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Early comment

"arbitrarily famous" = glorious phrase. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:24, 21 May 2005 (UTC)

Social commentary

I have removed the following paragraph:

Jade Goody is often in in common conversation and social commentary in the UK as a symbol of the negative effects of celebrity, usually revolving around the perception that she attained celebrity status (and the associated wealth) primarily as a result of having displayed incompetence on the original Big Brother - thus implying injustice against more competent individuals who never recieve similar reward. Numerous extreme slights have been made against Jade as a result of this perception, some even going so far as to claim that she has destroyed a generation of young people's motivation to achieve.

Despite the fact that "incompetence" should be replaced with "ignorance" and receive is spelt wrong - this cannot be included on the page in its current form. Firstly a biography cannot have "social commentary" as the narrative should have npov and be neutral. If it is re-written in a neutral narrative style, not pretending to be a "social commentator" and includes verifiable sources and footnotes to prove the points raised (as the rest of the article does) then I would have no problem with it being included. Breed3011 23:08, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

I agree that this section isn't very well written, however surely the point being made by whoever was responsible for writing it is that she's often invoked in social commentary - the section isn't an attempt at social commentary itself. I think the above point is more than a little confused, the only problems with this section as far as I can see are that it isn't referenced, the writing is a little sloppy and the heading of the section could be a little more precise - perhaps "Jade as a symbol in social commentary" or something along those lines. I think you've rather missed the point if you're accusing the author of "pretending to be a social commentator"; there's nothing wrong with the tone of that section. Blankfrackis 17:20, 2 November 2007 (UTC)
I would have to disagree with you there, that is one of many view points based on many assumptions, and I don't think it is our place to push one particular view point, if we do then we have to add them all for balance. I don't think we should have an analysis of someones perceived celebrity/fame status, I don't see this added on anyone elses biography article. Sue Wallace 19:25, 2 November 2007 (UTC)
I'm not particularly in favour of reinstating the section, I'm just saying that the reasoning above by Breed3011 isn't adequate enough to remove it - it seems to be based almost entirely on a misreading of what was written (though at least some of the blame for that would go on the original author). The section is not social commentary and it's not subjectively analysing her celebrity status, it's simply pointing out the fact that many social commentators have used Jade Goody as a figurehead for what could be called the "Chav Phenomenon" - see for instance this journal article by Keith Hayward and Majid Yar from the University of Kent [1].
Whether Jade Goody deserves to be treated in this way is a matter for individuals to decide, but there's no doubting that she has been latched on to by social commentators, academics, journalists and whoever else as a symbol of the worship of vacuous celebrity personalities. The original section wasn't analysing her fame, it was pointing out her somewhat notorious place in popular culture - something which personally I think is worth including in the article. I don't feel very strongly about it, but if it is to be kept out of the article then it should be for the right reasons. The section wasn't a piece of social commentary itself, it was merely pointing out that she has been used by social commentators as an icon of "Chav culture". Blankfrackis 23:23, 2 November 2007 (UTC)

If you break the statement up, it is incredibly negative: Jade Goody a symbol of the negative effects of celebrity[ ]revolving around the perception she attained celebrity status and wealth as a result of incompetence[ ]injustice against more competent individuals who never recieve similar reward[ ]some even going so far as to claim that she has destroyed a generation of young people's motivation to achieve. - reading WP:LIVING and WP:NOR I don't think it would be allowed in any living person's biography. A general neutral analysis of "Chav culture" re the journal you mention should be in an article specifically about that. Do you not think this article indicates the notorious aspects of Jade's life enough already? Sue Wallace 00:40, 3 November 2007 (UTC)

Separate Celeb BB Race Row section?

I am not against their being a comprehensive well sourced page about this subject but I do feel strongly that the Jade page should also cover the subject extensively. This is the biggest event of Jade's career and it should not be censored from her biography. Breed3011 17:51, 3 February 2007 (UTC)

Jade's Mother's Arm

Her mother's arm was damaged in a motorcycle accident.

Which motorcycle?

The pink one.

Neutrality of racism claims

Please be aware that Wikipedia tries to use the best and most verifiable sources. A lot of the sources currently in the racism/Big Brother section are unreliable and biased (eg. so-called "gutter press" newspapers), and already some of their claims have been proven false. Please refrain from using tabloid and other deliberately biased sources unless there is a secondary, more reliable, source to back them up.

  • I'm reading the claims of racism and don't see anything that would be considered racist. She insulted a person who happened to be Indian but there's nothing wrong with that. It cracks me up to see the British public tripping all over themselves looking for racism. 18:41, 28 January 2007 (UTC)

why did she admit it then? 19:16, 1 February 2007 (UTC)

The Indian girl has the advantage over Jade Goody, in the fact that she is probably certain who her real father is. 21:32, 1 February 2007 (UTC) JemmyH.

While a lot of people have been quick to scream racist at Jade a lot of black, mixed-race and Asian people I have spoken to have not considered her racist and Shilpa Shetty has been adamant that Jade is not a racist. having been on the receiveing end of racism from black and white people alike, I find it disturbing that someone is being called a racist without knowing the full facts. By the way I am mixed-race myself. -- Perhaps the fact that Jade and her family were referred to as 'white trash' by Jermaine Jackson should be included, to give a truly impartial perspective on the 'Racism' exhibited during the broadcasts? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)

That would violate WP:BLP. We can't do it unless the citations are irrefutable. There are no exceptions. The liability is just too great. Will (Talk - contribs) 06:00, 8 February 2007 (UTC)

But why is using the term white trash racist? It is a term used by people of all races to describe a particular type of person. Natuarally, trailer trash would be a more P.C. term but it doesnt stop white trash from being acceptable. I am white and use the term white trash - does that make me racist against my own colour? By the way, the answer to that question is no. Words themselves are not inherently racist. It is the intent which proves racism and someone's intent is extremely hard to prove. When Jermaine tried to comfort Shilpa who was being bullied by Jade and co he said that they were like people who appear on Jerry Springer (nothing racist there), he then said that the term in America for that type of person is white trash (which is true - and not racist, unless his intent was to be racially derogatory - but it is clear that he meant trailer trash and not in a racist way). So to conclude - it is racist to say Shilpa should fuck off home and that she cant speak English properly cos it is a personal racial attack on someone and the intent is self evident. Shilpa Poppadom, in the context it was used, was mildy racist - although nothing about Poppadam in itself is racist. It was Jade's intent. But White Trash is not racist. It is a word I, and other white people, use about certain types of people - and I am white. It is a classist comment - like calling someone a chav or a guttersnipe. Breed3011 08:25, 8 February 2007 (UTC)

"why is using the term white trash racist?" From your comment, I presume that means that we (ie: both black and white people) can start using the term "black trash" to refer to a certain class of black person who exhibits the same kind of behaviour as that by white people labelled "white trash", and also not be accused of racism? Don't kid yourself. If you want to assess whether 1) a term is racist or offensive, and 2) we genuinely have unprejudiced attitudes, then whenever you hear/see an insult specifying a colour, try reversing it and see if it is as acceptable then. You'll soon spot the societal (and often also one's own personal) prejudices and hypocrisies then. - 01:57, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

