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Talk:Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2/Archive 4

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More information on Wii version needed


I changed the "Plot" to "PS3 and X-Box 360 Plot" because Titanium Man and Iron Fist are for those versions only. What information is there on the Wii version other than who the exclusive (for now) characters are? The game's been out for, what, two weeks now? Does N-Space even have a website for it? (talk) 20:57, 5 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

The plot is generalized so that it fits for all versions. There's no need to point out all the tiny differences. Gameplay is also largely the same, even though the PS3/360 are 'next gen'. Having played all but the PSP version I can say there's no real reason to separate them all, aside from mentioning things like the DS's use of the touch screen and the Wii's version of motion control. --Teancum (talk) 22:39, 5 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Iron Fist should be removed then, cause he's PS3/X-Box 360 only. (talk) 02:42, 14 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Done. --Teancum (talk) 02:48, 14 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

The game's been out for a week...


someone please fill in the story, as i said its been out for a week the story should be revealed... frankly i don't get time to edit much so i can't fill it in... C'tan Nightbringer (talk) 01:25, 23 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I agree that the plot could be expanded a little more. But not more than a paragraph or possibly two. It should be a decent summary, not a detailed guide to every minor plot note. RobJ1981 (talk) 04:49, 23 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Like Rob said, it does need to be expanded, but it still has to be a summary, not covering every little boss fight, etc. And we'll have to find a way to cover Act 2 (the Civil War) without needing to split it into two parts. Shouldn't be too hard if we keep things general since missions on either side tie in with the opposite faction's missions. (For example, the pro-reg want to defeat Cable, anti-reg want to protect him. Mentioning that Iron Man leads an attack on Cable and Captain America leads a defense covers that section.) --Teancum (talk) 11:56, 23 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Alt. Costumes and/or DLC for Wii Version?


Out of curiousity, does the Wii version have alternate costumes? The article doesn't make it clear exactly what version has what in terms of alt. costumes and DLC. (talk) 05:26, 24 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

The article states In addition, each character on the PS3 and Xbox 360 will have one alternate costume that can be unlocked during the course of the game. -- but to answer your question those two versions are the only ones with alternate costumes. --Teancum (talk) 09:16, 24 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Do they plan on having DLC for 360 and PS3? --CheddarBBQ (talk) 21:20, 1 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, otherwise what is Carnage doing on the VV website? (talk) 15:30, 16 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Venom Voice Actor


In the Venom article, Venom's voice actor for this game is listed as Chopper Bernet, but Mac Gargan's lists his voice actor as Walter Bernet. Which is the correct name? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:22, 5 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Same guy, just a nickname. Go with Walter since that's the one used in the credits. -- Cyberlink420 (talk) 23:14, 8 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Pro & Anti Registration DLC Packs


It has been 'leaked' that there will be a Pro & Anti Registration pack available for download, similar to the previous game's hero & villain DLC packs. The Pro Reg pack apparently includes Bishop, War Machine, Wonder Man and She-Hulk. Anti Reg pack supposedly features Cable, Spider-Woman, Psylocke and Cyclops as playable. Anyone heard anything more about this? Obviouosly we cannot put it up on the page until it is officially released. Strydom21.04 14:16, 08 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Is there any source at all for the leaks? I've seen things on forums, but anyone can make anything up on those. --Teancum (talk) 16:09, 8 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Most recently, a supposed "inside source" posted the supposed leaked DLC first pack consisting of: Psylocke, Cable, Carnage, Magneto, and Dr. Doom. http://forums.superherohype.com/showthread.php?p=17573794 that was the link they gave. Of course, obviously it isn't reliable enough. But...there you go. (talk) 19:09, 8 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Well, Carnage has just been confirmed, defying the "Pro-vs-Anti" pack rumor and supporting the most recent one; though obviously not posting anything on the page itself until we get official confirmation, don't be surprised if those other four show up in the near future. -- Cyberlink420 (talk) 23:13, 8 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Can anyone confirm what it will cost per character? Obviously in Microsoft Point currency. Strydom21.04 11:53, 09 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Does anyone have any information on the subject of when Carnage will be available for download? Or the rest of the other characters? (talk) 11:25, 15 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Redundancy in Character table


Are notes e and f even needed?

Anti-Registration Bosses (e)

(e)Enemy boss fights during the Anti-Registration campaign

The section title is pretty self-explanatory. All those notes seem to do is repeat the obvious and take up space. Also, we can remove the list of 14 sources for the "Common Bosses" section as, now that the game is out, the game itself is the source and there's no reason to cite out-dated previews. Just trying to clear up space and better organize the table which is only going to get bigger with more DLC. (talk) 03:52, 9 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

DLC Leak


http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/rpg/marvelultimateallianceiifusion/video/6233249/today-on-the-spot In this video at 6:39 you can clearly see Carnage, Psylocke, Cable, Magneto, and Black Panther. Should they be added or should we wait for official confirmation? Heres a screencap. http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l254/cabbex97/dlccast.jpg KingKon97 (talk) 23:02, 15 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

The Black Panther Character is blurry and could be Moonknight also as it appears he may be carrying a staff. As appears that Gamespot has edited their video since earlier today. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Genorok (talkcontribs) 04:28, 16 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

As always, we need to wait for official confirmation prior to the DLC's release. Even if we all know the final five are Carnage, Psylocke, Magneto, Cable, and Black Panther (sorry it doesn't even look anything like Moon Knight and he's holding the Ebony Blade in the pick). (talk) 04:34, 16 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

The more detailed version of the plot...


