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Talk:New Right

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Ideology Behind the New Right


In case no-one has noticed there is a debate about human nature influenced by (for example) evolutionary psychology and (in particular) the importance of ethnocentrism: do people form a state facilitated "superordinate national identity" or one where one or other non-indigenous ethnic groups come to dominate? Similarily the effect on social cohesion. Robert Putnam's study of diversity and social cohesion is often cited. In the US an influential figure is Steve Sailor. In Australia, you have Frank Salter etc, etc. On the other hand, you have proactive policies to overcome what is seen as a fault in human nature from social science departments and The UN Alliance of Civilisations.

Social Divide?


Katherine Betts argues that Universal education has created a significant highly educated minority to whom support for immigration has become a marker of status.

"...for adverse public opinion on a given question to be an effective political constraint someone has to articulate it." "...if the intelligentsia are not interested and the media unsympathetic, protest groups may not even form or, if they do, they are likely to remain on the fringes. Their activities will be ineffective and they will easily be written off as cranky and irrelevant...."[1]


  1. ^ www.thesocialcontract.com/artman2/publish/tsc0104/article_56.shtml