Did you actually read any of my comment other than the first sentence? It is not words (like yid, paki, nigger) that are inherently racist, it is the intent of the person who uses them. An Arsenal fan who uses the term "yid" to describe a Spurs fan is not an anti-semite - Yid army is an acknowledged nickname for the team's supporters - indeed the Arsenal fan may even be Jewish themselves. An Australian who uses the term Paki to describe a Pakistani person is using an acceptable every-day parlance in that part of the world. Many black Americans use the term "nigger" to reclaim the word from racists. These words only become racist when the intention of the user is to use them in a racist manner. Therefore, "Racism" is not actually about words, but about intentions and motivations. A racist could be in the company of an Asian person and outwardly be perfectly civil and friendly towards them, yet behind their painted-on smile they could be feeling deep racial hatred towards them - According to your definition, that person would not be a racist as they had not uttered a word. So how can one deduce racism? How can one prove what someone's intentions are? How do we know when Jade said Shipa Poppadom that she meant to racially mock Shilpa? The answer... we don't. It is just my opinion that there was a small amount of racial prejudice in Jade that burst out of her, perhaps without her even realising it. Similarly, when Jermaine said that some people in America would refer to Jade, Danielle and Jo as "white trash" (yet he stressed he wouldnt as we are all humans) we can not say with 100% certainty that he did not have anti-white racist intentions - although it does seem on reflection that it was a pretty inocuous statement which caused no offense to the vast majority of white people who do not consider "white trash" to have racial connotations. Breed3011 21:48, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

Have you seen her profile on allwhitedating.com? http://www.allwhitedating.com/profile.php?ID=666

That's obviously fake. — AnemoneProjectors (zomg!) 10:15, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
In fact, the quotes were copied directly from Wikipedia. — AnemoneProjectors (zomg!) 10:16, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

Charity info

Recently this article has been bombarded by information about Jade's NSPCC run, some of which I have removed, as I feel that (a) it is a form of advertising, (b) it is probably no longer current and (c) it was in the wrong format. (Eg. "To donate on-line, please visit http://www.justgiving.com/JadeGoody"). This text was added by User:, whose only contributions have been to this article. PR, possibly? --^pirate 16:04, 27 March 2006 (UTC)

No one is that stupid

Oh come on, did she seriously say the stuff in the quotes section? — Gulliver 03:33, 24 May 2006 (UTC)

Yes she did. On (mostly) live TV. It was like watching a verbal car crash. Rockpocket (talk) 04:52, 24 May 2006 (UTC)
Even the stuff like "a sparagus"? I mean, if it was spoken rather than written, how do we know she was saying "a sparagus" rather than "asparagus". We could only know for sure if she said something like "one sparagus, two sparaguses". — Gulliver 05:27, 24 May 2006 (UTC)
Good point. I don't remember specifically, but i expect she was asked to clarify what she said, so everyone could have a good laugh at her. Incidently, here is another classic, talking about her abortive marathon attempt: "I knew it was 26 miles but I didn't know how far a mile was....I think it was a massive achievement to do 21 miles. I was just gutted because I only had four miles to go." [2]. Personally i think she has cultivated a media image and it is in her interest to live up to it now, but the early quotes on the page are all 100% genuine from her time on Big Brother.
It was riveting. Listen for yourself: here is an mp3 from the show, of an exchange she had with a guy (Spencer) who, if memory serves, worked punting on the river Cam, in Cambridge (which, oddly enough, is not in London). Genius, eh? Rockpocket (talk) 07:17, 24 May 2006 (UTC)

Gulliver - I believe she said "What are sparaguses?". Fantom 14:34, 10 June 2006 (UTC)

Is the correct term not sparugi?~~

She also has a list of quotes (one of which is the sparagus quote) on: http://www.allwhitedating.com/profile.php?ID=666

Looking at this page after working on the article, it appears that I have put back in some material which has been removed. Goody's behaviour in 2002, with quotes, should be described in the article, as her rise to a sort of fame can only be understood if it can be shown to have a form of perverse rationality behind it. Philip Cross 20:29, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

Remember her first foray into Big Brother in 2002. At the end of the first week, she and another girl were up for eviction. Jade broke down into tears and was hysterical. To calm Jade down, the other girl volunteered to leave. When she had left, Jade calmed down and was happy, and seemed to be smug. Seemed she'd do anything to stay in the house and win. DrPaulLee 13:00, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

Lynne didn't volunteer to leave, the other housemates had to choose between Lynne and Jade and they all chose Lynne to be evicted. — AnemoneProjectors (talk) 13:14, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

"Further career"

I haven't got much of a clue when it comes to editing wikipedia, but this section seems to contain stuff that I wouldn't say meets the title - the main example being:

"On October 4, 2005 Goody was arrested on suspicion of shoplifting a £16 denim jacket from an Asda supermarket in Essex. She was later released after police decided there was not enough evidence to charge her. [1]."

It's useful information, but not really part of her "Career". Should this be moved to another section called "Other notable events", or a better title than I can think of right now? 22:26, 3 June 2006 (UTC)

I beg to differ, Jade's career is the generation of public interest in whatever she happens to be doing, and by that definition even being arrested for shoplifting is part of it. --JamesTheNumberless 16:16, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

The Jade Goody article says she is dating jeff brazier, that relationship is over she is in fact dating jack tweedy!!!

Jade Goody's boyfriend is called Jack Tweed, not Jack Tweedy.TammiMagee 09:45, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

- I understand his name is Tweedy aka Tweed. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2505001/ Daxx wp 10:48, 27 January 2007 (UTC)Daxx_wp


Her phobia of ketchup was referred to on The Friday Night Project when she was guest host, they were teasing her with a bottle of it. Also it was mentioned when she was in Big Brother. Does that count as a source? — AnemoneProjectors (talk) 17:50, 26 November 2006 (UTC)

No, but it could count as a sauce. --Thoughtcat 11:03, 21 January 2007 (UTC)

Her fear of tomato sauce is talked about in her autobiography also TammiMagee 15:52, 18 January 2007 (UTC)


A few inappropriate edits to the first paragraph have been made (i.e. falsed date of death, cause listed as "beaten to death by Jermaine Jackson, using a rubber dildo) 00:46, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

I've requested that this article be semi-protected due to the amount of vandalism here at the moment. Gasheadsteve 12:19, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

I just had to edit out a pornographic and unrelated picture, so yeah, this page should be watched closely at least.RudeBII (talk) 06:36, 20 July 2008 (UTC)

I have this watchlisted and usually get to changes within minutes. The editor has been blocked indefinitely as a vandalism-only account, and his sad image will shortly be deleted from Commons. --Rodhullandemu 15:39, 20 July 2008 (UTC)

Mixed Race?

Is Jade Goody of mixed race descent? I have read that she has a Black father and thought this should be mentioned in the article if true.

Cypriot stud 13:18, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

If it's a reliable source, go ahead and add it to the article. Remember to cite your source. Gasheadsteve 13:30, 7 January 2007 (UTC)
She said it on tonight's episode of Big Brother, but I have no idea how, or even if it's possible, to cite that. BertieBasset 20:56, 7 January 2007 (UTC)
Raises the question of whether Jade Goody is a reliable source ;-) Gretnagod 20:57, 7 January 2007 (UTC)
Is there a transcript online? - Kittybrewster 17:18, 18 January 2007 (UTC)
Jade's Mother said the same, as reported on the BBC News website http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/6277301.stm
By the way, Jade's mum's Christian name is spelt "Jackiey". —The preceding unsigned comment was added by DrPaulLee (talkcontribs) 10:06, 19 January 2007 (UTC).

Her dad is half black and not black.

She is mixed race. Her dad was Jamaican-English. She resembles him very closely. I've always felt that the comments about her having 'piggy' features have a racist element. There are pictures of both her and her father on this page of The Sun online http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005390138,00.html 01:41, 6 February 2007 (UTC) .

