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Archive 1Archive 2


I read something somewhere about him being an Olympic diver. Can anyone confirm?

Yes, Jason was a diver for the British team. He placed 12th place.

The article says: he was a member of Britain's National Diving Squad for ten years, although (despite rumours) never competed in the Olympics. However, he had been in categories for the 1988 and 1992 Summer Olympics. Web searches seem to indicate that he competed in both Seoul and Barcelona, though this may be a case of everyone passing on the same wrong information (perhaps assuming this because he was on the national diving team). I found an interview here that says:
IGNFF: What are your memories of being in the Olympics? How do you look back on that?
STATHAM: I didn't actually go to the Olympic Games, but you know, pretty much everything else, the World Championships.
The 12th place finish that is mentioned in many places was at the World Championships, not the Olympics. On this basis, I have removed him from the 1988 and 1992 Olympic competitor categories. Dsreyn 16:07, 2 May 2006 (UTC)

Jason's Age (38 or 33?)

People magazine and Men's Health Magazine (published in the U.S.) state Jason's age as 38. Is there an open discrepancy about his age?

IMDB and other reliable sources verify his birthdate in 1972.

On Febuary 2008 at the Premeire of Jason Stathams film titled The Bank Job Edith Bowman interviewed Jason and his age was mentioned,it was 35 in Febuary 2008,verfying his birthdate as 12th September 1972. The interview can be seen on The Bank Job DVD in the special features section titled "The Bank Job World Premeire"

The Bank Job film was based on a true story that took place in 1971,there were many interviews with Jason during promotion of the film and in many he mentioned that the events of 1971 took place before he was even born so he didnt remember the media scandal that the true story provoked back in the 70's.

I see that most references assume 1972. However, I went to school with him and he was born in late 1966, so 40 this year. I've changed it here twice but it always gets reverted Slf67 01:07, 23 February 2006 (UTC)

Wikipedia editors only report that which can be verified. If discrepancies exist, we report the information in a format that credits the data presented to the respective outlets. Personal claims aren't necessarily acceptable as legitimate data. I could easily claim that Jason Statham and I were long-time friends and that he provided me his life secrets. In fact, I even met with Robin Hood and Father Time. See the problem? There's a credibility issue with personal reports. Adraeus 11:06, 18 April 2006 (UTC)

Doesn't People Magazine check birthdays with drivers licences? If so, then Jason would indeed be born 1966. Hotwine8 03:40, 28 August 2006 (UTC)

If Jason were born Sept. '72, he'd be 36 now. This would have made it highly unlikely that he played for the local grammer school from 1978-83, as he would have been 6-11. —Preceding unsigned comment added by LewisR (talkcontribs) 12:28, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

Jason was definitely at Great Yarmouth Grammar school and left in 1983, I was in his year group and I'm now 42. I also played football for the school, Jason was the right back, his pace masked his lack of ability. The knowledge can easily be evidenced by contacted other school pupils who were at school with him via Friends Reunited, or contacting the school. The reason I think people in Jason's profession sometimes hide their true age is it affects their CV and job prospects...can't blame them but if Jason looks right for the part and can provide the producers with what they require THERE IS NO NEED TO LIE ABOUT YOUR AGE! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:55, 3 September 2009 (UTC)

Statham was born in 1967. Aside from the fact that he's listed as being born in 1967 in the British Birth Records, many early newspaper articles correctly stated his age (31 in March 1999, 35 in September 2002). No newspaper articles in 1999 or 2002, as far as I can find, got his age wrong - they all had it right. I think what happened was that the IMDB put up the wrong date, and subsequent newspaper articles just started copying it without double-checking. So, 1972 became gospel. All Hallow's Wraith (talk) 19:07, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

Edit: If you check out the British birth records they have "some" Jason Stathams but not "the" Jason Statham, they have around 7 or 8 Jasons Stathams for 1967 but none of them match Jasons birthplace so they are not him. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Mrs Kippling (talkcontribs) 15:58, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

On the other hand, when your employer hire you, he have to know your exact age and personnal information such as DOB and SSN, so it's utterly useless to lie about your age because the compagny hiring you will end up having the exact picture in order to pay you and fill up the revenue paper work. I was pretty surprised when i saw that his age changed. Plus, all the references direct to not-very-reliable sources, such as newspapers article. Newspapers are reliable, but they can certainly make mistake on people age, like i can hear on tv often. One of the reference is not accessible without a paying account (#6) and number 7, the most serious sources, have no link to view the reference. So it's not a reference. Let just wait to see someone coming with rock solid evidence. Testimonials from old classmates or friends cannot be verified and are thus not reliable, like many users pointed out on this discussion page. The reference for "he played for the local grammer school from 1978-83" (#11) does not mention the years and not even "grammar school" can be read in the article. Actually every place you go on the net mention DOB 1972 so all of this look like vandalism to me. The reference are not proving anything, so why keeping insisting without good sources? By the way, IMDB is considered a very serious source.--Patlalrique (talk) 17:19, 26 November 2010 (UTC)
IMDB is not a reliable source for anything other than film credits. Other random websites, most of which copy the IMDB and/or Wikipedia, are also not reliable sources. Newspapers, on the other hand, are reliable sources (see Wikipedia:Identifying reliable sources). I have no evidence that Statham himself ever personally misled anyone about his age. All of the early newspaper articles/interviews with him list his correct age (i.e. 35 in 2002), suggesting that when asked by the interviewer, that's the age he supplied. In fact, before 2005, I would doubt that there were even any newspapers/magazine articles that printed his incorrect age. All Hallow's Wraith (talk) 01:09, 28 November 2010 (UTC)
Let's clarify some stuff. Your analyse is quite impressive. In my opinion, there is no way to verify whether journalists from the referenced website supply their informations from Statham or official sources. Let things be very clear here : the only way of verifing accurately someone's age is to verify official birth certificate, and even. It's possible when interwiewed artist don't provide personnal info but instead rely on official content delivered to media by their agency. But I do agree with you that Statham himself giving his age in interwiew is probably what happen, but failure to demonstrate better evidence is what the problem is here. I do agree that newspapers are reliable but can make mistakes, and following Wikipedia policy I have to agree with you. As for IMDB, I do think that they are reliable because people pay them to provide data and they collaborate with agencies and experts in the industry. Plus, it's kind of strange then than a false information parading on a website with such a big frequentation stature last that long. But taking the article dates into account it seems that you are right, but some other references can't be used. We need more recent references.--Patlalrique (talk) 21:09, 28 November 2010 (UTC)
Actually, recent references are specifically a bad idea, because recent references have been corrupted by what's been up on Wikipedia and the IMDB these last few years (i.e. the 1972 date). For example, here's a recent reference that says he's 43 - but so what? It's just copying Wikipedia at this point. The whole point with the newspaper references from 1999 to 2005 (of which I have found at least 4 and cited in the article) is that they came from a time when journalists were less likely to copy information from internet websites, and they all support 1967 as the date. On the other hand, I would be very surprised if there were any newspaper references from 1999 to 2005 that supported the 1972 date. As for IMDB as a source, a website being prominent doesn't make it reliable - and there are things like the Template:BLP IMDB refimprove and the failed proposal Wikipedia:Citing IMDb to demonstrate that (and here's a random example: IMDb still lists Jon Foster's birthplace as Fairfield, Iowa, yet here's an interview where he himself says he was born in Boston, Massachusetts). All Hallow's Wraith (talk) 22:50, 28 November 2010 (UTC)

Martial Arts

I've seen basically everywhere that Jason has some martial arts expierence but no where says what art(s) he does much less what rank(s) he holds in them. Judging from his performance in the Transporter movies it's likely correct to assume that he does martial arts. A little more information on this would be useful for the article. Kanzen kagiri 02:12, 3 August 2006 (UTC)

I found an internet interview with Jason that says:

Menomonee Falls, WI: Did you get martial arts training specifically for this movie? Or have you been studying martial arts on your own, and if so what style?

