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Talk:Neutron number

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Is there such a thing as Neutron number? I have never heard of such a phrase and apart from a reference to this article neither has google. The only external reference is dead (404). Atomic mass and Atomic number = proton number are well defined but are there any external references to "Neutron number"?

"The case of 84 is special"


I would say that 86 is equally special, as shown by the isodiaphers 142Ce-146Nd, 144Nd-148Sm and 146Sm-150Gd. The only difference is that 150Gd is not stable to double beta decay, but it is still stable to quadruple beta decay (in contrast to 150Nd). — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2A04:CEC0:108E:A0A3:2803:9251:F360:D117 (talk) 19:45, 12 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Magic number effect is terribly significant


Beta-stable isotones with 84 ≤ N ≤ 86 (150Gd, 146Sm, 147Sm, 144Nd, 148Sm, 145Nd, 142Ce, 146Nd) have short (alpha) half-lives among nuclides with 83 ≤ N ≤ 126.

Beta-stable isotones with 127 ≤ N ≤ 132 (214Rn, 212Po, 213Po, 218Ra, 216Rn, 215At, 214Po, 217Rn, 220Ra, 219Fr, 218Rn, 216Po, 211Po) all have (alpha) half-lives under a second.

Beta-stable isotones with 133 ≤ N ≤ 134 (224Th, 221Ra, 222Ra, 220Rn) have (alpha) half-lives ranging from a second to a minute.

Beta-stable isotones with 135 ≤ N ≤ 137 (226Th, 224Ra, 225Ac, 223Ra, 227Th) have (alpha) half-lives ranging from half an hour to several days.

Beta-stable isotones with 138 ≤ N ≤ 153 (252Fm, 230U, 242Cm, 248Cf, 228Th, 236Pu, 250Cf, 244Cm, 232U, 238Pu, ...) have (alpha) half-lives ranging from a day to billions of years.

Beta-stable isotones with 154 ≤ N ≤ 158 (254Fm, 255Fm, 256Fm, 259Md, 253Es, 257Fm, 252Cf, 254Cf; only SF known for 258No, 256Cf, 258Fm and 260No) have alpha half-lives ranging from several hours to several years. (talk) 08:37, 28 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Beta-stable nuclides with odd neutron number

N Nuclides N Nuclides N Nuclides N Nuclides N Nuclides N Nuclides N Nuclides N Nuclides
1 2H, 3He 21 - 41 73Ge 61 - 81 137Ba 101 171Yb 121 201Hg 141 233U (α)
3 5He (n), 6Li 23 43Ca 43 77Sr 63 111Cd 83 143Nd 103 173Yb 123 - 143 235U (α)
5 9Be, 10B 25 47Ti 45 - 65 115Sn 85 145Nd, 147Sm (α) 105 177Hf 125 207Pb 145 239Pu (α)
7 13C, 14N 27 49Ti 47 83Kr 67 117Sn 87 149Sm 107 179Hf 127 211Po (α) 147 -
9 17O 29 53Cr 49 87Sr 69 119Sn 89 - 109 183W 129 213Po (α) 149 245Cm (α)
11 21Ne 31 57Fe 51 91Zr 71 - 91 155Gd 111 187Os 131 217Rn (α) 151 249Cf (α)
13 25Mg 33 61Ni 53 95Mo 73 125Te 93 157Gd 113 189Os 133 221Ra (α) 153 251Cf (α)
15 29Si 35 - 55 97Mo, 99Ru 75 129Xe 95 161Dy 115 - 135 223Ra (α) 155 255Fm (α)
17 33S 37 67Zn 57 101Ru 77 131Xe 97 163Dy 117 195Pt 137 227Th (α) 157 257Fm (α)
19 - 39 - 59 105Pd 79 135Ba 99 167Er 119 199Hg 139 229Th (α) (talk) 11:18, 8 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Most stable isotones


In the following table, A represents the mass number of the isotone with the longest half-life.

N A half-life nuclide
127 210 3.04×106 y 210mBi
128 210 22.2 y 210Pb
129 212 60.55 min 212Bi
130 212 10.627 h 212Pb
131 214 19.9 min 214Bi
132 214 27.06 min 214Pb
133 215/216 142 s/2.21 min 215Pb/216Bi
134 221 4.8 min 221Fr
135 223 11.43 d 223Ra
136 222 3.8235 d 222Rn
137 227 18.693 d 227Th
138 227 21.772 y 227Ac (talk) 01:25, 21 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]