Racist? Against whom? Ugly people? Oh dear, are they a race too now? The comments about Jade's piggy features are entirely because she looks a bit like a pig. Most Jamaicans, I think you'll find, do not look like pigs but rather look like people. Secondly, people have been comparing Jade to a pig since long before her racial ancestry was common knowledge. Thirdly I have never heard of black facial features being seen as piglike, if anything that is a stereotype/insult often used against white people - esp in Africa Every race/racial mixture has its share of ugly and attractive people. --JamesTheNumberless 10:42, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
actually if it were made more clear she is of mixed race the press would be fare more cautious in calling her piggy looking. thats just a simple fact, they mistake her for white so its suddenly becomes ok to call her that. like it or not the broad nose and wider face are more common to africans. its why this whole racist issue in the uk is so strange.
Actually, thinking about it, ugly people probably have a better claim to being a race than most races, since sexual selection forces ugly people to breed with ugly people more effectively than it forces selection by skin colour. --JamesTheNumberless 10:42, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
I would say that it's probably to do with the fact that black people as a whole tend to have wider, flatter noses than other races such as Caucasians, which could be seen as being piglike.-h i s s p a c e r e s e a r c h 14:38, 13 June 2007 (UTC)

She looks like her father. Her features are clearly inherited from her father. Saying she looks like a pig could be construed as racist. Regardless, these sorts of comments are several times mroe offensive than anything Jade has said.Vee2007 22:16, 4 March 2007 (UTC)

I think your insinuation that Jade looks like a pig because her grandfather was black is several times more offensive that anything Jade has said.
To paraphrase a comment above: "Most Jamaicans do not look like pigs but rather look like people"
I have never heard of mixed race people being compared to pigs before. Indeed a google image search shows many mixed raced faces (http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&q=mixed+race&gbv=2) - none of which resemble pigs.
Why do you think black people resemble pigs? Breed3011 22:04, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

Isn't she coloured

I heard she's a quarter black, if this is true isn't there a kind of category for her? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Williamdevino (talkcontribs) 22:01, 19 January 2007 (UTC).

I thought a quater black was a position in baseball or something? Coloured is almost always a derogatory term for a non-white person and has only ever been clearly defined as a mixed raced person in Apartheit South Africa. Why the need to comprehensively categorise? She fits into both categories of people with English ancestry and people with afro-carribean ancestry. With so many combinations of ethnicity around us it confuses things horribly if we want to try to find terms for each of them. Goodness knows what you call an Anglo-Irish-Indo-Aryan-Dravidian-Indo-Carribean-Viking like myself. (except possibly mongrel - actually that might not be such an inappropriate term for Jade...) --JamesTheNumberless 11:55, 26 January 2007 (UTC)


Jade Goody's mother is Jackie Goody please edit spelling on page that is currently spelt Jackiey. It is either 'ie' or 'y'.

"Jackiey" is the correct spelling of Jade Goody's mother's name, and her name is Jackiey Budden, not Goody. — AnemoneProjectors (talk) 22:03, 9 January 2007 (UTC)

Kings College?

Two seperate IPs had edited the article to suggest (first) that Jade was a graduate of Kings College London and (then) of King's College, Cambridge. The wording was POV, plus I could find nowhere to verify either fact, this included searching the Kings College Alumni database. It sources can be cited, then please restore the information. Y control 14:18, 2 January 2006 (UTC)

Quite seriously, what are the chances Jade good spell the name of either university, much less attend one of them?--Zoso Jade 09:40, 9 January 2007 (UTC)
She was a dental nurse wasn't she? King's College london has a large medical school so it's likely that whatever qualification she got might have been awarded/regulated by King's College. However, it is unlikely that she studied there.

—The preceding unsigned comment was added by JamesTheNumberless (talkcontribs) 14:33, 29 January 2007 (UTC).

Racisim & Bullying in the Big Brother House

What's happening to the bully's page.

I can't believe that Jade is allowed to get away with bullying Shilpa Shetty. This sends out a bad message to the rest of the world - that the UK will continue to sit back and condone racisim and bullying. The show should be pulled or Jade and other contestants asked to leave immediately.

What kind of example does this set to our kids?

Please, Wikipedia is not the place to discuss this. — AnemoneProjectors (talk) 20:53, 16 January 2007 (UTC)
Oh. Could someone please edit Wikipedia itself so this page is called something other than 'discussion' please?
I chose to remove comprehensive details of Goody's controversial statements as those that are already present give an idea as to the source of people's complaints. Philip Cross 20:41, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

Hi Philip. Sorry to bother you but I do not agree with your deletion in Jade good. I agree that this is a controversial topic, but that should not stop us from putting the facts in the article. Infact facts are always better than wild rumors. If you do not put these facts in an encyclopedia article, then people will go to the blogs and forums to search for the actual comments and generally in doing so they will read the comments or rumors which are far worse than the facts. Actually most of her forums have now turned into hate forums so it is hard it differentiate fact from fiction from blogs etc. see {http://www.jadegoodyonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=221} and {http://www.jadegoodyonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=186}. Wikipedia has never censored its articles or comments etc if they are verifyable. see [3], Prince Henry of Wales, Lewinsky scandal or Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. so why should we remove it form this article. people should know what was actually said and what was not said so that they would not get biased by the article. I think that it becomes even more important in controversial topics like this. merely stating that Jade Goddy is racist is like doing injustice to her as it can be just ordinary bullying, which is common every where. reader should decide it himself. he does not need our help in that. If you do not think that this is correct then I guess that we should discuss the deletion with other wikipedians in the talk section before deleting it. Preetikapoor0 21:31, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

Good argument - i concur. Antonious 20:34, 18 January 2007 (UTC)
Huh? "ordinary bullying, which is common everywhere." Might be in London, but thank goodness, not in most other places. Wallie 00:22, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

People who were "sad" enought (like me) to watch the live streaming saw the whole bullying incident in a different manner. Jade was not responsible for all the bullying but she is blamed for it all like a scapegoat. Shilpa was not innocent, you know. Big Brother's Big Brain did a whole show on how manipulative and controlling Shilpa Sheety was. This was the second BBBB of the series. Shilpa acutally used to confront Jade and Jackiey and this was what annoyed them, When they responded to Shilpa she stepped back and allowed them to take the flack. the point is this: is it okay to incite people to anger and then condemn the when they lose their temper?

I also watched it and agree with the poster above. There were numerous derogatory comments made both to Jade and behind her back by Shilpa and Jermaine, and sometimes Dirk too, regarding her lower class, her accent, her vocabulary, her 'bad' language, her lack of manners, etc. This began as soon as she entered the house. Shilpa and Jermaine also made several comments about Danielles attire and behaviour, as well as her own accent. Jo's accent and behaviour was also mocked by Shilpa and Jermaine. I personally think that bitching about the people you live with is pretty normal, although I have to say I also felt that the classist comments were intentionally derogatory and offensive. Interestingly, earlier in the program, both press and viewers thought Shilpa would be voted out soon exactly because of her snobbiness towards the others. Two days before the first racism allegations (that Jack had said "paki", which has been completely denied by everyone involved including Channel 4 and the Big Brother team), both ex housemates (Carole) and the general media were reporting how honest and down to earth and likeable Jade is, and Jo was one of the favorites to win for similar reasons. Then the apparently false allegation above came out, and that was quickly followed by even more demonstrably false allegations of racism. Such as, that the three girls refused to eat food cooked by Shilpa because she is Indian. That was not what happened, they and everyone else declined to eat a much undercooked chicken. Another example, that Jade had told Shilpa to "get back to the slums". The actual comment was a response to more derogatory classist comments from Shilpa to Jade, and the quote is available on the BBC site: "You're not in Neverland here, you're not no princess here you're normal. You are normal. You are normal Shilpa and learn to live with it. You need a day in the slums. Go in your community and go to all those people who look up to you and be real." http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/6282883.stm. The whole thing has not only been blown out of proportion, with comments like that totally taken out of context as well as apparently deliberately misquoted, probably for maximum effect to sell papers, but I think it has got to the point where false allegations have become urban myth to the extent that no evidence is required, and evidence to the contrary denied or ignored. 02:02, 6 February 2007 (UTC)

