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Talk:List of Shakespearean settings

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Problems with this article


I see a few problems with this article:

  1. Inclusion criteria. It appears that some places that are mentioned in plays, but are not actual settings for any scenes in the plays, are listed.
  2. Most of the locations are not identified with the plays where they appear.
  3. Most of the locations are not identified with the countries where they are located, and they ought to be.

-- Metropolitan90 (talk) 03:03, 25 October 2023 (UTC)[reply]



Since the AfD for Locations of Shakespeare's plays has closed with a suggestion that it be merged here, I thought I'd embark upon that exercise. In the hope that it can be done without hitting some of the serious misgivings I and others have expressed about that page - and also this page - I propose using the following principles:

  • I will delete from this page everything that doesn't already comply with the following principles (pretty much everything) then rebuild from there.
  • I will produce a prose list, but will try to stay aware while doing so of the possible advantage of subsequently turning it into a table.
  • I will list only nations, towns and cities, but will try to stay alert to the possibility of a subsequent section of the page dealing with other more specific locations (particular buildings, for example).
  • At a minimum, each entry will contain the location, it's nation (unless it is itself a nation), and the play which is partly located there. I will add a short commentary: typically no more than a short sentence.
  • I will list alphabetically by location (being aware that one advantage of tabulating the list later will be that the user could instead sort geographically, or by play).
  • A location doesn't earn an entry for being the place where an historical event depicted by Shakespeare happened, unless Shakespeare mentions that location in the text.
  • Conversely, a location doesn't earn an entry for being mentioned by Shakespeare unless a scene is actually set there.
  • Fictional or mythical locations are equally valid for inclusion as real geographical ones, although the entry should make their status clear.
  • I'll try to adopt a two-source approach - i.e. for every entry both a primary source (i.e. a line reference to Shakespeare's text referring to it) and a secondary source which discusses it.

Let me know if anyone has misgivings about any aspect of this approach. AndyJones (talk) 13:39, 27 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]