Jason Statham: All styles from Win Chun to karate to kickboxing. Corey Yuen doesn't want to make too much of a specific style, and wants to incorporate different styles.

Hope that helps - the link to the interview is http://www.usatoday.com/community/chat/2002-10-10-statham.htm

according to IMDB he's trained in mixed martial arts - mainly kinckboxing. Might be worth checking this out: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005458/bio

On his fansite there are reports that his date of birth is 26th July 1967?


Yes its true the king of the hitman esscense famous for crank and the 2 transporters is not playin hitman instead it is Timothy Olyphant. You all know his work the skimpy armed hippie love child from catch and release which tanked. Why hire a guy whose never seen the light of a box office success one word cheaper. The only logical explanation is that either they just didn't want to pay any real money for the movie or they just didn't think that the guy who has drawn in hundreds of thousands of customers to see his movies. widening they're pockets. Why......we'll never now

--- This isn't a conversation about other actor's abilities, or lack thereof. But since you opened the door, I thought I'd offer some clarification. Video game-based movies have a difficult time at achieving success, and so far, the inclusing of A or B list actors has not increased the popularity of many of these movies (Street Fighter, Resident Evil, In the Name of the King, Wing Commander, etc). If anything, these movies sometimes suffer more so because of increased expectations.

But if you really want a reason, you could look into the fact that Statham was already involved in one video game-based project, the Dungeon Siege movie. Unfortunately for Statham, he didn't do his reasearch on Uwe Boll. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:40, 1 September 2008 (UTC)

Place of birth - format

"Statham was born in Shirebrook, Derbyshire" Then moved to london with his parents, then moved to yarmouth

Can we get some reliable sources for this? as I did a quick Google search and it appears to be true. (talk) 20:41, 14 August 2010 (UTC)

Artemis Fowl?

Could anybody actually confirm that he is playing Butler? The movie has been delayed so many times. A Disney/Miramax/Weinstein dispute, the writer's strike and more. But I can't find a green light for him to star in the movie, although the fan base wants this. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:48, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

Unreferenced claim

"He is also a martial arts expert in mixed martial arts, especially Kick Boxing." - no citations given, so removed. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:34, 10 June 2008 (UTC)

Is it Jason Statham

I saw the video for The Beautiful Souths Hit Dream A Little Dream and I'm certain it was Jason Statham who appeared at one point asking some girls to move up so he could sit down in the cinema. Can anyone tell me if it was him or not. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:19, 25 August 2008 (UTC)

Yup, just check out on youtube at 1:35 minute on this page : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS-UDyXouVQ --Patlalrique (talk) 16:39, 26 November 2010 (UTC)

Middle name

I have some sources claiming his middle name is Leon, but "Michael" just appeared in Wikipedia. Can anyone confirm? Where's Mr. Statham when you need him? ;) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:31, 14 September 2008 (UTC)

Real Name

Andrew Statham His nick name is Silly buisness —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:27, 21 April 2009 (UTC)

We need reliable sources that support these claims, before we can put this info into the article. -- Finlay McWalterTalk 22:45, 1 August 2009 (UTC)

Pronunciation guide?

How is his surname pronounced? Is there a break between the T and H [STAT-ham] or before them [STA-thum]? Samer (talk) 19:42, 26 April 2009 (UTC)

The latter, according to these BBC and Rove (Australia) interviews and seems to be consistent in other searches (WP:RS or not). Dl2000 (talk) 15:07, 18 May 2009 (UTC)

Video game voice-overs table

...is below external links? i'm new, how to edit this? LBC2 (talk) 22:34, 1 August 2009 (UTC)

Someone made a typo adding the Guitar Hero thing, and (for weird technical reasons) this pushed that table down to the end. I've fix the problem, and the table is now back where it belongs. Thanks for pointing this out, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed. -- Finlay McWalterTalk 22:42, 1 August 2009 (UTC)


What is the name of his wife or girlfriend again? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:35, 9 September 2009 (UTC)


Jason Statham Quote from the Irish Times:
"You ain’t ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing Crank and you certainly won’t for doing all the other movies I’ve done"
Actor Jason Statham tells the truth

I think that's a classic line and it makes him cooler that he's not dumb enough to pretend his films are something they are not. I'm just wondering if it is best to include it here or with the Crank article? I'd consider Wikiquote if there was a page for Jason Statham but there isn't. -- Horkana (talk) 01:10, 3 October 2009 (UTC)

And some background on his career in his own words he was working as a "perfume seller" although the article says (without a citation) he was working for French connection. -- Horkana (talk) 17:54, 5 December 2009 (UTC)


Imdb says 1972, this page says 67. Which is correct? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:57, 10 December 2010 (UTC)

1967 is correct. See Talk:Jason Statham#Jason's Age (38 or 33?). All Hallow's Wraith (talk) 00:33, 14 December 2010 (UTC)


I think the page should be put on a longer period of protection, considering the birthdate vandalism. All Hallow's Wraith (talk) 12:37, 31 December 2010 (UTC)

== Edit request from, 21 January 2011 ==

Not done. Closing multiple requests for same edit
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.

{{edit semi-protected}} I am requesting that you do further research on Jasaon Statham's year of birth. All other sites regarding this great actor say he was born on Septemer 12, 1972, not 1967. Could you please double check and edit if appropriate. Thank you. (talk) 14:52, 21 January 2011 (UTC)

Not done: Please note the numerous reliable sources we have stating his age, along with the publication date, that all indicate 1967. What "sites" are you talking about? Do they meet our guidelines on reliable sources? If so, please make a new edit request with the specific sources you have that state a different year. Note that fan sites, blog site, or open wikis (like IMDB) do not qualify as reliable under our guidelines. Qwyrxian (talk) 12:00, 22 January 2011 (UTC)

Qwyrxian? You speak of "reliable sources" but what are your reliable sources? The British Birth records dont have a Jason Statham at his place of birth for 1967,they have "some" Jason Stathams but not "THE" Jason Statham. And you have also ignored my reliable source that i provided wich verifys Jasons Birthdate as 1972. What are your reliable sources,the only sources i can see that you are refering to are a couple of old newspaper articles wich are not a reliable source. even since you changed Jasons age to 43 on Wikipedia many of the media have stated his age as 38 as of 2011. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:42, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