A seductively argued interpretation, but in order to believe this you would have to ignore certain facts, such as Danielle saying Shilpa should fuck off home; that she couldnt even speak English properly, that all 3 imitated her accent (in a derogatory way - not in a harmless way); that Jade called her Shilpa Daroopa, Shilpa Fuckawalla, Shilpa Poppadom (a mild form of racial name-calling); that Jackiey never bothered to learn Shilpa's name. Also you have to ignore the fact that Jade ADMITTED there was racial bullying in the house. Whilst it may be true that the press and audience liked Jo's down to earth nature at first, this was before she displayed her nasty side. In Jade's defence, she is just a stupid bully. We can put the Poppadom comment down to stupidity, afterall she though Sherlock Holmes invented the toilet. Jade is being blamed for Danielle's racist comments though which is a bit unfair, but if it keeps her off the TV forever then it will be worthwhile - why do we, as a nation, reward ignorance and stupidity - what kind of a message is it sending out? I also saw the live steaming and I saw Jade bully Shilpa to such an extent one night that she spent the night crying in the toilets. Jade is so stupid she actually thinks that if you bitch about someone behind their back, and then go up to them and tell them in detail what you have been saying about them, that you can't be criticised because "At least I say what Ive got to say to your face". In reality, it is not a virtue to do this, it is actually twice as nasty and twice as spiteful. Im not saying Shilpa was easy to live with - i wouldnt like to live with someone who flushed a chicken carcas down a toilet - but you shouldnt blame the victim for causing their own bullying - that would be like blaming a rape victim for the rape. Victims arent "asking for it". Breed3011 22:32, 6 February 2007 (UTC)

"Danielle saying Shilpa should fuck off home" - *Context* "she couldnt even speak English properly" - *Context* "all 3 imitated her accent" - *Context* Jade muttering "Shilpa Poppadom" - agreed this was daft at best. "Jade is being blamed for Danielle's racist comments though which is a bit unfair, but if it keeps her off the TV forever then it will be worthwhile - why do we, as a nation, reward ignorance and stupidity" - I think Jade stayed famous not because of "stupidity" but because she is open and honest and unpretentious, all qualities I admire. I also resent the idea that only those who have achieved the 'right' education levels are 'worthy'. I know we're not supposed to have 'discussion' on this page but it seems to me theres prejudice and discrimination all over both this talk page and the article itself. "but you shouldnt blame the victim for causing their own bullying" - I dont see Shilpa Shetty as a 'victim', and I don't consider a two-way argument to be bullying either . I think people are being very selective about what they saw, just as the media are very selective about what they show. During the "big oxo cube row" for example, I count no less than eight (and probably there were more) class based insults from Shilpa to Jade, and Jade didnt begin to get angry until she had already been branded a thief amongst other things. People are selectively not seeing those insults because Shilpa made them in a more 'appropriate and dignified' way, but they're still there. The entire portrayal of Shilpa being a "victim" of Jade is a classist portrayal imo. Vee2007 16:39, 10 February 2007 (UTC)

"I resent the idea that only those who have achieved the 'right' education levels are 'worthy'."

I resent the fact that, since multi-channeling, the threshold of what constitutes being a celebrity has been lowered to such an extent that Jade Goody is considered a celebrity. I didnt mind her getting 15 minutes of fame - but how long can someone be famous without having a skill or talent or valid reason to be famous?

This wouldnt have happened a decade ago when there were fewer TV channels and 2 Celebrity magazines. Now anyone who achieves notoriety is a celebrity and the reason it happens is that channels and magazines need celebrities as much as celebrities need exposure - so magazines and programme makers grab literally anyone the public can recognise. Jade merely got a good agent who made the right decisions for her (until CBB5 where the world saw what she was really like).

Also, I think it is quite wrong for you to portray this debate as a discussion about Jade's class. Being working class has NOTHING to do with glorifying ignorance or wallowing in stupidity and it is insulting to me and other working class people for you to infer that insulting someone for being stupid is a classist comment against working class people. Anyway, like most people I didnt know Jade's background until after she was evicted and I then had it rammed by my throat by everyone who has John Noel for an agent.

Stupidity is universal and it is the ONLY reason why Jade achieved notoriety. There are lists of Jade quotes. Lucie Cave, who wrote Jade's autobiography also wrote The World's Stupidest Celebrities... now why didnt she write The World's Most Open, Honest & Unpretentious Celebrities?

The reason is because magazines and cable-channels have realised that infamy is fame too and there's money to be made there - and people who achieve fame for all the wrong reasons are cheaper to hire than genuinely famous people. So the media celebrates their infamy (James Hewitt, Rebecca Loos, Michael Barrymore etc...)

And Big Brother loves to celebrate stupid people, not just Jade - Helen Adams did the same with her stupid quote book - Brian Dowling who was proud of his ignorance hosted the quiz show Brian's Brain where he pitted his wits against children and lost. Why is it cool to be stupid? Why dont you resent the fact that people who celebrate ignorance (what is a dimella, what's an envryio, i like blinking me, East Angular etc...) are rewarded and beloved for their lack of knowledge. My gripe isnt just against Jade - it is against a dumbed down media that celebrates thick bullies and an undiscerning public that lets them get away with it. Not this time though!!! Breed3011 11:31, 11 February 2007 (UTC)

Deletion of a Stupid, Unsourced Sentence

I took out a sentence that said Jade Goody regularly attends Neo-Nazi and KKK meetings. This was unsourced and probably a complete fabrication. TammiMagee 15:59, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

..."probably" being the operative word ;) --Richj1209 20:17, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

1B6, who are you to tell me that i do not have enough experience to edit? I know when things are blatently false and need erasing. Stop being some sort of smart alec!TammiMagee 10:11, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

Tammi - I wouldnt wonder too much about 1BG - if you click here


you will find the real reason for his comment Breed3011 19:19, 1 February 2007 (UTC)

Talk page cleared up

I've just deleted a bunch of stuff from this talk page that doesn't belong here. Please remember that the discussion page is for discussing changes to the article, not for discussing the subject of the article. Also, please bear in mind that the same rules about unsourced negative information on living people apply to the talk page just as much as they do to the article. See Wikipedia:Talk page guidelines and Wikipedia:Biographies of living persons for further information. Thanks. Gasheadsteve 17:04, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

I am aware of this, but I see no good reason why you deleted my comment - "I remember reading in some tabloid a few years ago that Jade Goody's real father, whose name I believe was Andrew Goody, died of a drug overdose in a McDonald's restaurant toilets in London, if I'm not mistaken." This could be verified and added to the article. --HisSpaceResearch 13:30, 19 January 2007 (UTC)
Sorry, I guess I got a bit overzealous with removing messages. There was so much stuff here that was just pure abuse and completely unconstructive, your message obviously got lost in the middle of it. Sorry again. Gasheadsteve 15:32, 19 January 2007 (UTC)
Alright... I've found multiple online sources to support the claim I made, which I will add to the article.--HisSpaceResearch 15:59, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

Ahem. Dear everyone. Please could we change the article. There you go, hope that's helped; it was the best I could do to stay on topic.

