotes, practices or dictates harm to another individual in any way. Such practices would be the basis for denial of entry into Alberta and would also be the basis for immediate deportation of those already located in Alberta engaging in these practices. Immigrants found to be abusing any taxpayer funded service will be deported.


1. The AFP will enact laws providing for citizen initiated Referenda. 2. The AFP will enact laws providing for citizen Recall of MLAs. 3. The AFP will protect the right of individuals to the ownership of Private Property. 4. The AFP will enact a legally binding law providing for fixed election dates in Alberta. 5. The AFP will allow free votes in the Legislature to ensure that the needs and wishes of Albertans are represented rather than those of the party in power. 6. The AFP will introduce a new Freedom of Information Act that will ensure full public disclosure of all government actions and spending. 7. The AFP will, with input from Albertans, compose a Constitution for Alberta that is specific to Alberta and separate from that of Canada.


1. The AFP will provide fixed funding that follows each pupil and protect parental rights to choose schooling for their children. 2. The AFP will closely monitor the curriculums and outcomes of all schools in Alberta to ensure that the best possible education is being provided to Alberta children. 3. Because the “new” curriculum subjects introduced often cause confusion for students, the AFP will implement a return to education systems that produced generations of people who could all read, write and understand English properly and who could understand and perform all other subjects proficiently. 4. The AFP will allot capital funds to local, elected school boards for their use in constructing schools as needed within their area, such capital funding to be based on current enrollment and projected population growth rates. 5. The AFP will review the advanced education system with a view to providing preferred access to higher education to Alberta residents who stay and work in Alberta following graduation.


1. The AFP will implement a system to elect Judges. 2. The AFP will place the emphasis in Justice on the care and rehabilitation of victims of crimes, as well as ensuring that criminals provide restitution to their victims and to the taxpayers of Alberta for policing and court costs incurred as a result of illegal activities. 3. The AFP will review the current state of jails in Alberta with a view to removing luxuries provided to inmates. The use of Work Farm Institutions will be examined. 4. The AFP will examine the implementation of a “Two Strikes” law for violent crimes. 5. The AFP will not enforce federal gun control legislation but will apply severe punitive measures for criminals who use weapons while committing crimes. 6. The AFP will create an Alberta Police Force.


1. The AFP will ensure that Alberta maintains its sovereignty over its natural resources, including water. 2. The AFP will promote research into, and development of, viable, inexpensive alternative energy sources that respect private property and wildlife. 3. The AFP will enact laws giving mandatory consideration to the protection of lands, waters, flora and fauna in development proposals. Wilderness areas will be protected by law. 4. The AFP will meet with communities that are experiencing environmental problems and seek timely solutions to those problems. 5. The AFP will stop all activities in Alberta of foreign or domestic organizations seeking to block, or fund those who would block, the construction of resource pipelines or the transport of resources by road or rail. All industry in Alberta has the right to get its products to market safely.


1. The AFP will ensure there is marketing freedom for Alberta farmers and ranchers. 2. The AFP will introduce policies and programs to ensure that Alberta farmers and ranchers have access to adequate supplies of water.


1. The AFP will provide incentives to industry to create needed bitumen upgrading within Alberta to enable us to bypass the long-distance transport of our products to the world market. 2. The AFP will provide incentives for industry to create Alberta-based generation of electricity using natural gas. 3. The AFP will restrict the construction of wind turbines to sparsely populated areas. 4. Private property rights will take precedence in matters of utility construction. 5. The AFP will work with industry to improve air and water quality standards. 6. The AFP will review and, where necessary, revise proposed power transmission corridors. 7. The AFP, working with industry and property owners, will develop plans to provide long-term sustainable energy and energy delivery that will benefit all Albertans, present and future. 8. The AFP will provide education to promote understanding and support of Alberta’s oil industry. 9. The AFP will strongly resist any federal intervention into Alberta’s resource development and marketing strategies. 10. The AFP will cancel and disallow taxes disguised as environmental protection programs such as Carbon Capture, Carbon Tax and Cap and Trade, choosing instead to work with industry and citizens toward cleaner, more efficient and less harmful energy production and usage.


1. The AFP will work with municipalities to assess and prioritize provincial infrastructure construction and maintenance needs. 2. Long-term funding will be allotted commensurate with current provincial revenue and the level of necessity of specific projects. 3. Property tax levels will be reviewed every 2 years to ensure fairness to business as well as to individuals.


1. The AFP will track non-profit and organizations and agencies and provide yearly increases when progress is proven and provincial revenue allows. 2. The AFP will ensure that the disabled receive ample funds to provide them with proper care, needed medical equipment and a reasonable standard of living. 3. The AFP will constantly and closely scrutinize all people living on welfare. Those found to be abusing the welfare system will be dealt with in accordance with the scope of the abuse. Immigrants found to be abusing any publicly funded service will be deported. 4. The AFP will increase tax credits for charitable donations as well as providing tax credits for time donated to volunteering. SOURCE: Glen Dundas, President, Alberta First Party SusanCue SusanCue (talk) 20:59, 14 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

As this article and Alberta First Party currently read, they are the same party, which has undergone name changes. If this is true, there should only be one article. 117Avenue (talk) 02:05, 30 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I'd be okay with that as long as its this one being merged into Alberta First Party. I don't think there is enough history on the Separation Party to warrant its own article unlike the Alberta Alliance, Wildrose Alliance.Þadius (talk) 23:28, 30 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Separation Party of Alberta has the longer edit history, but not by much. 117Avenue (talk) 03:38, 1 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ooops - I see that I reverted Þadius's comment by mistake. I don't know how that happened. Thanks for fixing my error, 117. I agree with Þadius - the article should be under the current name of the part (Albert 1st), rather than the former name. Ground Zero | t 09:40, 1 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I agree, but doesn't the article with the shorter edit history get merged into the one with a longer edit history, before article moving takes place? I'm probably just being too legalistic, and should ignore it and let the article at the current name be expanded, since their short articles about a minor party. 117Avenue (talk) 22:15, 1 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
