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Talk:Motorola/IP Addresses

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The following are known corporate proxy public IP addresses for Motorola. Users at one geographic location will cycle between IP addresses over time, so blocking single IP's won't be completely effective in those cases. However, blocking these IP's will certainly affect other users.

Perl generator

   for my $ctr (0..1024) {
       for my $tmpl (qw[ wwwgate0.motorola.com ftpgate0.motorola.com ]) {
           (my $name = $tmpl) =~ s/0/$ctr/;
           my $ip = nslookup($name) or next;
           print "* $name, [http://www.sidebit.com/ProjectLocateIP.php?checkIP=$ip&action=Check $ip] ([[User talk:$ip|talk]], [[Special:Contributions/$ip|contributions]])\n";
   sub nslookup {
       `nslookup $_[0]` =~ /Address: ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ && return $1;