Jade Goody.jpg - Fair use?

I've added Jade_Goody.jpg to the profile at the top of the page. Only thing is that it's copyright, and I'm not too sure if it's fair use. Can someone clear this up for me? Thanks Jammie 21:55, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

Interesting question. My interpretation of the rules is that it is fair use for as long as she's locked in the BB house, but not when she comes out. Fair use includes images where a free alternative cannot be created, and seeing as she's locked away noone can make an alternative image, but when she comes out anyone can take a photo of her so it won't be fair use any more. Gasheadsteve 06:39, 19 January 2007 (UTC)
She was on BB in 2002, there have been 4 years to make alternative images..... I'm sure there must be one out there. Ryanuk 07:47, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

Updated information

a record number of more than 32,000 comments have been made to ofcom (on article it say 28,000) could someone update it please

We'll need a source. - Рэдхот(tce) 23:15, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

Net worth source

Just thought I'd note that the source provided is invalid, as its just a Wikipedia mirror. Another source is needed. - Рэдхот(tce) 23:08, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

Seems that she is worth less than that. I have found this quote- How much is she worth? Some reports suggest she has made more than £4million in the past few years; however, someone who works with her told us the figure was nearer £2 million. From The Daily Mail, which isn't the most reliable of sources, but certainly beats answers.com. J Milburn 12:40, 20 January 2007 (UTC)
Oh, someone provided a source while I was writing that. Seems my googling has gone to waste. J Milburn 12:41, 20 January 2007 (UTC)


I have removed this category from the article. She explicitly said that while she understands how her comments could have been interpreted as racist, that that wasn't how she intended them. Therefore this certainly seems to be "potentially libelous". - Рэдхот(tce) 23:23, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

Category:Racism is not a category of racists but a category of articles about racism or racism-related events, even accusations of racism that are disputed. Thus, this belongs here. India Rising 11:16, 20 January 2007 (UTC)
Many people think she is ignorant, rude, aggressive and vulgar but not racist. - Kittybrewster 16:49, 20 January 2007 (UTC)
I believe she is racist along with approximately 82% of the people who voted for Big Brother.Antonious 00:12, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
Maybe they wanted to keep the pretty, educated, polite one! - Kittybrewster 13:37, 21 January 2007 (UTC)

"Maybe they wanted to keep the pretty, educated, polite one!". There are other prejudices and systems of power and oppression than racism. I've seen comments like this (and worse) all over the place - these sorts of comments are both body-fascist and classist. Vee2007 22:13, 4 March 2007 (UTC)

How is it fascist or classist? Let's disect the statement. "Maybe they wanted to keep" In case you dont know Big Brother is a game show. People vote for the person they like the most. There can only be one winner.

pretty: Shilpa Shetty IS a beautiful lady - her career is based on this fact - perhaps that was a contributory factor to her beating Jade in a phone poll. I recall Chantelle won the year before, and Mark Owen is a past winner too.

educated: Is it not a good thing that viewers felt that being ignorant is not desirable. What values do you hold dear?

polite: If someone behaves in an appalling manner displaying a high level of ignorance along the way, and then triggers 82% of a vote against them, it could be said that their politeness was a contributory factor.

Fascists tend to champion ignorance and hatred, appealing to the politics of the lowest common denominator. Would it not have been a victory for fascism if the viewers had sided with the ignorant, aggressive "mob" against the only different contestant?

And you seem to be linking being uneducated and impolite with class. How offensive! Some of the most stupid and impolite people I have ever met were from very wealthy backgrounds. Class has nothing to do with manners. Breed3011 21:54, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

True! I'm educated and I'm from a working class, single-mother background and grew up on a council estate. I'm also beautiful (which is a matter of opinion, so you can't have a go at someone for saying someone is beautiful!) Luke-Samual Ezekiel Cullen 18:45, 9 April 2007 (UTC)


Why are Jade's actions terms as "elitist"? Surely bullying with associated allegations of racism would suffice? Nach0king 14:53, 19 January 2007 (UTC)


Now, I do not like Ms Goody at all but she has certainly not got an elitist bone in her body. In the UK she is a flag-waving member of the lower class and one of her frequent attacks on Shilpa was that the Indian actress was too elitist. Jade Goody has made a name on an anti-elitist front. Some of her comments about Shilpa might have been taken as racist or ignorant, but she didn't make a single comment that could be regarded as elitist. On the contrary, one of her rants at Shilpa was "We're all equal here. You're not some queen".--Zoso Jade 15:44, 20 January 2007 (UTC)

This is what makes the story so crazy. jade is a millionaire and during rehab she too had a diva attitude. She is a hypocrite and a bully and since she no longer is part of the lower class she does not represent them anymore. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) Will (Talk - contribs) 20:25, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

Jade's childhood

There's an interesting article in the current issue of heat magazine, which gives loads of details from Jade's childhood, just wondered if any of it would be of any use to this article, or Jackiey's article. I think it's taken from her forthcoming autobiography. — AnemoneProjectors (talk) 19:40, 20 January 2007 (UTC)

She Can't Be Racist because shes mixed raced?

You can still be racist to a particular race of people even if you are mixed race. Her father was black and mother is white. It doesn't mean they can't discriminate against Asian people. Antonious 00:15, 21 January 2007 (UTC)

And for that matter, my former landlady was mixed race (black/white) and had a violent hatred of black people (she had quite a few 'issues' generally). Probably an unusual case but just shows it can happen. Milvinder 13:16, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
To say you can't be racist, if you have mixed race, means there would be nearly no racists on the planet! Does anyone know a person that is not of mixed raced? I can't think of any. Tony Blair maybe. Even the Queen has mixed blood! Wallie 16:35, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
Yes, but when the component of your ancestry is small enough it becomes negligible. Just because Iain Duncan-Smith is 1/8 Japanese by descent doesn't mean he is Japanese in any meaningful sense of the word, similarly a great many West Indians probably have white descent somewhere along the line but would describe themselves as black. And just because of my ultra-distant Dutch ancestry people are hardly going to consider me Dutch, although having said that during the 1st World War my grandmother's family were forced to put an ad in the local paper to point out that they weren't German. Anyway, there's probably enough for a very long separate article here, it goes rather beyond the scope of Jade Goody (you should see some of the people in the 'Mixed Race People' category - Iain Duncan Smith is one of them!) Milvinder 01:15, 23 January 2007 (UTC)
According to the article, Jade's grandfather was black. It is suggested that Adolf Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Whilst we cannot compare a few ill-chosen, potentially racist comments with the systematic slaughter of 5 million Jews, gypsies and homosexuals, I think that the general point can be considered valid - Anyone can be racist about anyone else. Paul-b4 10:43, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

As with most of that kind of semi- British, semi- black, she's insecure about herself and so she insults another person about their race.