Well, "newspaper articles"(old or new) are what Wikipedia regards as reliable sources. The original research you are trying to get added into the article, is against policies here. If you have reliable sources that back up your claim of "many in the media stated his age as 38 as of 2011", that would be something to consider. Note that a reliable source is defined here. Dave Dial (talk) 15:55, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

Hi,i have just tried to add/post 6 recent web articles from diffrent websites but ALL of them will not post as i get a message saying the websites i am trying to post from are filterd as spam! websites like The Mail online, e.t.c. Im suprised they are blocked as spam! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:30, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

Page Edit request

On Febuary 2008 at the Premeire of Jason Stathams film titled "The Bank Job" Edith Bowman interviewed Jason and his age was mentioned,it was 35 in Febuary 2008,verfying his birthdate as 12th September 1972. The interview can be seen on The Bank Job DVD in the special features section titled "The Bank Job World Premeire"

The Bank Job film was based on a true story that took place in 1971,there were many interviews with Jason during promotion of the film and in many he mentioned that the events of 1971 took place before he was even born so he didnt remember the media scandal that the true story provoked back in the 70's. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Mr Palvadori (talkcontribs) 19:22, 25 January 2011 (UTC)

Other sources, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1319214/Jason-Statham-shoots-action-scenes-going-shopping-girlfriend-Rosie-Huntington-Whiteley.html —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:44, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

I noticed you removed the other link, which I read through and that did not state Statham being born in 1972. A few things are wrong with that premise, but the biggest obsticle are the reliable sources given that state he was born in 1967. Which now number 5(1,2,3,4,5). With that being the case, Statham would have to be directly quoted by reliable sources as to his exact birth-date(and maybe even show his drivers license) to a reliable source. Especially given the fact his age is listed as far back, with reliable sourcing, as 1999(stating he was 31 years old then). In 1998, if he were born in 1972, he would have been 26 years old. A 26 year old man doesn't let his age leap ahead to 31 without correction. Which also would have made him 15 years old in 1988 when he claimed to be on the UK Olympic diving team. Don't you think that there would be some kind of record for that? In any case, I am not saying you are wrong, but there will have to be overwhelming sourcing to change the birth date now. Dave Dial (talk) 17:51, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

I just realised out of those 5 "validating" links you posted to me, number 3 has no information at all, and number 4 is talking about the Filmaker Guy Ritchies age and not Jason Stathams. it sais "The 30yr old Filmaker" and the headline clearly shows its an article about Guy Ritchie and his film Lock Stock. Jason Statham is not a filmaker,the article is about Guy Ritchie who was 30 in March 1999 when that artcile was written,read it and you will see.

Back in the early days Jason was not interviwed,those 5 articles you posted from the late 90's early 2000's Jason was not interviewed,it was just media GUESSING his age back then,he may of never even read those "few" articles to have them changed,then he wouldnt anyway,those articles you mention are not INTERVIEWS.since then Jason has become a big star in the mid to late 2000's he has done interviews. it's more likely his age is correct in the later interviews. i have posted many links and interviews with his correct age,also the Bank Job DVD has his age mentioned in an interview with him in special features. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:21, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

P.s he was NOT on the Olympic diving team,he was in the "World Championchips"

Also as for your "a 26 your old man being mistaken for someone who is 30 the 26yr old would correct them" Jason could not correct the man who wrote that artcile as the its an article and not an interview,jason wasnt present and more than likely never even see it. plus i know people who look older,people guess their age older but they dont say anything because they are embarrased that they look older,and dont want people to go "god you look older" so just keep quiet.

There are about 30 reliable sources here now with some INTERVIEWS with Jason present. these are far more reliable and valid than your 5 "articles" ( 1 of wich is a dead link and not valid so you have just 4 articles). British articles are more so reliable now as hes British and his people are proud of him. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:50, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

On the 2008 DVD "The Bank Job" in special features presenter Edith Bowman interviewed Jason in febuary 2008 and his age was mentioned,it was 35,confirming his birthdate is 1972 ( making him 38 now). The film was a true story set in 1971, in other interviews Jason was asked about the events and the Royal scandal the robbery caused in Britain in 1971, Jason stated he didnt remember as he was not even born in 1971.

Even since Wikipedia changed his age to 43 the media who have interviewed him over his latest film have his age as 38.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)

Not done: Source conflicts with sources already in article. Please gain consensus for change on this page before requesting an edit. Thanks. -Atmoz (talk) 16:53, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

Jasons age is wrong,even though wikipedia changed it to 43 it is realy 38. It would seem "some" "American" articles have recently got his age as 43 since wikipedia changed it to 43,but articles from Jasons home "Britain" get his age correct wich is 38 as of 2011.



Jason Statham early 37th Birthday celebration in London 2009 photos (Had his 37th party a few weeks early at home in Britain because he had to return to the U.S for work). http://www.monstersandcritics.com/people/Jason-Statham/pictures/Jason-Statham-37th-Birthday-Celebration-at-Planet-Hollywood-in-London-on-August-15,2009-386165


Early 2008 British article he was 35. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-511718/Jason-Statham-From-street-trader-Hollywood-star.html

August 2008 British article. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-511718/Jason-Statham-From-street-trader-Hollywood-star.html


Jason Stathams early 37th Birthday celebration in London photos 2009. http://www.exposay.com/jason-statham-37th-birthday-celebration-at-planet-hollywood-in-london-on-august-15-2009/v/32292/


Jason Stathams birthdate is incorrect,he was born September 12th 1972.

Interview with Jason Statham on January 11th 20011 age 38. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+Talks+The+Mechanic-9712.html

July 30th 2009 he was 36. http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2009/07/30/jason_statham_aamp_kristin_cavallari_hoo

January 23rd 2009 36yrs old. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+QA-6660.html

June 29th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+QA-6660.html

May 1st 2009 36yrs old. http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2009/05/01/he-s-a-guy-for-the-ladies-115875-21322504/

July 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/statham-romances-cavallari---reports_1111288

Febuary 2008 35yrs old. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-511718/Jason-Statham-From-street-trader-Hollywood-star.html

December the 5th 2007 35yrs old. http://jayfan.wordpress.com/2007/12/05/new-home-for-jason/

March 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://anythinghollywood.com/2009/03/jason-statham-taking-a-dip-in-malibu/

April 14th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.tmz.com/2009/04/14/jason-statham-cranks-up-the-heat/

March 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.theinsider.com/news/1927992_Jason_Statham_Taking_a_Dip_in_Malibu

March 28th 2010 37yrs old. http://www.whatsonxiamen.com/ent1282.html

August 29th 2010 37yrs old. http://bennyhollywood.com/hot-stuff/rosie-huntington-whiteley-boyfriend-jason-statham.html

June 4th 2010 37yrs old. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/2999326/How-Rosie-Huntington-Whiteley-has-become-so-famous.html

Septemer 13th 2010 38yrs old (just turned 38 the day before) http://yoostar.blogspot.com/2010/09/jason-statham-turns-38.html

November 28th 2010 38yrs old. (from sources close to Jason Statham) http://gossippond.com/latest-news/jason-statham-shacking-up-with-rosie-huntington-whiteley/

January 27th 2011 38yrs old. http://www.imdb.com/news/ni7228926/

Age is wrong,he was born 1972.