As plots need to be concise here at Wikipedia, I would suggest detailed plots that contain a lot of detail should go at this article's entry at the Marvel Wikia. The hard work on the "long plot" shouldn't go to waste, but it just doesn't belong at Wikipedia, so I'd suggest putting it there. --Teancum (talk) 01:27, 20 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Add another DLC exclusive & PS3/Xbox 360 w/ PS2/PSP/Wii Registration locked characters


Add Cable, Magneto and Black Panther in System Exclusive as Downloadable content exclusive for PS3 & Xbox 360 http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a68/Bionicflmer/mua2DLC.jpg

Registration Locked Characters: Pro-Reg: Unchange: Iron Man Mr. Fantastic Change: Songbird (She's locked in this Act on PS3 & Xbox 360 Version liked Iron Fist who was Exclusive on PS3 & Xbox 360 Versions & Locked in the Anti-Reg Side) Update: Ms. Marvel & Thor (Their locked in this Act on PS2, PSP & Wii Versions) Anti-Reg (known as Secret Avengers): Unchange: Captain America Luke Cage Iron Fist (He was exclusive on PS3 & Xbox 360 liked Teancum says, still he's locked in this Act) Update: Daredevil & Storm (Their locked in this Act on PS2, PSP & Wii Versions)

It's == IMPORTANT ==!!!

Unless you have a published source, we can't. While a screenshot is could enough for you and I, it's not good enough for Wikipedia. The locked characters per side are not particularly of note for the article, which is just supposed to be a brief summary of the game. --Teancum (talk) 12:10, 21 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Article errors


Would someone who can edit this article please read through it and fix its problems? For example:

"The PS2, PSP and Wii version of the game will may have resemblance of the second X-Men Legends and the first Marvel: Ultimate Alliance." is purely speculative, and makes little sense. Will it or may it? It can't "will may".
And it should have read "have a resemblance to the second X-Men Legends..."
In any case, it should be in the present tense now, as the game has been released.
  • Updated
"Super Powered Negligence" should not have capital letters at the start of every word, as it is not an actual name of something.
  • Fixed
"In the game, players are able to choose between the Pro-Registration side headed by Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic with the other characters liked: Songbird who was locked in PS3/Xbox 360 version also 2 characters who locked in PS2/PSP/Wii version are Ms. Marvel and Thor, following them. Or the Anti-Registration side, headed by Captain America and Luke Cage with the other characters liked: Iron Fist who was locked in PS3/Xbox 360 version also 2 characters who locked in PS2/PSP/Wii version are Daredevil and Storm, working with them."
Makes little sense, and is very messy. It should read, from what I can gather, something like this:
"In the game, players are able to choose between the Pro-Registration side, headed by Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic, or the Anti-Registration side, headed by Captain America and Luke Cage. Several other characters are 'locked' into a specific side. Songbird is locked to the Pro-Registration side for the PS3 and XBOX 360 versions, with Ms Marvel and Thor locked to the Pro-Registration side for the PS2, PSP and Wii versions. Iron Fist is locked to the Anti-Registration side for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, with Daredevil and Storm locked to the Anti-Registration side for the PS2, PSP and Wii versions."
  • Updated

:"Several playable characters are also appear as boss battles throughout..." should be "Several playable characters also appear as boss battles throughout..."

  • Updated

:"On October 9, 2009, downloadable content was announced..." does not need a link to the downloadable content article, as there is already a link to that article earlier on in the paragraph.

  • Updated

:"MUA2's official release date is now set to September 15, 2009" should be changed from the future to the past tense, as the game has been released now. "MUA2's official release was September 15, 2009"

  • Updated

:I have no idea what "Online multiplayer for the Wii is not supported due to issues with technology used and a the allotted time to develop the game." is supposed to mean.

If anybody knows how it should read, please correct it.
  • Updated

:"Brian Michael Bendis, comic writer for Marvel Comics was given an..." should have a comma after Marvel Comics.

Also "comic writer for Marvel Comics" may be slightly redundant - "writer for Marvel Comics" seems like it would be better.
  • Updated

If someone who could edit this page would correct these mistakes, then the article would be greatly improved in quality and accuracy. Thank you. (talk) 16:47, 31 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Some newly added content by ScottKazama needs to be corrected...

"Additionally from the pre-order exclusive character Juggernaut will be available for $1.99/160MSP for those who does'nt have the pre-order. But for those who has the pre-order, do not add the content who has available in there.[22]"
Would someone please change this to:
"Formerly pre-order exclusive character Juggernaut will be available for download for the XBOX 390 and PS3 consoles. The character will cost 160MSP for the XBOX 360, and $1.99 for the PS3."