Willem989 12:04, 3 February 2007 (UTC)

Can't say I know that to be true and I'm certain she isn't consciously aware of it. I think Jade has a lot of problems related to being undereducated and not properly brought up which have left her to form her own opinions and understandings of the world based on very little knowledge. Her race is one possible factor but only if it's been made an issue of in the past - maybe by other family members. Most people rarely spend much time thinking about race unless it has been a personal factor in their lives, or a political factor in their communities, or they are Americans (who seem obsessed!). --JamesTheNumberless 12:21, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

Channel 4 'Briefing'

(Channel 4) Pre-briefed Goody about the reaction outside, probably from the Thursday evening

Channel 4 has gone on the record to deny this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/6284563.stm Might have to remove this line. Indisciplined 16:08, 21 January 2007 (UTC)

Actually i guess, you misunderstood the citation. According to the BBC - they do say that Producers insist the housemates have not been told about the storm of criticism surrounding the programme. but they also say that A Channel 4 spokeswoman admitted Big Brother had intervened in the latest row - but only to make contestants "realise that what they have said has been misconstrued in the house". The idea, she said, was to allow the housemates "to explain themselves" to their fellow inmates.. In other words contestants now at least have an idea of what is going on outside. see Are housemates aware of race row? BBC. Also Jade said inside the house before she left: "I know why there's no noise." When Shilpa asked "Why?" Jade replied: "I know, but I can't tell you." NO CROWD NO SHOCK.. NO REALITY Shame of Jade's stage-managed exit Mirror Preetikapoor0 14:29, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
What could be more clear? "Channel 4 has denied warning Jade Goody about the racism storm surrounding Big Brother and coaching her before she left the show to minimise the damage." "A spokeswoman said Goody 'was not coached by [production company] Endemol or Channel 4' before her eviction."
Did you not watch CBB? Jade was talking to Big Brother about having a crowd there (in her words, "I don't no crowd there or any of that nonsense"), so when there was no crowd she immediately put 2+2 together: This is BIG. For many years people have said "Jade is dumb, but she must be smart in some way to have made a success of herself", and here we got to witness what she's actually good at; understanding how the media works. She's utterly useless at everything else, but there's a reason she's become so popular, she's not totally dumb. Johnny "ThunderPeel2001" Walker 23:40, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
In an interview with the Daily Star, Jade admitted that, during her final hours in the Channel 4 house, Big Brother had revealed that her abuse of Shilpa had ruined her own “girl-next-door” image.Evicted Jade talks exclusively to the Daily Star. That makes it pretty clear. As this is an interview, it can not be a rumor. You can also see that she did not show any surprise after hearing the news of eviction. Preetikapoor0 00:11, 22 January 2007 (UTC)
Sorry to throw this one in, people, but what about the fact(?) that Jade's eviction wasn't actually shown live - I heard that she was released 10 minutes after the result was announced, and spent a good deal of time being "prepped" by "her people" before Davina's interview (which was also pre-recorded.) Paul-b4 10:43, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

I have attended several evictions and most interviews are started during the break. This allows for editing out anything undesirable. Although it is live when there are issues things change. After Jo and Cleo's eviction a fight started out and no one wsa allowed to take food or drinks into the eviction for fear that they would be hurled at the evictees. There was a LOT of extra security measures and we were not even allowed to stay until after the interviews. we were ushered home as soon as Jo and Cleo were ushered through the press to the studio.

shilpa shetty's comments

Removing shilpa shetty's comments. She is still inside the house and does not know what jade said behind her back. So I guess, we should not put her comments in the article now. let her come out. Preetikapoor0 19:02, 21 January 2007 (UTC)

Which comments? I think Shilpa heard the worst of everything Jade said! What comments specifically are you referring to? Johnny "ThunderPeel2001" Walker 23:41, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
Shilpa didn't hear the vast majority of the "offending" comments. "Shilpa Poppadom", "She should just fuck off home","She can't speak English properly", where they made fun of her accent, just to name a few.--Zoso Jade 23:59, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
Jade did NOT say those comments. Please check your facts before altering a Wikipedia article, thanks.Johnny "ThunderPeel2001" Walker 13:50, 22 January 2007 (UTC)
some other examples. "I've seen how she goes in and out of people's arseholes"and -Shilpa's head is so high up her ass that she can smell her own shit. Preetikapoor0 00:20, 22 January 2007 (UTC)
These comments were made to her face.Johnny "ThunderPeel2001" Walker 13:50, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

She was made aware of the "Shilpa Poppadom" comment. I think it is fair to add Shilpa's comments, but make a note that she is still in the house and may not be aware of all of what was said.- Deathrocker 08:41, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

She was made aware of "Shilpa Poppadom" after she stated Jade isn't racist.--Zoso Jade 13:24, 22 January 2007 (UTC)
Totally agree with Zoso Jade. Let her comeout. Let her listen to everything. Let her decide. Then only we should put her comments. Preetikapoor0 19:54, 22 January 2007 (UTC)
(I think that) I have seen in print all of Goody's offending words and actions and I can't see anything racist about any of them. What, for example, is racist about calling Shilpa "Shilpa Popadom"? Is "popadom" an offensive word? Do Indian people not eat popadoms?

You don't understand what racism is. Racism isn't just about using a few taboo words anymore. Words are only offensive if the motivation behind uttering them is to be offensive and hurtful. Many black American say "nigger" to reclaim the word from racists - therefore the word "nigger" isn't necessarily racist. Similarly "poppadom" isnt normally an offensive word but the context Jade used it in was motivated by racism (which she admitted) ie What was Jade's motivation for saying it? She used it in the context of bitching behind her back. If Jade found Shilpa so irritating she could have called her Shilpa Whiney-voice or Shilpa Control-freak but Jade chose to mock the fact she is Indian - ie she racially mocked Shilpa.

Of course, discerning what people's motives are is a subjective thing and a hard thing to prove - which is the reason why this debate has become so large and the reason why channel 4 found it difficult to decide when to intervene. The racism is not overt (apart from a few Danielle comments). It is subtle and each example of Jade's bullying could be explained away as something else ie envy, clash of class, clash of culture, girly rivalry, scape goating. "Shilpa Poppadom" was the only example of an outright race based insult that Jade uttered which is the reason it has been leapt on as it proves there was a racial element to the bullying even if it wasnt the main reason. That is why Jade was forced to admit it was racism and why BB intervened on that instance. Breed3011 23:07, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

Cleanup tag

I added the cleanup tag; the article needs wikification, cleanup and standardisation of punctuation and spacing around refs, and some cleanup and tightening of the prose. Anchoress 01:12, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

I've removed the tag as generally it is in a lot better condition. The lead needs working on, but progress has been made. Regan123 23:37, 17 May 2007 (UTC)

Autobiography axed?

I read in London's Evening_Standard that "Disgraced Goody's autobiography axed". It reads that "HarperCollins had been due to publish "Jade: My Autobiography" on 5th of February but bosses at the publishing house have pulled the plug as a result of Goody's alleged racially motivated bullying of fellow contestant Shilpa Shetty."

This is refering only to the paperback version.

I don't want to add this into the article without an online source, which I cannot find. However, this is sourced; I uploaded a picture of the article here (note: I didn't upload to Wikipedia because it won't be used in an article). Thoughts? JoshHolloway 16:06, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

Found a source at The BBC (paragraph 5). Added to article. JoshHolloway 17:01, 25 January 2007 (UTC)


I replaced the heading "Comeuppance" with "Aftermath". Comeuppance insinuates she deserved to have her windows smashed, and that being insulted by Katie Price is some kind of punishment. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Kronix1986 (talkcontribs) 18:26, 25 January 2007 (UTC).

Paper back release of Jade: My Autobiography

I read in the Daily Express today that the publishing company will not be re-releasing Jade's biography in paperback. I'm going to look for some confirmation now. This would be relevant material to include right? Mazten 23:16, 26 January 2007 (UTC)

See Talk:Jade Goody#Autobiography axed? :). JoshHolloway 18:45, 28 January 2007 (UTC)

Running career

[5]. Say no more. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 15:07, 27 January 2007 (UTC).