In this interview with Jason on 01/26/2011 it sais how he is "pushing 40", pushing 40 means "almost 40 but not quite"

Someone who is 38 would be considerd to be "pushing 40", someone who was 28 would be considerd "pushing 30" and so on.


Interview with Jason Statham on 3rd Septermber 2006 he was 34 years old. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/03/fashion/03NITE.html

These are Interviews with people who have hung out with the man himself and not just articles written by people who have not met him in person.

One of your old articles you have been using to verify Jason Stathams age is invalid as its "NOT" about Jason Statham,its about the films producer Guy Ritchie. The article in question is...


The article is referring to Film Maker Guy Ritchie's age and NOT Jason Stathams,read it and you will see.

It was on March the 7th 1999 and it sais....

Crime and comedy do pay With `Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,' Guy Ritchie launches his career with a bang

His first film, "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels," has been the biggest thing to come out of his homeland since the Spice Girls, recently nominated as best British film by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts. It was also one of the few films to emerge from this year's snow-capped Sundance Film Festival with an avalanche of well-deserved hype.

"Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels," which opens Friday, is the 30-year-old filmmaker's swaggering debut. A London crime-caper comedy, the film stars Jason Flemyng, Nick Moran, Jason Statham, and Dexter Fletcher as a quartet of would-be players who get played when Moran's card shark Eddie loses a rigged high-stakes poker game against vicious underworld boss Hatchet Harry (P. H. Moriarty). Eddie not only loses the 100,000 pounds raised by his buddies to get him into the game, but finds himself 500,000 pounds in the hole to Harry. Either the boys pay up within a week, or Harry's debt collector, Big Chris (Vinnie Jones), will start removing fingers as collateral. Singer Sting also has a featured role, as Eddie's tough-as-nails bartender father.

Guy Ritchie was 30 years old on March the 7th 1999 (born 10th september 1968) not Jason Statham.

Wikipedia has been using the article as verification of Jason Stathams age so it is invalid as its not even about him.

  • That is incorrect, and not the portion of the article being quoted. The quote is:
  • "He's new to this acting thing, having spent a good chunk of his 31 years as a street huckster with an eye for suckers"
  • Which can be confirmed with the link you gave(after purchasing the article) or this search. Also, the reliable sources were printed before Wikipedia and IMDB, which makes their statements more weight. Read the previous discussion above. I will allow this to stay open for a little while longer, then I will close and collapse it. Making the same request over and over and over, is considered disruptive. Dave Dial (talk) 21:30, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

Can you please explain how 1 solitary "American article" would have "more weight to it"? Earlier you posted 5 links to me and claimed they also verified Jasons age, but 1 of the links had no information at all,it was a dead link,then the 2 cnd article was not even about Jason statham! lol

I have given you "Interviews" ( more than 1) with the man himself wich "have more weight to them" that verify his birthdate is 1972 if you bother to read them! ( you clearly dont read them as you gave me invalid links earlier with articles that were not even about Jason lol)

I will ask WBA Heavyweight Boxing Champion David Haye when i see him next as he is friends with Jason Statham and i will record it on my phone then post it to youtube then post the link in here,see if that works! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:57, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

{{edit semi-protected}}

{{edit semi-protected}}

Febuary 2008 presenter & celebrity friend inerviews Jason Statham & hes 35yrs old,verifying his birthdate as 1972. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZp8VjzOrwE

Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. Youtube is almost never a reliable source; the only time we would ever use Youtube would be if it were the official channel for a news organization, a documentary project, etc. Note that the above user who talks about asking Jason Statham--even that wouldn't be a reliable source, because we would have no way to verify that the person speaking is Statham. I know this all sounds strange, but it's the way Wikipedia works. You have to get a source that meets the reliable sources guideline in order to make this change. Qwyrxian (talk) 03:51, 22 February 2011 (UTC)

Whaatttt? you can see Edith Bowman Jasons Freind & Tv/Radio Prsenter interviewing Jason at the red carpet premiere in London. Its taken from The Bank Job DVD Special features,anyone can buy it see/hear for themselves.

I was also told anything like articles & videos were plausable earlier today.

I was talking to a Wikipedia moderator today & he showed me his source as to why he thought Jason was born in 67 & not 72.....it was just an article,not even an interview with Jason present, i have posted a video, and 2 other interviews with Jason actualy there and photos from his 37th Birthday party in London from 2009. lol Surley these are a hell of alot more plausable?!?! lol —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:56, 22 February 2011 (UTC)

Jasons age in interviews indicate his birthdate as 1972 so why does Wikipedia say 1967....?

I have seen interviews with Jason Statham wich clarify his birthdate as 1972,why does wikipidia say 1967?

In this interview the interviewers hungout with Jason for the day on September 2006 when he was 34yrs old...

This is from the interview...

"I’M happy to live in a country where you’re not allowed to keep a gun under your mattress,” Jason Statham said with an earnest nod just before spinning around and firing a .50-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver on a Thursday night in late August.

Mr. Statham, a native of London, was taking advantage of a certain country’s comparatively lax gun laws as he pummeled a paper target a few hundred yards away at the Los Angeles Gun Club, a public shooting range downtown.

“This nasty gun will knock the frost off an old granny,” he shouted gleefully in his East End accent, as thick as a holiday ham.

Mr. Statham, 34, has developed a professional interest in weaponry from movies in which he has played thugs with names like Bacon (“Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels”), Turkish (“Snatch”) and Handsome Rob (“The Italian Job”). He is most recognizable for his leading role as a mercenary deliveryman in “The Transporter” (2002), in which he proves himself expert with both a magnum and a machine gun."

The interview source, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/03/fashion/03NITE.html?_r=1

Another interview with Jason on Januray 2011 he was 38yrs old...

This is from the interview....

"Jason Statham Talks The Mechanic Thursday 27th January 2011 - 09:43:07

Jason Statham, 38, has been called Britain’s most bankable star and one of its most valuable exports, in worldwide cinemas anyway"

Then they go on to interview Jason himself,so they have spent time with him.

The interview source, http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+Talks+The+Mechanic-9712.html

Another interview where Jason was interviewed by presenter/celebrity friend Edith Bowman on Febuary 2008 at the premiere of his movie The Bank Job wich is on the official DVD they said his age was 35 on Febuary 2008.


I had previously looked at Wikipedia sources that they have used to verify Jasons age but found them to not be very reliable sources, Wikipedias main source is just an "article" about Jason,with Jason not even present at the article. I would of thought actual interviews with Jason himself,even being interviwed by celebrity freinds a much more reliable source?

Thank you for your help!

....Edit by --Mrs Kippling 14:29, 22 February 2011 (UTC) You are rite,those are good sources. It would seem 99% of sources verify his birthdate as 1972.

In this article it it sais "WHY JASON STATHAM'S LIFE IS ROSIE 27th January 2011 HE'S got the fame, the Hollywood career and the gorgeous girl on his arm, but Brit actor Jason Statham refuses to take his success for granted.The former market trader, 38, has become one of the leading action men of his generation thanks to roles in films such as Snatch, The Transporter and The Expendables, where he starred with Sylvester Stallone."

