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Talk:Qinling orogenic belt

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Comments from Patrick


Hi YCYBenjamin. The idea of highlighting of blocks taking part in the evolution of the Qinling orogeny is brilliant. The Notes about orogenic belt box simply describe the basic framework of an orogenic belt to start the discussion so that readers don’t need to refer to another page and this is absolutely amazing. Here are some points that may help your page.

  1. The first sentence is not quite defining what the Qinling orogenic belt is. I think it would be better to describe the geographical location and the scale of the belt, like the second sentence.
  2. An overview of the orogenic belt is well discussed, it would be better to include some geological evidence, such as volcanic event, metamorphic or sedimentary rock, any evidence associated with and leading to the model presented.
  3. As the evolution of the region is closely related to wilson cycle, I think it might be better to provide a schematic drawing to explain the idea in short.
  4. The main article function may help link the idea of orogeny in the box.

Excellent work! Wcpatrick6572 (talk) 03:16, 20 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Review from karaclc


Hi YCYBenjamin.

1. The page is detailed about the evolution of Qinling Orogenic Belt. The language you used is easy to understand. It is useful that you have put a box explaining what is orogeny belt but why not put the information in the introduction paragraph? and you may blue link "orogeny" in the first paragraph.

2. The the image of rotational motion of south china craton at Triassic period you added are relevant. However, the shape of SCB of the middle image is wrong if the craton move 76 degree clockwise. The right upper tips of SCB should point downwards. From Early Triassic to late Triassic, it seems that NCB moved 45 degree anti-clockwise towards SCB. Is there any movement from NCB? If yes, the caption should be changed to "Rotational motion of South China craton and movement of North China craton at Triassic period". I would like even better if you could make an animation to show the real movement of the cratons. Also, a navigation symbol should be included in the image and the evolution diagram that you created.

3. In the session of "Extension and stretching of belt (140 million years ago to the present)", type of fault and reason of Early Pliocene to late Pliocene (9 to 3.5 million years ago) are unknown. Since you didn't explain it in the paragraph, I would like why is it unknown? Like no studies at that period of time or it's in a hot debate so no conclusion can be drawn? Further explanation is needed.

Hope my suggestion help~

Review from Jupiter


Hi YCYBenjamin.

Your page gives a detailed description of the geological evolution of Qinling Orogenic Belt. It is good to have a background section to introduce the concept of orogen before talking about the evolution. Putting year next to each geological period for the sub-sections makes your page more understandable and easy to follow, especially for readers not familiar with geological time scale. Good to include diagrams in cross section and also global view.

Here are some suggestions:

1. At the beginning, you introduce the location of Qinling Orogenic Belt. You may want to add a simple map showing the location as well.

2. For the geological diagrams, you may want to add arrows to present the force direction/movement of plates. You may also want to add a ocean surface (maybe in blue colour) to show the different between continental and oceanic crust, as not all readers are familiar with the concept of continents, oceanic crust, ocean and island arc.

3. For the "Dating method" section, there is an existing wiki page on Radiometric dating. It may be better to add that as the main article below the subtitle. In that page, it also presents the mathematical expression that relates radioactive decay to geologic time, which you may want to take it as reference.

Dating Method


Main Article: Radiometric dating

4. At last, I am not sure if a summary is really needed for a wiki page. Maybe you can put a short summary at the end of a long sections, but a summary of the page maybe unusual on a wiki page.

Generally, I think your page is very informative with detailed notes and use of diagrams. A simple map showing the area, more elements in the diagrams and links to other wiki page may improve the page. Jupmira104 (talk) 06:06, 23 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Comments from Graeme Bartlett

  • For years in the past instead of "million years before" say "million years ago" You can also abbreviate this to Ma (the standard) or Mya.
  • Extra things to link: Compression (geology)
  • I agree with Jupmira104 that the Dating Method is not needed here. Instead you can mention the ages of different rocks or minerals in this tectonic region (and perhaps which method was used)
  • I would like to see a map of the end result showing the whole Qinling orogenic belt in place as it is now. It can show the different components that make it up SCB, NQT, PEA, NCB etc.
  • Also some more map diagrams of the early states naming oceans etc would be good. (as youknowwhoiwillbe also asks for below). A movie would be even better, but it may be too much work for you to do.
  • Is the term "Mississippian" used in China?
  • You have outlined what happened (or what some geologists believe happened), but are there other models for the history? How do we know that the evolution is how you describe it? What evidence is there?
  • I am pleased that you have used DOIs on your references. For some reason reference 1 has a bigger font than the other references, but I don't know why!