Top Gear

I found Clarksons comment, on TopGear last night, quite funny. He called Jade Goody a 'Racist, Pigfaced, Waste of Blood and Organs'. Although, I wouldn't agree that she is racist! 21:24, 1 February 2007 (UTC) JemmyH.

And? This is a talk page for the article, not a forum discussing the subject. JoshHolloway 15:45, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
That was nice and civil wasn't it? This is Zanusi 10:10, 6 November 2007 (UTC)

Invited to go to India

In the wikipedia page it says that Jade's invitation to India was actually a joke. This is not so. She was and still is welcomed to visit India except that she won't be given VIP treatment such as Indian officals escorting her here and there. She will have to apply for a visa and visit India like any other tourist said a spokesman of the foreign department of India. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 14:51, 5 February 2007 (UTC).

Sexist adjectives

The section "personal life" partly reads: "an alleged affair Tweed had with 32F blonde model Anna Houghton". Is it necessary to describe her in that tabloidesque and clearly sexist way? Why not just Anna Houghton, or at a push, model Anna Houghton? Why is it necessary to include her breast size and hair colour? 02:11, 6 February 2007 (UTC).

Agreed. I've removed the offending terms. VoluntarySlave 02:47, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
I suppose there is an argument to be made that if someone is happy to get fame and fortune from something then using that thing as an adjective is fair game. You would say footballer David Beckham, but not footballer Tony Blair even though Mr. Blair also plays the game. If Houghton was famous for being a TV presenter, for eaxmple, then I would agree that putting in her breast size and hair colour would be inappropriate. However, she has made a living off her blonde hair and large breasts; I don't see why it is then not all right to use them as the main adjectives to sum her person, or her achievements in life. I believe the word "model" is both misleading and an insult to real models. She doesn't model clothing. She just stands around for men to stare at her breasts.--Zoso Jade 08:16, 6 February 2007 (UTC)

There is a term for that though, it is called "glamour modelling". The equivalent of mentioning her breast size, for your David Beckham analogy, would perhaps be to mention his shoe size. Which would just be ridiculous, wouldn't it. 18:58, 7 February 2007 (UTC).

I dont think your shoe size analogy holds up very well - David Beckham isnt famous for his shoe size. The equivalent would be something like Free-Kick Maestro David Beckham - as this is the phrase which best describes his prowess on the football pitch. Anna Houghton's prowess in her profession is her bra size which means 32F is an acceptable adjective. I agree that glamour model is more tasteful and more appropriate for this article - but outlawing 32F as a way to describe a model who bases her career on having 32F size breasts seems a bit like thought police to me.

Agree with the above poster; if you could find me a person with extremely large feet, then I would have no problem with mentioning the person's shoe-size before their name as an adjective (Beckham and the sport of football have nothing to do with shoe-sizes). If there is anything sexist about this, it may be that you are being hyper-sensitive; if Houghton had been 7ft tall and famous for this, would you have complained if that was used an adjective? Why is her breast size an issue?--Zoso Jade 16:20, 15 February 2007 (UTC)

Domestic violence allegation

I'd be grateful if someone could add the source http://www.people.co.uk/tm_objectid=14223527&method=full&siteid=55768&headline=jade-tried-to-knife-me-name_page.html to section 5 'personal life' sentence 2 'Brazier accused Goody of domestic violence'. This is too serious an accusation to not be directly attributed. Thanks - I'd do it but am a newbie so probably can't (and am a bit daunted by the page anyway). --Stelling 19:12, 7 February 2007 (UTC)

Done, thanks for finding the reference. Gasheadsteve 20:21, 7 February 2007 (UTC)

POV slant

Since her time on CBB7, this article has become VERY negative against her. There is no mention, for example, of the way that she turned her situation around in BB3 by becoming liked. Thus being able to forge the 5 year media career that followed. Triangle e 02:43, 25 February 2007 (UTC)

I dont think this article contains any slanted POV at all - It is fully referenced and sourced. If Jade comes over in a negative light, perhaps there are better reasons for this other than blaming slanted authorship. Furthermore, your assertion that Jade "turned her situation around in BB3 by becoming liked - thus able to forge the 5 year media career that followed" is completely your POV. Can you back up your opinions with references to prove your assertion? I personally disagree with your original research.

One could just as easily describe her "rise to fame" as having had the good fortune to have ridden out her unpopularity in BB3 because there were no nominations during the weeks when she became a hate figure (Kate and PJ had to draw lots) and o nominations the following week - consequently staying in long after she should have done. Meanwhile, The Sun and other opinion-formers like Graham Norton were going overboard with their anti-Jade campaigns to such an extent that Jade could have been lynched on her exit. They realised what they were doing and begun to champion her agressive stupidity instead of making fun of it and the Great Unwashed followed suit (we are such sheep!). After she left the house she got a good agent who sheltered her from criticism and made very good choices for her.

Part of this is POV and just as unacceptable as your POV... unless it can be backed up with references. Breed3011 11:33, 25 February 2007 (UTC)

I found references and sources on how the public began to like Jade in Big Brother and have added to the article Breed3011 22:22, 25 February 2007 (UTC)

The reason why the article had such a negative slant to it is wholly to do with the authorship. Before CBB5, this article was not as disparaging to her at the time as to what it has now become. The article selectively highlighted all her negative points and has attempted to erase from history the sort of quaint stupidity that she became infamous for in order to portray her as some sort of uberidiot. Despite the good references that you've provided, the tone of the article is still wholly perjorative. The article makes it sound like she is universally hated. Triangle e 23:52, 25 February 2007 (UTC)

Actually you do make a fair point - the article is probably being edited by people who are not Jade fans - which does mean that there is a focus on negative points. I think we could address this with a paragraph or two at the start of Media career to explain how she developed a loyal fanbase who saw her as "ditzy", "girl next door" or "quaintly stupid" - that would add balance and also explain how she has been able to keep her career going for so long. It would need to be referenced though and cannot just make POV assertions without sources. My fingers are tired- anybody want to write it? (if you dont have access rights to the article, write it below and I'll put it in) Breed3011 11:35, 26 February 2007 (UTC)

The BB3 section seems very questionable to me, now. Who says there was any "campaign" against Jade? A Wikipedia article should not refer to this as "cruel" either, it's supposed to be neutral. 17:43, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

I think you will find it is perfectly sourced and completely verifiable. The Sun led a hate campaign against Jade during the first half of BB3. Look in the Sun's archives if you find this questionable. Graham Norton also led a campaign against Goody then completely swung the other way and pretended he'd been behind her all along. For a glimps of what effect this campaign had on public opinion and some of Norton's Jade Goody jokes click http://groups.google.co.uk/groups/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=graham+norton+jade+

i will remove cruel though.Breed3011 03:22, 10 March 2007 (UTC)

India today

There is quite a nice article about her in "india today" (1-3-2007) but I only have a paper copy/scan. It contains some information about her own childhood and her visits in India and to two SOS Children's Villages there. Anyone know where there is an online version? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by BozMo (talkcontribs) 08:35, 3 March 2007 (UTC).