Article in question, http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/173861/Why-Jason-Statham-s-life-is-Rosie/

Jason Statham early 37th Birthday celebration in London 2009 photos, http://www.monstersandcritics.com/people/Jason-Statham/pictures/Jason-Statham-37th-Birthday-Celebration-at-Planet-Hollywood-in-London-on-August-15,2009-386165

Early 2008 article he was 35. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-511718/Jason-Statham-From-street-trader-Hollywood-star.html "Jason Statham: From street trader to Hollywood starBy SIMON LEWIS Last updated at 16:16 08 February 2008,In which case, Statham, 35, isn't so badly off."

September 10th 2008 article he was 35.http://blogs.coventrytelegraph.net/thegeekfiles/2008/09/dardevil.html "Could Jason Statham play Daredevil in new movie? By David Bentley on Sep 10, 08 10:39 PM,British action-movie star Statham, 35, isn't the only candidate for Daredevil and some believe that while he will be great for the superhero scenes he isn't a good fit for Daredevil's normal identity as lawyer Matt Murdock."

January 28th 2011 article he was 38. http://sundaypaper.com/2011/the-rite-and-the-mechanic-make-two-wrongs/ ".“The Rite” and “The Mechanic” make two wrongs by Sunday Paper Editors on January 28, 2011, At 38, Jason Statham is young for the job, especially when Ben Foster is only eight years younger (in the 1972 version, Charles Bronson was almost twice Jan-Michael Vincent’s age), but the script doesn’t make much sense of their relationship anyway."

November 28th 2010 article he was 38yrs old. http://gossippond.com/latest-news/jason-statham-shacking-up-with-rosie-huntington-whiteley/ "Jason Statham Shacking Up With Rosie Huntington-Whiteley,Sources close to Jason Statham, 38, believe he might be ready to settle down with Rosie, 23" (Notice this article states "Sources CLOSE to Jason Statham beleive he might be ready to settle down")

Infact all these articles verify his birthdate as 1972,combined with your actual interviews you have posted there and all Jasons fan sites,IMBD e.t.c all have his birthdate as 1972.

Interview with Jason Statham on January 11th 20011 age 38. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+Talks+The+Mechanic-9712.html

July 30th 2009 he was 36. http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2009/07/30/jason_statham_aamp_kristin_cavallari_hoo

January 23rd 2009 36yrs old. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+QA-6660.html

June 29th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+QA-6660.html

May 1st 2009 36yrs old. http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2009/05/01/he-s-a-guy-for-the-ladies-115875-21322504/

July 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/statham-romances-cavallari---reports_1111288

Febuary 2008 35yrs old. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-511718/Jason-Statham-From-street-trader-Hollywood-star.html

December the 5th 2007 35yrs old. http://jayfan.wordpress.com/2007/12/05/new-home-for-jason/

March 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://anythinghollywood.com/2009/03/jason-statham-taking-a-dip-in-malibu/

April 14th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.tmz.com/2009/04/14/jason-statham-cranks-up-the-heat/

March 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.theinsider.com/news/1927992_Jason_Statham_Taking_a_Dip_in_Malibu

March 28th 2010 37yrs old. http://www.whatsonxiamen.com/ent1282.html

August 29th 2010 37yrs old. http://bennyhollywood.com/hot-stuff/rosie-huntington-whiteley-boyfriend-jason-statham.html

June 4th 2010 37yrs old. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/2999326/How-Rosie-Huntington-Whiteley-has-become-so-famous.html

Septemer 13th 2010 38yrs old. http://yoostar.blogspot.com/2010/09/jason-statham-turns-38.html

January 27th 2011 38yrs old. http://www.imdb.com/news/ni7228926/

--Mrs Kippling 14:26, 22 February 2011 (UTC)


Article says his father was a "lounge singer", then later says that Statham "chose not to follow his father's career working on the local market stalls".. Slightly confusing, but I suppose one can do both. More importantly, there is a reference to "Statham's past as a Black Market Salesmen". "Black Market Salesmen" should of course be in lower case. Whoever has some sort of secret access to the article should correct it. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:23, 24 February 2011 (UTC)



Jason Stathams age is incorrect.

The "very few" sources Wikipedia uses to verify Jasons age are not "overly" reliable (a wikipedia editor posted them further down this page,they are just a couple of articles without Jason even present) there are much more reliable sources like interviews with Jason actualy present.

Those much more reliable links that verify Jasons Birthdate as 1972,are...

In an actual interview with Jason on 2006/09/03 he was 34,

The interview source, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/03/fashion/03NITE.html?_r=1

Quote from that article...

"I’M happy to live in a country where you’re not allowed to keep a gun under your mattress,” Jason Statham said with an earnest nod just before spinning around and firing a .50-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver on a Thursday night in late August.

Mr. Statham, a native of London, was taking advantage of a certain country’s comparatively lax gun laws as he pummeled a paper target a few hundred yards away at the Los Angeles Gun Club, a public shooting range downtown.

“This nasty gun will knock the frost off an old granny,” he shouted gleefully in his East End accent, as thick as a holiday ham.

Mr. Statham, 34, has developed a professional interest in weaponry from movies in which he has played thugs with names like Bacon (“Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels”), Turkish (“Snatch”) and Handsome Rob (“The Italian Job”). He is most recognizable for his leading role as a mercenary deliveryman in “The Transporter” (2002), in which he proves himself expert with both a magnum and a machine gun."

Another interview with Jason on Januray 2011 he was 38yrs old...

This is from the interview....

"Jason Statham Talks The Mechanic Thursday 27th January 2011 - 09:43:07

Jason Statham, 38, has been called Britain’s most bankable star and one of its most valuable exports, in worldwide cinemas anyway"

Then they go on to interview Jason himself,so they have spent time with him.

The interview source, http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+Talks+The+Mechanic-9712.html

Another interview where Jason was interviewed by presenter/celebrity friend Edith Bowman on Febuary 2008 at the premiere of his movie The Bank Job wich is on the official DVD they said his age was 35 on Febuary 2008.


Those links are actual interviews with Jason present and not just an article. But even if you add up all the articles aswell then there is much more evidence that his birthdate is 1972.

In this article it it sais "WHY JASON STATHAM'S LIFE IS ROSIE 27th January 2011 HE'S got the fame, the Hollywood career and the gorgeous girl on his arm, but Brit actor Jason Statham refuses to take his success for granted.The former market trader, 38, has become one of the leading action men of his generation thanks to roles in films such as Snatch, The Transporter and The Expendables, where he starred with Sylvester Stallone."

Article in question, http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/173861/Why-Jason-Statham-s-life-is-Rosie/

Jason Statham early 37th Birthday celebration in London 2009 photos, http://www.monstersandcritics.com/people/Jason-Statham/pictures/Jason-Statham-37th-Birthday-Celebration-at-Planet-Hollywood-in-London-on-August-15,2009-386165

Early 2008 article he was 35. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-511718/Jason-Statham-From-street-trader-Hollywood-star.html "Jason Statham: From street trader to Hollywood starBy SIMON LEWIS Last updated at 16:16 08 February 2008,In which case, Statham, 35, isn't so badly off."

