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Talk:Olha Basarab

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Full citation Please


Could you please provide the full citation for Roman Wysocki's work? It is clearly a reliable source, but we need the full citation including page number.Faustian (talk) 13:27, 28 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Citation requested and vertification


subsequent exhumation of her body showed that she had been murdered in their custody. In what year was the exhumation made and by whom?--MyMoloboaccount (talk) 13:33, 28 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

The source cited doesn't list specifics.Faustian (talk) 13:40, 28 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Please find one then. Was it done by OUN or by Nazis during Nazi occupation by any chance?--MyMoloboaccount (talk) 13:43, 28 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
It was done Feburary 26th after the outcry of the UKrainian and Jewish members of the Polish parliament. The exhumation ound that she had been tortured with electricity etc.Faustian (talk) 13:48, 28 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Please source that with reliable sources.--MyMoloboaccount (talk) 13:52, 28 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Wiktor Poliszczuk


Clearly not a reliable source - not a historian, not published by academic sources, and many real historians call his work of no value. I will go to reliable sources noticeboard if you want to be disruptive with this, and will the person who insists on putting his work in here as being disruptive.Faustian (talk) 13:49, 28 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

David Marples calls his work detailed so he isn't criticised completely. He is certainly notable and reliable enough to be added. Also he specialises in political thought so while not a historian per se he does study political movements. History is not only the domain of historians per se-but also economists, sociologists, politiologists--MyMoloboaccount (talk) 13:52, 28 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Poliszczuk is not so famous that he deserves to be included. Moreover you cites hwhat he claimed as factual, not as the claims of a one-sdided author whose works (accordinfd to Rafal Wnuk, an actual well-respected Polish historian) are "of no scientific value."Faustian (talk) 14:01, 28 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
It is amazing that you are fighting to remove the conclusion of the Ukrainian Academy of Science here: [1] while at the same time fighting to keep the words of Wiktor Poliszczuk in this article. How do you explain yourself?14:04, 28 October 2010 (UTC)

Translation please


Після ліквідації дипломатичних представництв УНР 1923 р. Ольга переїхала до Львова, де співпрацювала з Українською військовою організацією

Google translate gives this as:

After the liquidation of diplomatic missions UPR 1923, Olga moved to Lviv, where worked with the Ukrainian military organization

This is from Lvivska Hazata (Lviv Newspaper) No. 30 (837) 2006 article written by Ihor Chornovol added by Faustian.

So as I understand this-she was a member of UMO after all ? If this is correct-we should state this in the lead, or at least state that this is also confirmed by Ukrainian sources.--MyMoloboaccount (talk) 12:37, 29 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

And another part of the text: Басараб працювала бухгалтером посольства України у Відні, водночас була українською розвідницею. З метою збору військово-стратегічної та політичної інформації жінка відвідувала Данію, Німеччину, Норвегію, інші держави Googletranslate: Basarab worked as an accountant Embassy of Ukraine in Vienna was simultaneously Ukrainian rozvidnytseyu. In order to collect military-strategic and political information woman visited Denmark, Germany, Norway and other states

This seems to be something quite different from charity work... --MyMoloboaccount (talk) 12:57, 29 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Also looking at the whole article-it presents many other interesting facts that were not included and also speaks of suicide.--MyMoloboaccount (talk) 13:02, 29 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I wasn't finished working on this article when I was sidetracked by the Poliszczuk stuff. Charity and work and intelligence work on behalf of the exiled Ukrainian government are not mutually exclusive; she seems to have done both. You bring up some good points.Faustian (talk) 13:07, 29 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Could you translate:

Найправдоподібнішою версією є катування О. Басараб слідчим Левом Кайданом; не стерпівши принижень, горда українка наклала на себе руки.? --MyMoloboaccount (talk) 13:13, 29 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

The full paragraph says: "Тепер уже неможливо з’ясувати подробиці трагедії. Документи допитів О. Басараб, які досліджувала Мирослава Дядюк, збереглися лише в копіях, натомість оригінали, мабуть, знищили відразу після її смерті. Найправдоподібнішою версією є катування О. Басараб слідчим Левом Кайданом; не стерпівши принижень, горда українка наклала на себе руки." "Today it's impossible to know the details of the tragedy. The documents concerning her interrogation, investigated by Myroslav Diudiuk, are preserved only in copies and not originals which were [probably destroyed after her death. The most probable version is that of the investigaor of Basarb's torture Lev Kaidan; unable to tolerate the humiliation, the proud Ukrainian killed herself." The article as written seems to correctly describe that some sources say she was tortured to death (Encyclopedia of Ukraine, University of Toronto Press) while others claim she was driven to suicide after her interrogation (this source, Wysocki I suppose).Faustian (talk) 13:32, 29 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]