Protection policy

I can see a lock in the top-right corner of this page, but an anon managed to add nonsense to the article in spite of it. Is there something wrong with the page? Or was it a one-time bug? - xC - | 12:54, 3 March 2007 (UTC)

singel picture

would it be in interest of the wiki..to have one singel photo of jade in the top of the article,like shilpa and so on??--Matrix17 09:48, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

If you have a photo, then by all means upload it to wikimedia commons. Remember that it has to be licensed with Creative Commons, GPL, Public Domain or similar. --Strangnet 11:06, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

Well done

To the contributors of this article, I would like to say a big well done for all of the thorough referencing you've done. Keep up the good work. Ahadland 00:02, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

There is no point in defending this page from vandals

Hey Everyone,

As much as you might hate vandalism, if you have ever seen or heard Jade Goody then you will understand why her page gets continually vandalised and moreover the vandalism is thoroughly warranted as it reflects the utter hatred for this putrid woman amongst the general public. So it totally bewilders me why anyone in their right mind would want to protect this woman’s page, she deserves everything that comes to her.

If you dont know who Jade Goody is i suggest you read the article thoroughly; in short she is arguably the most hated woman in the UK. I suggest you think twice before defending her page in the future.


There is no justification for vandalism. FelisLeoTalk! 09:32, 21 March 2007 (UTC)
I would normally agree FelisLeo but i believe jade goody is an exception. The vandalism only relects the consensus opinion.. can we not have a vote on whether to go with the true version of how aweful she actually is or with the current article which is massively understated. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)
Wikipedia is about NPOV. Adding derogatory remarks about someone isn't part of that - telling about her actions in a neutral way is. A vote about whether to have a competition about how much negative slur "people" want is just silly. --Strangnet 16:06, 21 March 2007 (UTC)
We are here to write a neutral encyclopedia, not start hate pages. You may not want to revert vandalism on this page, but I and all the other committed Wikipedians out there do, and will. LibLord 17:23, 21 March 2007 (UTC)
No-one's vandalised Adolf A. Hitler's page!! Luke-Samual Ezekiel Cullen 18:54, 9 April 2007 (UTC)
This seems like a joke discussion, doesn't it? In fact, I would say that the original poster here was likely just a troll, and you fell right for it.-h i s s p a c e r e s e a r c h 21:48, 22 June 2007 (UTC)
Yes, and your own contribution to the discussion was equally as pointless as the discussion itself. LibLord 22:38, 22 June 2007 (UTC)

have put a deletion tag, have your say

So now i have put on a deletion tag on jade goody and its up to the readers if it will be deleted or not. because of all the vandalizm and the disrespect of jad ei guess and also because its not totally notable.--Matrix17 13:49, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

Jade Goody is clearly notable. Vandalism is not a problem without a simple solution. LibLord 16:33, 22 March 2007 (UTC)


I know wikipedia isn't a place for this but I found this joke and have to show it :}

A Jade Goody article that never made it into her wikipedia article

Dame Professor Jade Cerisa Lorraine Goody (born June 5, 1981) is a British academic and writer who specialises in the fields of nuclear physics, chemistry, Ancient Greek mythology, astronomy and 19th century Russian literature. She gained a first class honours degree at Balliol College, Oxford University and had earned her doctorate by the age of 23, for a groundbreaking thesis on interplanetary dust.

She is a two-time winner of the Nobel prize (in literature and physics), an honorary fellow of Harvard University, a Dame Commander of the British Empire and a recipient of the Legion d'Honneur and the Congressional Gold Medal. She has written over 100 books and articles and is fluent in at least 18 languages, including French, Spanish, German, Greek, Arabic, Latin, Cantonese, Hindi, Aramaic and Russian. Goody is considered to be one of history's great thinkers, on a par with Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci and Albert Einstein. She was also voted the sexiest woman in the world by FHM readers in 2006. (unsigned post)

WP:BJAODN.-h i s s p a c e r e s e a r c h 01:22, 23 April 2007 (UTC)

Possible Reality TV series

Jade seems likely to star in her own Reality TV series as producers vie to sign her up for a show highlighting her relationship with Jack Tweed. Nothing like a good trainwreck! Here's the source: What's-on-TV —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Bigdaddyhame (talkcontribs) 17:10, 9 April 2007 (UTC). {{editprotected}}

Wikipedia is not the place for rumours. Declined request. Harryboyles 12:37, 15 April 2007 (UTC)


What a large article for someone with no merit or talent whatsoever. It's longer than most articles about British politicians for God's sake! 16:27, 27 June 2007 (UTC)

She's more famous than most politicians. — AnemoneProjectors (zomg!) 22:41, 27 June 2007 (UTC)

It's just a bias attack ad against Jade and for Shipla!--Moron Mareanas. (talk) 08:46, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

Myspace page

The link to Goody's myspace page near the bottom of the page is formatted incorrectly. More importantly, I don't see any reason to believe that this myspace page (http://www.myspace.com/jadegoody) actually belongs to Jade Goody. Pvanheus 10:24, 29 August 2007 (UTC) pvanheus


I was wondering should Jack have his own page. He's pretty well known, & is definetly more noteable than Jackie!--Hiltonhampton 15:46, 4 September 2007 (UTC)


This article is extremely biased in a negative light towards Jade. There is little (infact basically nothing) about her personal life)which is what she is famous for. There is hardly any mention of her perfume, which is being sold again and outselling shettys. There is no mention of her miscarriage in personal life,her relationship with abusive footballer (cant remember his name) nor about her family or personal life, or children. The article is also littered with information which is unsourced, and biased. It seems people are determined this article should be negative. Truth please...no opinions. This is wikipedia...not a soap box. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:33, 13 October 2007 (UTC)

There have been numerous recent edits to make this article more balanced, and you are more than welcome to add information that you think is relevant, just please ensure reliable sources are added to back the information up. Sue Wallace 20:23, 23 October 2007 (UTC)

I agree, it's just an attack page!--Moron Mareanas. (talk) 08:22, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

The incodent was blown out of all propotion by a rating's hungary British press.--Moron Mareanas. (talk) 08:44, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

Can you provide a Reliable Source that this has been "blown out of proportion" ? This article looks like it has improved recently, and seems well referenced. Your adding of Speedy Deletion tags was not the way to resolve issues, so thank you for now coming to the talk page to address your concerns. Pedro :  Chat  08:48, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

You should have seen the insessant [BBC] and [Channel 4] TV coverage of it in the [UK] at the time, man!--Constipation vally (talk) 10:15, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

I did. And please do not use single purpose accounts for this. It will not help. Pedro :  Chat  10:17, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

I see there is STILL no mention of Jade's perfume being sold again, her autobiography, her personal life is ridiculously short, no mention of her business, the way she turned things around etc. It is all negative and biased, and is unsourced and not a good wiki article at all. Jade was, prior to Celeb BB a MASSIVE tabloid star and still is. There is no mention of her various shows on living tv etc.

PLEASE...Make this a GOOD article. Jade is the biggest thing to come out of BB and yet this article is rubbish! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:34, 15 December 2007 (UTC)


I feel that the fact that this event is not included in the article is a case of people taking WP:RS too far. It was reported in multiple newspapers. At least it could be said in the article that "It was reported that Goody suffered a miscarriage in national newspapers on [whatever date]", which doesn't assert it as pure fact (in accordance with WP:NPOV), but asserts it as something that was widely reported in newspapers and if it actually happened would be a major life event for her. Thoughts?--h i s s p a c e r e s e a r c h 01:00, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

It does sometimes annoy me when people remove significant chunks of text along with large numbers of citations to reliable sources and remove material in an attempt to clean up an article, whereas in reality a lot of that material could well be relevant. Yes, articles should be NPOV and should not go beyond a certain article size, but at the same time we should be able to give an encyclopedic biographical article without doing harm to the article's subject (BLP) yet include much of this information. The idea of removing news reports doesn't appeal to me as they are reliable sources in many cases.--h i s s p a c e r e s e a r c h 01:07, 20 December 2007 (UTC)
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