Would someone who can edit this article please correct this? And would ScottKazama please read through their edits in the future, to make sure that they make sense, are grammatically accurate, and that words are spelled correctly? Thanks. (talk) 12:34, 1 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

No offence, but why not just do it yourself, since you already have an account? By reading through this page, it seems obvious that the only people who are actually helping to fix this article are us unregistered users. Its none of your business why I or any of these other people do not have an account.
Why is it that those who have accounts are not reading through the article to make sure that it makes sense? If an unregistered user notices an error or two in an article, and brings it to the attention of a registered user, then you should be glad that they actually did all the hard work for you and thank them.
Critisizing someone simply because they do not want to register for whatever reason seems awful rude, especially since they are actually trying to help by bringing the article's problems forward. You should be thanking them for doing all of the work for you, not throwing it back in their faces. obviously put alot of effort into reading through the entire article and correcting every single mistake, and you didn't even thank them for it.
Just because someone chooses not to register with Wikipedia does not mean that you are better than them because you have registered, or that you can just throw their help back in their faces. It is neither polite nor welcoming. (talk) 07:50, 2 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • I think you're taking offense where none is intended - creating an account is 100% free and allows anyone to make these edits. I don't mind doing them, but it's just as easy for any registered user to do so. Registration takes all of five minutes, and we could use more folks who are willing to help like and But to answer your question about registered users not doing much in the way of copy edits; most registered users are watching multiple pages and are focused on cleaning one up at a time - for me it's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game). I typically fill in the content for a given article, then go back and do copy edits. MUA2 is on my watch list, but at the moment it's solely to make sure the article is well sourced and not vandalized, so that when I get time to work on it I don't have to clean up extra stuff. I can't speak for everyone else, but right now I'm just trying to maintain the content of the article to make cleanup easier later on. That's why I suggested the user create an account - because we could use more dedicated folks, even if they only contribute to a few articles. --Teancum (talk) 14:00, 2 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

He's under the "System Exclusive" column. --Teancum (talk) 10:39, 26 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Molten Man


Why does the link for Molten Man redirect to Jamie Madrox in the Anti-Registration Bosses column? Molten Man is not Multiple Man. Would someone please undo Rtkat3's changes? (talk) 19:37, 31 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Because Molten Man's identity is Mark Raxton & look at their powers, their different & what ever inside of it.......ScottKazama (talk) 12:05, 8 November 2009

Fixed --Teancum (talk) 21:13, 31 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Update --ScottKazama (talk) 19:09, 8 October 2009

You can add Magneto now


Magneto is in the character roster on the official site. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:27, 4 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Am I the only one who doesn't see Magento on the character screen? I cleared my cache and everything and it still says confidential. KingKon97 (talk) 01:34, 5 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Same for me, but they have an interview with the developers about him, and his Alt. Costume's been posted on the VV website. (talk) 21:21, 5 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

--Its up now. KingKon97 (talk) 17:23, 6 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Complete Roster of MUA 2


Here's the full pics i got during play online, sorry, it's still blured up


Maybe someone can take a screenshot of this.

THX to Serbius of deviantart.com. ScottKazama (talk 12:00, 8 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

NDS Bosses + The Other Pro & Anti Reg Boss Characters became Common Bosses in final act 3 +


Who will be the boss characters in DS Version & The Other Pro & Anti Reg Boss Characters became Common Bosses in final act 3. Only i know is: Pro-Reg: She-Hulk, Wonder Man. Anti-Reg: Colossus, Firestar, Spider-Woman. & Another one, who will be a common characters on DS than Tony, Steve, Peter and Logan. —Preceding unsigned comment added by ScottKazama (talkcontribs) 16:16, 23 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Gamespot 2009 Dubious honors


This trainwreck of a game was nominated for "Worst Improved Sequel" and "Worst use of Legendary Licence" while it did not win any of them. Perhaps we should mention this? So far I saw only positive reviews. Chief of Naval Operations (talk) 22:34, 23 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

The Fold


As you know, the Fold becomes the next villains in the third part of the game following the fight at Prison 42. Someone even redirected The Fold to this game. This all started when Tinkerer hacked into the Control Nanites first occuring with Bullseye, Green Goblin, Lady Deathstrike, and Venom III at Geffen-Meyer Chemicals. I have noticed that they sprout two tendrils from their upper back for some unexplained reason while some Fold soldiers tend to copy the powers of some of it's victims. Other victims during the game are A-Bomb, Colossus, Diamondback, Firestar, Havok, Jack O'Lantern, Justice, Molten Man, Moonstone, Spider-Woman, Whirlwind, Wonder Man, and even Nick Fury. We need to start a Fold section on the character chart to show who we have to fight during that part of the game. Rtkat3 (talk) 12:51, 25 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I am not sure if that is the story line in another console but on the xbox 360 the Fold became complex enough to become a conscious collective and the Tinkerer is merely a part of it. could someone please change this in the main article? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Spartin007 (talkcontribs) 18:45, 16 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]