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Talk:Ministry of Internal Affiars (Serbia)

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English translation


This page has been moved several times between: Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Internal Affiars. To settle this confusion I will present points for both and which one I personally believe is correct.

  • 1. The official website's English section does state it as Ministry of Interior. However... this is incorrect and the cause of most probably, incompetence or poor knowledge of the English language. The media in Serbia has adopted this use as well, again most likely due to incompetence or just plain laziness. Still, two wrongs don't make a right.
  • 2. The literal & correct translation of (Министарство Унутрашњих Послова/Ministarstvo Unutrašnjih Poslova) is in fact Ministry of Internal Affiars. As a comparison I'll use (Министарство спољних послова/Ministarstvo Spoljnih Poslova) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to emphasis my point. You'll notice both end with the word "Poslova", Serbian for Affairs. Buttons (talk) 04:39, 22 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