September 10th 2008 article he was 35.http://blogs.coventrytelegraph.net/thegeekfiles/2008/09/dardevil.html "Could Jason Statham play Daredevil in new movie? By David Bentley on Sep 10, 08 10:39 PM,British action-movie star Statham, 35, isn't the only candidate for Daredevil and some believe that while he will be great for the superhero scenes he isn't a good fit for Daredevil's normal identity as lawyer Matt Murdock."

January 28th 2011 article he was 38. http://sundaypaper.com/2011/the-rite-and-the-mechanic-make-two-wrongs/ ".“The Rite” and “The Mechanic” make two wrongs by Sunday Paper Editors on January 28, 2011, At 38, Jason Statham is young for the job, especially when Ben Foster is only eight years younger (in the 1972 version, Charles Bronson was almost twice Jan-Michael Vincent’s age), but the script doesn’t make much sense of their relationship anyway."

November 28th 2010 article he was 38yrs old. http://gossippond.com/latest-news/jason-statham-shacking-up-with-rosie-huntington-whiteley/ "Jason Statham Shacking Up With Rosie Huntington-Whiteley,Sources close to Jason Statham, 38, believe he might be ready to settle down with Rosie, 23" (Notice this article states "Sources CLOSE to Jason Statham beleive he might be ready to settle down")

Infact all these articles verify his birthdate as 1972,combined with your actual interviews you have posted there and all Jasons fan sites,IMBD e.t.c all have his birthdate as 1972.

Interview with Jason Statham on January 11th 20011 age 38. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+Talks+The+Mechanic-9712.html

July 30th 2009 he was 36. http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2009/07/30/jason_statham_aamp_kristin_cavallari_hoo

January 23rd 2009 36yrs old. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+QA-6660.html

June 29th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+QA-6660.html

May 1st 2009 36yrs old. http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2009/05/01/he-s-a-guy-for-the-ladies-115875-21322504/

July 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/statham-romances-cavallari---reports_1111288

Febuary 2008 35yrs old. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-511718/Jason-Statham-From-street-trader-Hollywood-star.html

December the 5th 2007 35yrs old. http://jayfan.wordpress.com/2007/12/05/new-home-for-jason/

March 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://anythinghollywood.com/2009/03/jason-statham-taking-a-dip-in-malibu/

April 14th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.tmz.com/2009/04/14/jason-statham-cranks-up-the-heat/

March 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.theinsider.com/news/1927992_Jason_Statham_Taking_a_Dip_in_Malibu

March 28th 2010 37yrs old. http://www.whatsonxiamen.com/ent1282.html

August 29th 2010 37yrs old. http://bennyhollywood.com/hot-stuff/rosie-huntington-whiteley-boyfriend-jason-statham.html

June 4th 2010 37yrs old. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/2999326/How-Rosie-Huntington-Whiteley-has-become-so-famous.html

Septemer 13th 2010 38yrs old. http://yoostar.blogspot.com/2010/09/jason-statham-turns-38.html

January 27th 2011 38yrs old. http://www.imdb.com/news/ni7228926/

--Mrs Kippling 20:19, 1 March 2011 (UTC)

Collapsing huge barrage of links, which are unreliable for the most part
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.


{{edit semi-protected}}

Ok so...

All these links below are reliable sources that verify that Jason Stathams birthdate is 1972 (Wikipedia helpers in chat said they are reliable sources and that they do meet Wikipedia guidelines and that i should post them in an edit request again)

Two actual "interviews" with Jason are here...

(This interview was on 3rd September 2006 and Jason was 34yrs old) http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/03/fashion/03NITE.html?_r=1

(This interview was on 27th January 2011 and Jason was 38yrs old) http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+Talks+The+Mechanic-9712.html

All these other links below are "articles" that verify his birthdate as 1972


Jason Statham early 37th Birthday celebration in London 2009 photos, http://www.monstersandcritics.com/people/Jason-Statham/pictures/Jason-Statham-37th-Birthday-Celebration-at-Planet-Hollywood-in-London-on-August-15,2009-386165





Interview with Jason Statham on January 11th 20011 age 38. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+Talks+The+Mechanic-9712.html

July 30th 2009 he was 36. http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2009/07/30/jason_statham_aamp_kristin_cavallari_hoo

January 23rd 2009 36yrs old. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+QA-6660.html

June 29th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+QA-6660.html

May 1st 2009 36yrs old. http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2009/05/01/he-s-a-guy-for-the-ladies-115875-21322504/

July 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/statham-romances-cavallari---reports_1111288

Febuary 2008 35yrs old. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-511718/Jason-Statham-From-street-trader-Hollywood-star.html

December the 5th 2007 35yrs old. http://jayfan.wordpress.com/2007/12/05/new-home-for-jason/

March 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://anythinghollywood.com/2009/03/jason-statham-taking-a-dip-in-malibu/

April 14th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.tmz.com/2009/04/14/jason-statham-cranks-up-the-heat/

March 30th 2009 36yrs old. http://www.theinsider.com/news/1927992_Jason_Statham_Taking_a_Dip_in_Malibu

March 28th 2010 37yrs old. http://www.whatsonxiamen.com/ent1282.html

August 29th 2010 37yrs old. http://bennyhollywood.com/hot-stuff/rosie-huntington-whiteley-boyfriend-jason-statham.html

June 4th 2010 37yrs old. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/2999326/How-Rosie-Huntington-Whiteley-has-become-so-famous.html

Septemer 13th 2010 38yrs old. http://yoostar.blogspot.com/2010/09/jason-statham-turns-38.html

January 27th 2011 38yrs old. http://www.imdb.com/news/ni7228926/

All these links are reliable sources that Jason Stathams birthdate is actualy 1972.

Now these 3 articles "BELOW" what you Qwyrxian personaly posted yourself and said were your reliable sources that verify Jason Stathams birthdate as 1967. they are not as reliable as the links i and others have posted.

The unreliable links that you personaly posted and used to verify Jasons age are...




These sources look better than the ones already listed. According to the requester, the reference to the British Birth Records is for the wrong Jason. Any objection to changing the date? ManishEarthTalkStalk 15:52, 3 March 2011 (UTC)
Yes, I definitely object. If the parents of Jason Statham are Barry Statham and Eileen Yates, then Statham was 100% born on the 1967 date. I've seen many references to this, also indicating he had a brother named Lee. I want the article to stay as it is, as the consensus above indicates, until there is proof of the names of Statham's parents. As the consensus reached above states, there are numerous sources from the 1999-2003 articles that state Statham was born in 1967, but none from that era stating he was born in 1972. So you have to ask yourself, why would these editors flood this talk page demanding to change the birth date? Spamming this talk page over and over. There is something going on here, and until there is overwhelming proof, we should stay with the above consensus date. Dave Dial (talk) 17:51, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

I do not object and think it should be changed to 1972. There is no evidence to say Jasons Mother or Father was named Eileen or Barry anywhere, nor is there "exact" evidence of Jasons place of birth,on Wikipedia it sais Derbyshire,many other sources have his Birthplace as Leictershire,London,Sydenham,Lewisham, but there is no evdience that any of these are correct. But in the British Birth records there is a Jason Statham that was born in Leictershire in 1972. plus there are many more interviews and articles that indicate 1972. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:08, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

