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Talk:Pensée unique

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this article treats only the half of what it is. ref the french or spanish article.

This article speaks about the reality of the expresion while the spanish and french especulate about the use against left winged intelectuals without any real base on reality as the scarcity and irrelevance of the quotes show. Sometimes some people had used against left but it is clearly an expresion used mainly against Fukuyama conclusions.--Igor21 16:41, 17 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, that is correct, I have heard the expression sometimes used on the right against the welfare state and against the culture that emerged from the sexual revolution. ADM (talk) 04:45, 27 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Update on meaning

The originally posted article assumes the phrase is used only by leftists; but the term is much more general than that, and is now used by people of all kinds in discussing politics and many other subjects of argument. The article needed to indicate this.
For example, a recent article on Mediapart on "La pensée unique" says, "Pensée unique, as a means of discourse, is not a thought, and doesn't refer to a specific method or epistemology, much less to a concrete, identifiable philosophy, nor even to a single author....In fact, "pensée unique" serves, very concretely, to stigmatize an adversary in a battle in which the opponent is always dominant in an unequal relationship.... It is a polemical concept."
(La pensée unique, comme pratique discursive, n’est pas une pensée, en cela qu’elle ne se réfère pas à une méthode spécifique, ni à une épistémologie particulière, et encore moins à une philosophie concrètement identifiable, ni même à un auteur singulier...En fait, la pensée unique sert très concrètement à stigmatiser un adversaire dans une bataille où l’autre est toujours dominant dans une relation inégalitaire, et n’a aucune fonction heuristique. Elle est un concept à usage polémique... [et son] caractéristique est que le sujet soutenant ou déplorant l’usage de cette pensée, et celui soutenant ou déplorant cette théorie, se placent systématiquement en situation de minorité.)
I found the article as originally posted did not have a neutral point of view, so I have tried to make it more neutral. Also edited its slightly foreign English for better flow. --Evangeline (talk) 15:00, 8 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]



"The expression was coined by Ignacio Ramonet, editor-in-chief of Le Monde diplomatique,[2] in an editorial in January 1995." Certainly not! It is well known in France, and has been abundantly demonstrated on the French Wikipedia page, that Jean-François Kahn "coined the expression" "pensée unique", not Ignacio Ramonet! Have a look here: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pens%C3%A9e_unique

--ThalèsWasHere (talk) 11:37, 30 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]