Graeme Bartlett (talk) 11:24, 23 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Review from youknowwhoiwillbe


I like how your chronologically put the events in a time scale from Precambrian to Cenozoic. clear and presentable. but it can be less essay-like, as wiki page shall be nothing like an scientific essay but a popular science article! please remove: "In this article, the evolution of Qinling mountain belt is the main focus, while the location of plates will not be mentioned in detail." "(will be mentioned below) " and the summary.. so it'll sound a bit more smooth.

Re the content, I found that there are quite a lot of unfamiliar concepts and localities. is it possible that a diagram showing an aerial view of the area indicating them? such as Erlangping ocean, Erlangping arc, Mianlue ocean, North Qinling belt, South Qinling belt and North China block.

In the part of Dating Method, you may also put the results by various geologists.

Youknowwhoiwillbe (talk) 15:26, 23 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Feedback from Jay


1. The dating method part seems highly irrelevant to the topic of the wiki page. Instead, a link to the wiki page of radiometric dating could be put in-text in a sentence like: 'age of Qinling is studied by radiometric dating' .

2. A map of the geographic location of Qinling may be provided.

3. For the diagrams, better choice of colouring may be used for better communication and visual impression. — Preceding unsigned comment added by FieldsetJ (talkcontribs) 17:35, 23 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Comments from Patrick


Hi YCYBenjamin, Your Qinling Orogenic Belt wiki page is quite well written as it outlined the orogeny in essence. I like the part you have the schematic drawing of the orogenic belt in different time frames, namely Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic times. It is also good to include the world map in geological time, depicting the motions of supercontinents. As your article is mainly about the relative motions of plates, it is amazing to include also the convection current beneath the plates. Some points you may find useful to improve your page.

  1. You may add more notation on the plates of the world view of supercontinents to allow readers recall the continents at present day, it may help if the Equator is drawn also
  2. For the schematic drawings of plate motion at a certain time frame, it may be better to include also the plate motion direction, plus some annotation explaining what are the cause and effect of the landform
  3. Indeed I think the cross-section could be merged to show the time series of the collision and extension events
  4. The Cenozoic part is a little bit too short, you may consider including a picture showing how it looks at present instead
  5. Since there are many plates interactions, I guess it might help with a list of plate or blocks involved at the beginning
  6. The Dating Method could relate back to the main article, or simply insert a figure to show the main concept of dating, it might also be good to mention where samples are taken in a map of present Qinling belt
  7. Summary could be included in the introduction paragraph, which give a holistic view to the subject matter
  8. I would suggest to include the importance of the Qinling belt and also some controversies in the background part, for instance is there another model? How do people understand the region in history? What are the deficiencies of the model? Are there observations the model cannot explain?
  9. The million years before could be replaced by Ma

Cheers, Patrick Wcpatrick6572 (talk) 00:49, 24 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Feedback from Jupiter 20171121


First of all, the "Location of Qinling on China Map" is not very clear in terms of presentation. Is the green representing the Qinling Orogenic Belt? You may want to add some label to that and outline the area in a more realistic way. It is good to add the sea level in your cross section, so reader can understand it in a more easy way. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jupmira104 (talkcontribs) 18:36, 20 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Feedback from Jay


1. I agree what Patrick mentioned that the first sentence cannot define the Qinling orogenic belt. I would suggest descibing the geographical location first, as it is the most defining facts of the orogen.

2.It may be better to briefly explain what types of rocks are expected to be found in the orogen, like igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic and sandstones, shale or carbonates. It may also be nice if there is stratigraphic columns of each block you mentioned.

3. As your evolutionary diagram spread across the page, readers may not be able to trace your tectonic blocks easily just by labels. It may be better to colour it so the visual impression that define each block is stronger. — Preceding unsigned comment added by FieldsetJ (talkcontribs) 02:23, 21 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Review from Dinohk


Your first sentence is a bit odd sounding. It should read more along the lines of something like 'The Qinling Orogenic Belt is a mountain belt located in China formed between x and y period'

You should explain somewhere or have a section on the significance of this particular belt. Does it have features found nowhere else? Does it have some rare mineral deposits? Something that highlights why anyone should care about Qinling in particular. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dinohk (talkcontribs) 18:11, 21 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]