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Talk:Reactive magnesia

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I have been watching this definition for a few years. It was obviously lifted from the TecEco web site and was originally mine early 2001 or 2002. At the time I found it flattering that somebody should use my work without reference. I now find it happens all the time as in this case and think it would have been more appropriate if people gave credit where it was due.

Reactivity is a function of grind size and temperature of calcination, the latter having much greater influence. Some years ago I chose to define it in terms of lattice energy because at a molecular level this is the determinant and I thought engineers may understand a definition cited in terms of energy as currently they do not distinguish between reactive magnesia and periclase in Portland cement for example.

There are copius references in my discussion about reactive magnesia at https://www.tececo.com/technical.reactive_magnesia.php if somebody wants to peer review what I say there and reference to the site and my authorship properly. Please do not bother to comment if you do not know what you are talking about as I really do not have time to get much further involved. Uninformed comment seems to be a problem with Wiki and is exasperated by Wikipedians that seem to think they have to comment on everything. Wiki would be a better source of information if they did not!

Note that I have already declared on the TecEco home page that Wiki can use my material in relation to a number of other definitions that have also come from the TecEco site so Wiki can freely use the definition I have given of reactive magnesia.

None of the above means that I do not find Wiki a gret research tool. It is.

John Harrison – A. John. W. Harrison 01:26, 30 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]