After looking at everything on this page i think there are more reliable sources that suggest Jasons birthdate as 1972,so therefore should be changed to 1972.--Barry Humphry (talk) 18:20, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

I agree with Manishearth,these sources look far better than the ones already listed. Actual interviews with Jason himself written by people who have spent time hanging out with the man and pictures of their day together asking him questions all day hold more reliability than an article written by people who have never met him. So im all for changing it to 1972.--Amanda Warick (talk) 18:51, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

Note to editors: The above two comments are suspected socks of the requester. ManishEarthTalkStalk 15:26, 4 March 2011 (UTC)
    • All three have been blocked for sock-puppetry. I believe they, as well as the ips, are all the same editor. In any case, I won't delete the edits above because I really want to get to the facts of the matter here. I am open to any proof of the birth date. Most of the sources given here are either not reliable or can be duplicated with the 1967 date. I'm sure just about everyone wants to place the right birth date here, but Wikipedia is obviously being used by one side to provide a fake birth date. As was discussed above, the sources prior to 2003 all seem to indicate Statham was born in 1967. This was before reporters/journalists and entertainment websites could look to IMDB and Wikipedia for information. The edits changing the birth date and adding information(1,2,3) were done by editors that were not single purpose accounts, but by established editors who are here to help the encyclopedia. So I am leaning more towards the 1967 date for these reasons, and do not think it should be changed unless there is indisputable proof to counter the '67 date. None of which is provided in any of the links the socks provided above. Now, we cannot use original research to add material, but we can use it to confirm to editors what is and what is not correct here on talk pages. There are several bits of information that would give everyone enough proof of which date is correct.
    • One is the name of Statham's parents. If the names of his parents are Barry and Eileen, then Statham was born in 1967. If not, he most likely was born in 1972.
    • Two is the years attended at his grammar school. Many American's don't know this, but grammar schools in the UK start have children there start at age 11. If Statham went to Great Yarmouth from 1978-1983, then he must have been born in 1967. If anyone can confirm the dates attended, that would go a long way towards having the correct date. I have seen Facebook posts from many students that claim to have attended school there with Statham, all claimed he was born in 1967. We can't use those as sources, but it doesn't seem as if that many real people on Facebook would make up those types of claims.
    • Third is the place where Jason was born and if he has a middle name. If Statham was born in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, then he was born in 1967. This can be proved by birth records.
    • Now, any proof will have to come from Jason's mouth or a family member. Citing some video of an entertainment channel and calling her 'Jason's friend' is nothing more than any of the othet sources given on the page giving Statham being born in 1967. I am going to collapse the rest of the flooded 'requests', but leave this one open. Dave Dial (talk) 17:11, 4 March 2011 (UTC)

Dave Dial there is just far to many "If's" "and's" and "but's" with what you are saying! You are saying "IF" Eilieen and Barry were Jasons Parents,thats a very big "IF", so not reliable information as there is no proof they are.

2.) There is no proof Jason was born in Derbyshire as many other sources say Leisctershire,London,Sydnheam,Lewisham, but none of these can be proven, BUT if you look at British birth records there is a registerd Jason Statham being born in Leisctershire in 1972.

List of famous people born in Derbyshire and Jason is not on that list (people who are much less famous than him who are in TV and Film are on that list so chances are if Jason was born in Derbyshire he would be on this list) http://www.information-britain.co.uk/famousbritons.php?county=29

3.) There is no evdience to say Jason went to school in Yarmouth from 1978-1983, this also cannot be proven anywhere., coming from Britain i can tell you that we have Primary School that you start aged 4 until aged 11,then you move on to highschool from age 11 to age 15-16,then you can go to 6th form or college,university if you wish too or just go straight to work aged 15-16. as Jason "MOVED TOO" Great Yarmouth he could of started school there at age 6 and left in 1983 aged 11 and then on to Highscool. (you start Highschool age 11)

The link you posted here about Grammer Schools >> grammar schools in the UK Look at the map on that page,they highlight the Grammer Schools in the United Kingdom in RED.....according to you Jason went to a Grammer School in Great Yarmouth yes?....there is NO Grammer School in Great Yarmourth, the Grammer Schools on that map are marked in red and their is none anywhere near Great Yarmouth. lol —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:20, 4 March 2011 (UTC)

Great Yarmouth on the map is here http://home.btconnect.com/psauk/images/pic1.jpg so Jason deffinatly did not go to a Grammer School in Great Yarmouth as their isnt any Grammer Schools there.

4.) you say that "saying a presenter is his freind is not reliable" but then turn around and say " people who claim were his friend on facebook say he was born in 67 so its 67" lmao <<<< not reliable

5.) Actual interviews just hold far more weight as a reliable source because in 2 of those links the interviewers have spent the day with him asking him lots of questions,so chances are they would of asked him his age at somepoint.

(This interview was on 3rd September 2006 and Jason was 34yrs old) http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/03/fashion/03NITE.html?_r=1

(This interview was on 27th January 2011 and Jason was 38yrs old) http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/Jason+Statham+Talks+The+Mechanic-9712.html

6.) Even then there is just far much more "reliabe" sources that indicate the 1972 date. All you have given is a lot of "if's" "and's" "she said,they said" and "but's" <<<< none of that is reliable sources of informations.

5.) Untill there is more proof of the 1967 date it should be changed to 1972 as there is just far more reliable information that indicates the 1972 date. Here alone there is over 30 indications towards the 1972 date and just 3 that support the 1967 date. so untill there is an overwhelmig ammount of "reliable sources" that indicate 1967 it should be 1972. -- (talk) 18:01, 4 March 2011 (UTC)

For Pete's sake. You know, when your accounts were blocked for sock-puppetry, you are not allowed to just keep posting anonymously from an ip. I should just have your block extended, you are so damned disruptive. As for your 'proof' above, let me explain a few things to you. If Great Yarmouth has no Grammar School, then why are there pages(12, 3) with photos dedicated to it? If your link here> http://www.information-britain.co.uk/famousbritons.php?county=29 that you describe as a
"List of famous people born in Derbyshire and Jason is not on that list (people who are much less famous than him who are in TV and Film are on that list so chances are if Jason was born in Derbyshire he would be on this list)",
Then this link(from the very same site) must prove Statham was born in 1967, eh? It lists Jason Statham as being born "in Chesterfield, Derbyshire Born on 12th of September 1967". Well, there we go. In any case, provide a source that lists Statham as being born in 1972 prior to 2003. As all the links given during that time period say 1967. Better yet, do not post again until your block has expired. Dave Dial (talk) 00:54, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

Why are "articles" before 2003 more reliable? Im from Britain and even AFTER jasons first 5 films came out he was still relativly unknown in Britain,he was never in the main media,never did any of the big UK chat shows,he kept well hidden from the public eye,he still hasnt done any of the big UK chat shows. i dont see how "American Articles" or ANY article would of gotten his age as he never did interviews,it wasnt untill 2006 to 2007 he started to become more famous and started being in the public eye and doing interviews for the media. 2 of those links where they actualy spent the day with him asking him questions all day just hold so much more weight to them and are much more reliable than anyother source thats on this page.

