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Talk:Juan de Mendoza, Marquis de la Hinojosa

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17th century Spain leaders


Does this (P. 87 if the search breaks) confirm that Philip III of Spain made him Marquis? I'm assuming his titles made him notable and also the fact that he was recorded in history (including possibly? his papers contributes, but I'm having a hell of a time finding sourcing to write about him. es:Juan de Mendoza y Velasco has some sourcing, which I can read, but it doesn't have much more than his roles. Worth stubbing this to the first few sentences? I already stubbed it to some extent as it was an essay/poor translation.

@Netherzone @Cunard any ideas, or know anyone who knows more in this area? No risk of deletion at all, I'm just trying to clean up some of the backlogs and generally try to leave articles a little better than I find them, when possible. Thanks either way. Star Mississippi 17:50, 9 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Star, I'll have a look around to see what I might find. Did you post anything at WP:WikiProject Spain? Netherzone (talk) 17:58, 9 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I'll do so right now, thanks for the heads up. Star Mississippi 18:06, 9 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I found this, not sure if it's useful: see page 130 of this Oxford U Press article mentions several of his positions: [1] The English Historical Review Vol. 9, No. 33 (Jan., 1894) Netherzone (talk) 18:34, 9 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
sometimes I wish we still wrote in such a style! Will add. I think the titles are probably the bulk that survived four centuries, documentation wise Star Mississippi 19:25, 9 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
This made me laugh: And these difficulties are but vapours arising from pollitique heades to overclowd the busynes awhile to make the proceedings thereof more glorious hereafter; or it may be a tricke to endeare her the more unto him, for a price hardly purchased is the more precious. Netherzone (talk) 19:45, 9 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
That is a great quote! This bygone style needs to make a resurgence! Cunard (talk) 01:14, 13 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
And it played havoc with auto spell correct. :-) Netherzone (talk) 02:47, 13 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Star Mississippi (talk · contribs), thank you for your work on leaving articles better than you've found them. I think that's admirable. I've added another source to the article with more biographical information about him.

Matilla Tascón, Antonio (1987). Catalogo de documentos notariales de nobles [Catalog of notarial documents of nobles] (in Spanish). Madrid: Hidalguia. p. 220. ISBN 978-84-00-06481-5. Retrieved 2022-06-13 – via Google Books.

The book notes:

Catalogo de documentos notariales de nobles

405. Hinojosa, Marqués de la.

Alquiler de carruajes, para su viaje de Madrid a Inglaterra. Fecha 1623-Mar. Protocolo: 5.358. Folio: 294

En 25 de febrero de 1628, se depositó en la iglesia de las Descalzas Reales el cadáver de don Juan de Mendoza, Marqués de Hinojosa, y posteriormente lose cadáveres de doña María de Velasco y doña Ana María de Mendoza, mujer e hija de dicho Marqués. Todos estos huesos y cenizas se entregan por la Abadesa a un aporderado para ser trasladados a la iglesia Colegial de Castrojeriz, mandada fundar por don Juan de Mendoza, que fue Marqués de Hinojosa y del Consejo de Estado y Guerra y Presidente del de Indias. El apoderado lo era de los Capellanes de dicha Colegial y de la Patrona única de dicha iglesia de Castrojeriz, doña Baltasara Teresa Gómez de los Cobos, Marquea de Camarasa, Condesa de Ricla y de Castro.

Fecha: 1779-Nov.-20. Protocolo: 19.825.

From Google Translate:

Catalog of notarial documents of nobles

405. Hinojosa, Marquis of the.

Carriage rental, for your trip from Madrid to England. Date 1623-Mar. Protocol: 5,358. Folio: 294

On February 25, 1628, the body of Don Juan de Mendoza, Marquis of Hinojosa, and later the bodies of Doña María de Velasco and Doña Ana María de Mendoza, wife and daughter of said Marquis, were deposited in the Descalzas Reales church. . All these bones and ashes are delivered by the Abbess to a representative to be transferred to the Collegiate Church of Castrojeriz, ordered to be founded by Don Juan de Mendoza, who was Marquis of Hinojosa and of the Council of State and War and President of the Indies. The agent was the representative of the Chaplains of said College and of the sole Patron of said church of Castrojeriz, Doña Baltasara Teresa Gómez de los Cobos, Marquea de Camarasa, Countess of Ricla y de Castro.

Date: 1779-Nov.-20. Protocol: 19,825.

I also found this source, which I've added:

Burke, Marcus B.; Cherry, Peter (1997). "Juan de Mendoza, Marqués de San Germán and Marqués de la Hinojosa". In Gilbert, Maria L. (ed.). Collections of Painting in Madrid, 1601–1755 (Parts 1 and 2). Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute. p. 265. ISBN 0-89236-496-3. Retrieved 2022-06-13 – via Google Books.

The book provides one page about the subject and includes lots of biographical information about him. The book notes:

Juan de Mendoza (d. 24 February 1628) was an important minister of the reign of Philip III, and owned his position entirely to his family connections to the ruling faction of the valido, the Duque de Lerma. Mendoza was cousin of the Duque de Lerma and nephew of Bernardo de Sandoval y Rojas, Archbishop of Toledo. As Marqués de San Germán, Mendoza began his career as Gentilhombre de la Cámara del Rey (1599) and was made Marqués de la Hinojosa in 1612. He was son of Don Juan de Mendoza, the general of the Spanish fleet, and also pursued a military career serving under Lerma in the Spanish cavalry and receiving an appointment to the Council of War in 1605.

Cunard (talk) 01:14, 13 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you both! I somehow lost track if this tab to do more than the "thank" button. The Burke book is especially super helpful for explaining who Mendoza was, vs. what he did. Star Mississippi 17:48, 22 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]