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Talk:Marblehead Riot of 1677

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Assigned Peer Review



Lead section:I think that there could definitely be more information added on to this section. Maybe include a little bit of detail from the background. Like Grisel mentioned, go a little deeper into the war or maybe give a little more detail about the riot itself, just to that the reader has a clearer idea and gist of what they're going to read. I think of the lead as the article's first impression so I would definitely add more to it to hook the reader.

Background: I agree with Grisel that the first section about the King Philip's war can be moved up to the lead. Who are the people that you're mentioning? I don't think its necessary to mention authors/historians by name since the reader is also able to see your references and it kind of may ruin the flow of the information being presented when reading. You can include phrases like "it is argued" or "historians believe" in order to not confuse the reader. You should definitely expand more on the guerrilla violence that was mentioned in the lead since that kind of gets left there, as well as how women operated at the time, provide as much background as you can on the women that partook in the riot themselves. Also give some background on the tribe mentioned in the uprising section so the article is a little bit more organized, be sure to give context about the people and groups mentioned so that its not confusing later on.

The Uprising: Again, I don't think its necessary to mention the historian's names themselves. Is there more about the riot itself? Is there more detail about the women or who initiated the riot? Did others surrounding join? If there's limited info on the riot itself then it's fine but I would try to find more details on it if possible.

Commentary: I think that the word "horrendous" should be removed, even though it was horrendous it may sound a little biased, descriptors like that I think should be avoided since we're only reporting on what happened and what scholars have to say about it. "Giljie" should be changed to "Gilje" in the footnote for the section.

Snguay (talk)



Leading Section:

I think that your leading section could be a bit longer, perhaps combining the leading sentences you used in your background section: “Marblehead, Massachusetts was full of tension much like many of the east coast colonies at the time.” These tensions stemmed from King Philip's War which took place from 1675 to 1678.” You could say something like around the lines of tensions arising due to King Philips’s War. You could also be a bit more specific with the type of tensions it caused, like social tensions rather than just tensions. Nevertheless, for the name of the riot, you could just call it Marblehead Riot of 1677, perhaps. Also, I think that there’s a comma missing between Marblehead and Massachusetts.


I think that you provided a great framework for the actual riot. Though, I think there is a spelling error, instead of Kames I assume it would be James? However, I don’t think it’s necessary for you to write out “Axtell argues,” instead you could say something like: “This war involved guerilla warfare in which, reportedly, nearly every citizen of Marblehead Massachusetts had lost a family member or friend.” Similarly, with the “Romeo Argues,” you could just leave that out and say, “these attacks may have occurred because a woman's concerns revolved around the safety and functionality of the household.” Nonetheless, I think you should talk about King Philips War itself and how it contributed to the tensions that were being experienced. As I suggested, your first two leading sentences in your background section, could introduce the war from your leading section instead. Just perhaps add a subsection for it like :

King Philip's War

I also don’t think that you need the last sentence, “However, these rising tensions and outbursts of violence will eventually lead to the death of two native men.” I think that it’s a bit redundant." Maybe you could also expand upon women’s role during society at this time or talk about guerilla warfare instead.


"The origin of the riot occurring in Marblehead Massachusetts during 1677 can be traced back to December of 1676 where Mugg Heigon, a member of the Sokokis tribe, proposed a way to destroy Boston by interfering with fishing boats and taking resources from the English." I think that the first part of the sentence can be removed and instead you could say something like: "In December of 1676 Mugg Heigon, a member of the Sokokis tribe, proposed a way to destroy Boston by interfering with fishing boats and taking resources from the English." I think you could maybe touch on this particular tribe some more or expand upon the reasoning why this tribe wanted to retaliate against the English. Also there are some places like Marblehead and Boston that you mention, that could use a link, Marblehead and Boston.

Commentary Involving the Uprising:

I feel like part of this commentary could be used in order to build on the role of women a bit more, perhaps in the background. It seems that women had a substantial role in this riot and maybe you could speak on this more. As well as using "In addition to Romeo, Giljie argues that this riot should be documented as the “nastiest riot in seventeenth-century colonial America”. Perhaps you can use historians have debated instead. Notes:

I think there are spelling errors for Gilje , and it makes 2 different footnotes.

- 5th note: Giljie 1996, p. 19.
- 6th note: Gilje 1996, p. 19.


There seem to be some issues with your citations, here's the model we used for the clarke article, you can copy the code for your own citations.

  • Pfeifer, Michael (December 2010). "The Northern United States and the Genesis of Racial Lynching: The Lynching of African Americans in the Civil War Era". The Journal of American History. 97 (3): 621–635.

Also, I think you need to add the specific page numbers that you used from the gije source.

Overall I think in your background you should talk about King Philips War, elaborate on women's role, or speak on the particular tribe you mentioned and the difficulties they may have been facing during this time.

Gc2929 (talk)