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My addition to the site was a simple clarification. The Polish source material which states Leopold died, ending the counthood, is being misinterpreted. The family (male lineage) did not go extinct; it did not end with Leopold. Proof of this is in a plethora of family bibles, letters, church records of birth, baptism, marriage, death and burial, and so on, from Prussia, Silesia, Bohemia, Moravia, Upper Hungary (now Slovakia), Galicia, etc. This multitude of sources would be difficult to cite as source material as it is not compiled into one unit.

The major point is that the source material in Polish is primarily detailing the faience manufacturing aspect of the family in Silesia. It is not a comprehensive history of the town, but that is what this wiki article details. The Polish source material is also not a comprehensive history of the family, but it is inadvertently being used as such: the wiki article on the town (namesake of the family) is claiming said family is extinct, when it is not. The source material is being "stretched" to suggest or claim points which are not indeed facts. That needed to be remedied. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)

I have no strong view on the issue, but if you are, as you suggest, using primary sources, then you must be cautious - it is generally improper to make one's own conclusions based on primary material (as, especially in this case, it can't be easily verified). A secondary source (which can be more easily cited) would be ideal. Cheers, RandomCanadian (talk / contribs) 14:22, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

That is precisely my point: others are making improper conclusions based on primary source material. That book in Polish is about the faience business in Silesia. It is not a primary text about the history of that town (= the major subject of the wiki article in question), nor is it a history about the PRUSKOVSKY family. There is either a translation issue going on, or the information is being "stretched" to say something it actually does not. And so my clarification in the article should stand (remain), please. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:20, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

I don't read Polish so I absolutely cannot help. My point on primary sources stands. I have instead asked editors at WikiProject Poland if they could help with this. Cheers, RandomCanadian (talk / contribs) 17:42, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • (coming from WPPoland) The source cited says in this respect at the page cited:

Właściciel dominium prószkowskiego, hrabia Leopold Pruskowski z Prószkowa, założył w 1763 r. manufakturę dla produkcji wyrobów fajansowych. Umieszczono ją w zabudowaniach zamkowych w miasteczku Prószkowie. Hrabia pozyskał kilku doświadczonych pracowników ze znanej manufaktury w Holiczu4. Nowa manufaktura, mając dogodne warunki rozwoju, wystarczającą ilość surowca, zapewniony zbyt, rosła szybko. Ze strony władz państwowych miała także zapewnioną wszelką pomoc 5. W 1769 r. zginął w pojedynku właściciel dominium. Z jego śmiercią zakończył się pierwszy etap rozwoju prószkowskiej manufaktury. Początkowo wydawało się, że manufaktura ulegnie likwidacji6, dopiero gdy w lecie 1769 r. zakończono sprawy spadkowe i właścicielem dominium stał się książę Karol Maksymilian Dietrichstein, jej dalsze istnienie było zapewnione.

The text says in part that Leopold was killed in a duel and nothing about him being the last descendant of anything. I am not going to read the whole book, because this detail is completely irrelevant to the subject, so I am removing it from the article. Staszek Lem (talk) 18:34, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]