Articles etc can just copy wikipedia from when it was changed.

Fans who make their own fan pages for/of Jason,chances are many of them people have been and waited at red carpet premiers of his films just to meet him and asked him questions,chances are his fans have his age correct and all say 1972.

British media from what i can tell with all the research i have done have NEVER goten his age wrong (all indicate 1972 date),its only "SOME American articles" that have gotten his age wrong,even since wikipedia changed it to 43. And the British media are a hell of alot more likely to get his age correct than anyone from America as Jason is from Britain,Britain is a small place where everybody knows everybody in the buisness.

Plus in Britain its a known fact that Presenter Edith Bowman is a friend of Jason Stathams (i know im actualy British in Britain) and she interviewed him on his offical DVD the Bank Job in febuary 2008 and he was 35 years old.

You also totaly ignored what i said about the Grammer Schools, did you look at the 2 links that proved he never went to Grammer School in great Yarmouth?

There is just no consistency to what you are saying and its if you just dont want his age changed because your are realy subborn for some strange reason! any SLIGHT indication its 1967 and you jump on it regardless of how reliable it is and ignore everything else or try to make out its not reliable then respond with crazy "but IF" this or "but IF that". You have done everything in your power to twist Jasons page and made the whole thing totaly unreliable.

The part of Derbyshire as his place of birth is not fact so should be removed, the names of his parents being Eileen and Barry is not fact so should also be removed, the part of his father being a lounge singer also cannot be proved so should be removed. There is just no proof for any of them so they are not factual information.

We have a couple of real big tv shows over here in the UK where they exspose various things,you write/call in and suggest a subject and they make a show/debate about it. i will be seeing if they will do a show on how unreliable Wikipedia is as an information source and how corrupt and strange/bizzare the people are who work behind the scenes on Wikipedia. It would make a great tv/debate. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:22, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

P.S those 3 links you posted to Schools in Great yarmouth are HIGH SCHOOLS and NOT Grammer Schools, they are diffrent things and we dont do things how you do over in America. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:31, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

  • Unreliable? That's rather ironic... If you haven't noticed, the reason this entire debate is going on is to establish a birthdate. If we wanted to 'twist Jason's page', we wouldn't be discussing this. Everyone else on this page is just supplying facts, and trying to establish a conclusion. We are trying to make Wikipedia more reliable. I'm not denying the fact that Wikipedia does have wrong information in some places. But, most of the time, its reliable.. You just have to learn which pages to trust. Did you ever think why you were unable to edit this page yourself? It was protected because pages that are biographies of living people are prone to controversy and content disputes. To prevent people from changing stuff without discussion, these pages are protected.
  • About 'corrupt': this one's ironic, too, seeing as you are abusing multiple accounts, and continuing to do so after a block. Abusing multiple accounts is rather like a presidential candidate tampering with the votes. If he gets put in jail, you wont call the judge corrupt... It's the candidate who's corrupt. You used multiple accounts to 'vote' for this request, and then you call us corrupt. That's rather brazen...
  • Bizzarre? No more bizarre than what you find on Facebook, etc. Much less bizarre, in fact. We've got a very structured system here, to prevent unreliable information and vandalism. Following policies does not make you bizarre.
  • Yeah, threatening us with the media is going to work... Remember, even the tv shows like these do research on their own. They won't make a show over just the rants of a 'dissatisfied customer'.
  • You know, there was a nice chance that the date would have gotten changed at the beginning. We were having an unbiased discussion. You abused multiple accounts, even after being warned and blocked, and you threatened us, too. Now, there's a very little chance that this thread will be continued in an unbiased manner. Nobody will listen to you anymore, and you've got yourself to thank. ManishEarthTalkStalk 07:55, 5 March 2011 (UTC)
  • Comment-Update- Ok, let's try to finish the '1972' claim once and for all. The problem with this SPA above is that the edits make claims that are easily disproved, and I am now convinced there is an agenda here. I gave the links to the Grammar School in good faith. There are no "3 schools', as anyone that bothered to click on the links would know. There is one school, the "Great Yarmouth Grammar School", which was changed to a 'high school' in 1981. The school has always serviced children between the ages of 11 and 16, as stated by school itself. so editors have to ask themselves, why would you first claim there were no Grammar schools in Great Yarmouth, and then try to claim it was not a grammar school? You have an agenda.
  • But these links here are the kicker. The final ending of the debate that Statham was born in 1972. Here are two mini-interviews of Jason in 1994-95, that describe Statham as a 26-year old that is balding, a former high-diver and current male model.
  • (1-June 1995)
  • "The best exponent of this burgeoning movement is French Connection's current choice of male model. His name's Jason Statham, he's 26, he's an ex-high-diver, and his hair is unmistakeably sparse. "We chose Jason because we wanted our model to look like a normal guy," says Lilly Anderson, a spokesperson for the high street clothing chain. "His look is just right for now - very masculine and not too male-modelly.""

  • (2-September 25, 1994)
  • "JASON STATHAM, male model: No, I haven't. Maybe it's because I look a bit scarey since I'm big and bald."

  • Now, there are many links describing Jason himself stating that he started off male modeling in his mid to late 20's, and this is proof that Statham had stopped diving and was a male model by 1994. There is no possible was that Statham spent 10-12 years diving on the British team beginning in 1983 at 10 years old. Add that to the fact all of the other links to sources prior to 2005(when Wikipedia and IMDB were used to promote the now obvious FALSE 1972 birth date) give Jason's birth date as 1967, this should be enough to end the claims. Dave Dial (talk) 16:34, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

The first link u posted was in 1995 saying Jason was 26 years old yes? If he was born in 1967 in 1995 he would of been 27-28 years old not 26. If he was born in 1972 in 1995 he would of been 22-23, so that link is debunked as it does not support either of the 1972 or 1967 dates.

As for the Diving on the national British team,its very possible u can be on the British team at 10yrs old, English Olympic diver Tom Daley was on the British national team just aged 7 years old. http://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Tom_Daley_(diver) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:26, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

It's over. It's an established fact, from Statham's own mouth, that he did not even attempt hgih diving until he was in his mid-teens. There is absolutely no way that anyone is going to allow the 1972 date inserted into the article now. I imagine IMDB will change their dates too as soon as someone over there wakes up. I might have been leaning towards the '67 date, but was open to being proved wrong. I have come to realize that you, and perhaps some others, have been flooding the internet with this false information on purpose. I could post 20 sources(Here are seven just with a quick search- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7) just from this year that state Statham is 43, flood the page like you did. But that's not what we do here. All that did was make rational Wiki editors realize that you have an agenda here. What the previous links I gave proved, beyond all doubt, was that Statham 100% for sure was NOT born in 1972. That date will not be going back into this article. Any further attempts by you to try and add it here will be seen as vandalism and your edits will be reverted. Also, any more edits here on the talk page that continue the disruption will just be deleted. You are not here to help improve the encyclopedia, you are here for other(disruptive) reasons. Dave Dial (talk) 23:15, 5 March 2011 (UTC)