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Talk:Raphael Montañez Ortiz

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First of all what ever proceeds my name in this Wikopedia reference to me… it is simple enough to name the page Raphael Montanez Ortiz - ARTIST .... It was while researching sites referencing my art work and writing that I came across this encyclopedia site... and was amazed at the lack of knowledge of art history and my place in it of the anonymous editor who questioned its validity in research, as Encyclopedic material… what clearly from all the reading on your Wikipedia site I have researched of people labeled ARTIST, and ARTISTS labeled simply persons who are Artist, all of whom fitted within either Modern Art, Contemporary Art, Neo-Dada, Fluxus, and Minimalist esthetics, including performance, fetish-object, and installation art works...

To enlighten your anonymous editor who I believe is judging from a place of bias, and therefore blinded of my art historic relevance beyond even the well referenced facts stated in the writing you post here I will here contribute a few more of the many confirmations of my importance within contemporary art history... I will reference some of the many authors of books written by American and European Art historians who speak of my relevance not only to the larger contemporary art history but my especial relevance as the first AMERICAN LATINO ARTIST to surface from the late 1950's as an important contributor to the contemporary avant garde renaissance in America... It is they as with those referenced in the article being questioned who speak not as gracious friends, but as serious professional Art Historians...

It is a disservice to them and to me for your anonymous editor to be permitted to imply that what you have published is advertising or a self-serving promotional piece of writing.... Why is that not the accusation made of all the other artist that sit comfortably in Wikipedia... I happen to Know many of them do you accuse them of advertising or promoting themselves or their being promoted by their galleries, auction houses or friends...

I find it suspicious that such accusations are more than implied in my case.... accusations that borders on the tainting of the integrity of the professionals that speak to my historic relevance to contemporary art, art historians and curators such as Peter Selz, Scott Mac Donald, Chon Noriega, Kristine Stiles, John Handhart, David Joselit, Yvonne Spielmann, Arthur Janov in his book PRIMAL SCREAM and Richard Huelsenbeck one of the original founders of Dada and the historic MOMA past and I believe first MOMA director Alfred Barr… It was Alfred Barr and Huelsenbeck who were directly responsible for my de-construction sculpture to become part of the MOMA collection in 1962... that was the beginning of my art-work being acquired by museums…

For the record I began exhibiting my art work as a member of the ARTIST GALLERY in 1961...My art work was exhibited in the Whitney's 1965 YOUNG AMERICA, and I have continued exhibiting and performing since then... and have throughout my still very active career ....

Just a bit of research would have revealed the fact that I have exhibited in museum exhibitions that have included a number of artists you include in Wikipedia and others equally historically relevant you should include.... To mention a few I have exhibited in Museum Exhibitions with are: Jackson Pollack, George Segal, Marisol, Jose Clemente Orozco, David Alfredo Siqueiros, Matta, Nam June Paik, Wilfredo Lam, Frida Kahlo, Fernando Botero, Bob Watts, Alfred Hanson, Jeff Hendricks, John Latham, Carolee Schneeman, Allan Kaprow and Diago Rivera.... I suggest your anonymous editor extend their knowledge of me beyond what rings true to their bias....

By the way at this very moment I have an installation on the 2nd floor of the Whitney Museum of American Art.... I am sure your anonymous editor can get directions to the Whitney by telephoning the museum and see my installation as soon as he or she steps of the elevator... The Question is why have I and many other artists relevant to and contributing to contemporary and avant-garde art history in America not been included in Wikipedia.... Is it because of some anonymous editor viewing their inclusion as "self serving"

PS I had a one-person exhibition and performance at the Whitney Museum in 1996… I was twice in the Whitney Biennial, and now have a one person exhibition at the Jersey City Museum reviewed in the New York Times, New Jersey region Arts coverage of this March 4th 2007… The review by Benjamin Genocchio is almost a full half page including three images… Even if this were the only reading the anonymous editor had done it makes clear why my inclusion in Wikipedia is without question encyclopedia appropriate… — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) March 10, 2007 (UTC)